View Full Version : Hello Minimalists!

5-31-12, 11:59am
You can call me Pel or Fishy.

I'm called as such because I love the ocean, lakes, rain storms.. I've a strong affinity for water. I also like meditation, going outside and walking(would love to try hiking), writing - obsessively in my notebook of my thoughts - helps me think. I am into the Paleo diet, walking barefoot, and swimming. And.. playing with my 14 month old son! As of today! http://www.simplelivingforum.net/images/smilies/8834%5B1%5D.gif

Yet, despite the joy he gives me... I'm dissatisfied with life, so I've come here for like-minded people knowledgeable in the lifestyle I desperately seek.

I live with my in-laws while we try to find jobs/find a way to make money to get a place of our own. But it's been difficult. My fiance builds/fixes computers, while I'm looking to start an infant clothing business with my MIL. Minimalist Living was something I wanted before our son was born. We told the grandparents to limit toys.. now he has a huge cardboard box over flooding(well, half-that now, I've been slowly taking away some). A ride-on car, a ride-on musical, light-up plane, a rocking horse.. And I realise, even with all these toys, he is dissatisfied with life. He could have all his toys out around him, or just a few, and he'll look up at me and cry to nurse, and I KNOW it's because he's bored. Meanwhile, I take him outside, and unless he's hungry, or wanting to go to bed, or maybe too hot, no fussing at all. And outside "all he has" is grass, sticks, leaves, and pine cones.

We do Elimination Communication. He's been wearing underwear since 13 months(it WAS going to be 12 months but his thighs hadn't shrunk enough to fit into them, lol), and wets ONLY when I miss his cues. Night included.

I am heavy into Primal living, which is simple in itself, and would have no issues living outside without tv or computers...except the only contact I have with friends is through the computer. I've been reluctant to even get my license, because I've never had a desire to drive, and always entertained the thought of cart-training two donkeys to take me where I needed to go. I plan on growing a veggie garden and living off that with meat from the butcher and what we hunted ourselves.

So I've been donating clothes, and things I don't use, and trying to make my life satisfying. I read an article last night that it explained this well.. From the time we graduate high school we work to live. But how is that living?

I look forward to chatting with you all http://www.simplelivingforum.net/images/smilies/8834%5B1%5D.gif

5-31-12, 12:06pm

Being in water brings me a tremendous sense of freedom too!
That and in the mountains.

You will love it here.
I know there is one other EC mom here on the boards for sure, maybe more I don't know.

5-31-12, 1:50pm

Being in water brings me a tremendous sense of freedom too!
That and in the mountains.

You will love it here.
I know there is one other EC mom here on the boards for sure, maybe more I don't know.

Thanks! I saw her post in a cloth diapering thread that I was reading before I got validated. :)

I'm hoping to teach my son to swim at the lake here this summer :)

Float On
5-31-12, 1:59pm
Welcome - another water lover here. If I didn't have my kayak I'd go crazy. It's my calming place.

We did very few toys when the boys were little. One of my greatest joys is that neither one of them "hold on to things" either. At a very young age both said they were done with toys and would rather have books than anything.

I get anxious in that "I want my totally simple life now" and I'm still waiting for my husband to come around.

5-31-12, 2:21pm
Welcome - another water lover here. If I didn't have my kayak I'd go crazy. It's my calming place.

We did very few toys when the boys were little. One of my greatest joys is that neither one of them "hold on to things" either. At a very young age both said they were done with toys and would rather have books than anything.

I get anxious in that "I want my totally simple life now" and I'm still waiting for my husband to come around.

I found a site yesterday as well, that listed that as a positive to giving your child few toys. They appreciate books, arts, and music earlier, they argue less with siblings, are more respectful of their toys, go outside and play more, etc etc.. I can't deny it. My son's proven it over and over. He fusses less when he has less. I can see how some would see it as being "bored with their toys" but really they're bored BECAUSE of them.

My fiance has most of the "stuff" around here. Mainly electronics and computer things. But as long as I clean up my and our son's stuff I'm good. :)

5-31-12, 2:33pm

I'm interested in others who are into more primal ways of life, mainly because I really think we, as a society, need to take about ten steps backward--or at least try to take the "good" of the new without throwing out the "good" of the old--which is what we do too frequently. I'm anxious to hear what you have to say about your journey.

5-31-12, 2:45pm
Absolutely. But unfortunately it isn't a journey that's gonna start until we move out of our in-laws' place =\ Right now I'm just reducing my and our son's "stuff". Learning to knit as pretty much a life skill, want to learn how to identify plants, make a hammock..Thinking we'll probably raise chickens and rabbits free-range for meat and eggs. If I could pluck all my friends from where they live and settle together outside,with a medicine man/woman, I'd be set for life. Don't think that'll fly with my fiance though. When my son's eating the majority of his calories in solids, I'd like to go to college and become a midwife, and help women birth - at home - :)

I agree taking 10 steps back. Follow what our animal brethren do. Learn from them. Again.

5-31-12, 6:00pm
Welcome aboard, Acquius.

I don't have kids, but in blogs I've read and on the boards here, parents have talked about rotating toys to keep them fresh. If the gifting is an issue, perhaps this would help curb it. "It's not that he doesn't have enough, we just rotate them to keep them fresh." Rather than MIL or whoever is the person who love to give her DGS toys seeing that he only has a handful, so he must not have enough!! I know that's how my mom, bless her heart, would see it.

Focus on what you CAN do while living with your in-laws. I respect your vision for your life but it won't happen overnight no matter if you had your own place or not. Focus on the positives of living with them such as the savings you can sock toward your goals, the joy of your son being able to spend time daily with his grandparents, etc. Easier said than done, I know! But hang around here and you will get lots of ideas. :)

6-1-12, 1:37am
Welcome aboard, Acquius.

I don't have kids, but in blogs I've read and on the boards here, parents have talked about rotating toys to keep them fresh. If the gifting is an issue, perhaps this would help curb it. "It's not that he doesn't have enough, we just rotate them to keep them fresh." Rather than MIL or whoever is the person who love to give her DGS toys seeing that he only has a handful, so he must not have enough!! I know that's how my mom, bless her heart, would see it.

Focus on what you CAN do while living with your in-laws. I respect your vision for your life but it won't happen overnight no matter if you had your own place or not. Focus on the positives of living with them such as the savings you can sock toward your goals, the joy of your son being able to spend time daily with his grandparents, etc. Easier said than done, I know! But hang around here and you will get lots of ideas. :)

I have heard of this theory. And I've definitely heard it works. I've decided to box up the toys that aren't his absolute favorites(if we donate them will be a decision that will take a long time, since these are mostly toys given to him from his great aunts, or toys that were my cousins', and I have morality issues with that), and rotate a few of those. They may not understand it, but it is the truth. No point for them taking up space in the box :)

I get your point. It's just..living here isn't always that pleasant. We just want to have our own life, not be bothered by all the "stuff"(..Which I didn't realize would be so hard to get rid of, by the by). But we know it's going to take time.

Thanks :)