View Full Version : so, how are you labeling images on a CD?

iris lily
1-30-11, 6:40pm
I've got 20 images on a CD. How in te world do I impart what those images represent?

Will I have to make a separate sheet of paper to go with the CD? I haven't even loaded it. I don't know what order they are in.

1-31-11, 2:22pm
Can you label each file before you burn them on the CD? On my computer I can open an image, right-click on it and bring up a menu that includes "rename" and type in a descriptive name for it. Then when I play the CD on another computer each image has its own label.
Or, if all of the images are a single group, like "Christmas 2010" you can write that on the top side of the CD with a felt marker.
I hope that helps, I'm no expert!

Zoe Girl
2-1-11, 5:39pm
I agree with that, and if you make the CD yourself that is a great option. If you making the CD at someplace like a photo developing store then you have the chance to get an index print. I work at the photo lab of a retailer on the weekends and when we make CD's of images then it automatically prints an index print, small thumbnail images of everything on that CD. For awhile it printed on a label which was very nice but now we just get a separate print. I think that I could create an index print from a CD of images so you could call around and see if a photo shop had that capability

iris lily
2-1-11, 10:07pm
hmmm, thanks for these responses. I didn't know that you could create on online index, nor did I know about the indexs print.