View Full Version : Greetings!

Real Sustainable Habits
7-9-12, 3:23pm
Greetings all! We're newcomers to the forum. Here's a little bit about us: We're early thirties, living in Milwaukee, WI. Wife works at a title company and Husband is an adjunct college professor. We just recently started a blog to help people develop more positive lifestyle habits, and we will soon begin work on writing a book series covering the main topics of our blog. We both have a natural tendency towards frugality (haven't owned a car since 2007, simple vegetarian homecooked diet, thrift-store shopping, paid off mortgage, 50%+ savings rate, etc.).

We read through YMOYL last year, and it immediately clicked, since we had been inclined that way and actually doing much of it (e.g. reducing expenses & increasing savings rate) for many years. It was really great to see an actual book out there about this, however, and even more encouraging to find a community of others with the same concern. We've just dipped our toes into the forums. Lots of great discussion! We're looking forward to reading up and participating!

7-9-12, 4:02pm
Welcome! Like your blog so looking forward to your input.

7-9-12, 4:03pm
Hi real sustainable, Nice to have you here on the boards. Sounds like you will have a lot to share and there are many creative and simple living people here who will make it very interesting for you. Look forward to chatting with you on the threads.

Real Sustainable Habits
7-11-12, 9:15am
Thanks, guys!

7-19-12, 12:16pm
Welcome RSH! Nice blog!