View Full Version : The political calls are constant now

iris lily
7-11-12, 9:23pm
For the moment I wish I could transport myself to a different zip code, or at least experience some intelligent specific targeting of my household.
Because 90+% of my zip code votes Democratic I am subject to these stupid pollers who just assume I'm one of the sheep. The other day I participated in a multiple choice question poll asking about who I would vote for if the election was held today: Dem Candidate #1 or #2 or #3 or "I've not made up my mind yet"

Hellooooo! I've made up my mind and it is NONE of 1 - 3 candidates. There was no answer appropriate for me.

Stupid people.

At least the poller tonight, after collecting demographic info, politely asked if I was likely to vote Dem or Repub in the primary, and promptly ended the call after my answer. That seemed reasonable to me.

7-11-12, 9:24pm
I just hang up.

7-11-12, 9:31pm
Put your number on the "do not call" list.


Takes 2 seconds then you won't be bothered any more.

I don't think all people who vote democratic are sheep. If this is so offensive to you why are you participating in polls? It doesn't sound like a legitimate poll but rather a ploy to suggest to you that you should be voting democratic.

iris lily
7-11-12, 9:33pm
Well ya know, bae, I like to remind the people at the other end of the line that there ARE voters in my zip code who are not blue. If I don't stand up and tell them, how do you think we will ever get recognized and get some Republican representation around here? The state Republican party writes off St. Louis. I think that there are a whole lot more Ron Paul sympathizers around here than the entrenched Democratic machine will ever admit. These urban pioneers who brought back neighborhoods in this city are a tough lot and are independent souls, and some of them might just pull that Paul lever if given a little nudge.

iris lily
7-11-12, 9:40pm
... It doesn't sound like a legitimate poll but rather a ploy to suggest to you that you should be voting democratic.

No, I'm sure it was a legitimate poll, just a poorly designed one.

I'm sensitive to those "we want your opinion now send us money" pseudo-polls.

7-11-12, 9:43pm
Unless things have changed, Do Not Call doesn't work for charities or political callers. Me, I turned off my ringer years ago. That said, I'd kind of enjoy a chat with a Republican pollster, especially one of Rob McKenna's minions.

I had a candidate or his representative on my doorstep today, but I ignored him. And then I got a No Solicitors sign.

In my youth, I was fond of voting for losing causes: John Anderson, Shirley Chisholm, maybe more. The first presidential candidate I ever voted for who won was Bill Clinton. Bless his randy little heart.

7-11-12, 9:43pm
Put your number on the "do not call" list.


Takes 2 seconds then you won't be bothered any more.

Actually, if I recall correctly, congress specifically exempted political calls from the do not call law.

iris lily
7-11-12, 9:55pm
Actually, if I recall correctly, congress specifically exempted political calls from the do not call law.

They are so wise, I hope you all continue to re-elect them. They have only our best interest at heart.

7-11-12, 10:01pm
iris, we have gotten no political calls yet and my congressional district will be a hot one, with a tea party congresswoman in place. When we do get a call I am very nice and I engage them asking where they are calling from etc. and they eventually hang up on me. It is none of their business who I intend to vote for.

7-11-12, 10:14pm
I'm not interested in engaging with any of those callers, democratic, republican, tea party, green party, whatever. So I don't. They are easy to identify on caller ID, and I have better things to get mad about. For example, the resident elk took a big chunk out of my honeycrisp apple tree. Damned 800-pound locusts....

7-11-12, 10:16pm
I continually bless the person who invented Caller ID. I have software on my (smart)phone which tries to match the caller's number to my phone's address book. No match? No ring. I don't even have to interrupt what I'm doing to look at the phone and see if I want to take the call. They'll leave a message if it's important (I'm notified of those right away). For all those exempt from the Do Not Call list, it never is important enough to leave a message. Too darn many people abusing the privilege of using my phone and my time....

iris lily
7-11-12, 10:16pm
iris, we have gotten no political calls yet ...

We've been getting calls for weeks now, and I get one 3X weekly. We vote in every election and the candidates know that, so that's why they always work our household. But I'm not sure why there are so many Robo calls. We make political donations, so that makes us high profile as well.

7-11-12, 10:19pm
In addition to the phone calls, i am not looking forward to the barrage of campaign and Super-PAC ads. It really creams my corn to think that people are going to spend billions of dollars on advertising when that money could go to so many better uses. And it tells me there's really something far more at stake here than the billions being spent electing their candidate.

7-11-12, 10:41pm
Well ya know, bae, I like to remind the few people at the other end of the line that there ARE voters in my zip code who are not blue. If I don't stand up and tell them, how do you think we will ever get recognized and get some Republican representation around here? The state Republican party writes off St. Louis. I think that there are a whole lot more Ron Paul near-supporters around here than the entrenched Democratic machine will ever admit. These urban pioneers who brought back neighborhoods in this city are a tough lot and are independent souls, and some of them might just pull that Paul lever if given a little nudge.,

We off set each other. I live in a repuk area of California. All of our politicians are conservative. I think I am the only blue person in the area. I know how you feel.

7-11-12, 10:45pm
iris, it has got to be about the money. We vote in every election but don't donate. That has to be it.

7-12-12, 5:35am
I just hang up.
I don't answer!

7-12-12, 9:54am
I don't know the ins & outs of it, but the other day I caught a radio report that said people have gotten calls to go to the polls on the wrong day!
That is unforgivable in my book.

Good luck with the calls!
Good luck to all of us as a matter of fact.... may the levelheaded people with sense on this board be a beacon to all the dinkus-es out there, no matter what side of the apple we like to take a bite off of.

7-12-12, 10:40am
I continually bless the person who invented Caller ID.

Amen Steve. If I don't recognize your number don't expect to talk to me until November 7.

iris lily
7-12-12, 10:55am
You guys! Caller ID costs something! We don't have gadgety services on our phone and I live with the consequence which is ok by me.

7-12-12, 11:46am
You guys! Caller ID costs something! We don't have gadgety services on our phone and I live with the consequence which is ok by me.
Well, we're one of those cell-phone-only families, and Caller ID is part of the package. But everything one buys has a value; I never paid for Caller ID when I had a landline phone, but now that I screen my calls that way, I'd pay for it if I had to. Maybe eat oatmeal for a couple of dinners ...

7-12-12, 11:59am
What you want is probably not caller id but just an unlisted number, which I think I have always had (and I've kept the same number for a long time). So I'm paying $1-$2 a month for this. No telemarketers EVER call except the phone company (the phone company somehow got my phone number, how did that happen! :laff:), and ocassionally the bank or a newspaper (and sigh ALL these entities were given my number at one point, so the damage is done). Really I NEVER get unwanted calls other than that. I have never donated to a politician either though (they would have to be one heck of a politician because I can think of better uses of my money :)). I'm not even on the "do not call list" because it would be entirely unnecessary.