View Full Version : My frugal tool rack

7-17-12, 12:03am
My blacksmithing operation is portable. I do most of my work out in the woods, I wheel carts with my forge and tools out on sunny days, and carry the anvil out.

I decided I needed a rack for the various tongs I have been using, instead of just laying them atop the cart. No problem, right, just take a chunk-o-metal, forge it (hot or cold) to shape, and attach to the cart.

But that would take:

a) a chunk of suitable metal
b) work

So, I remembered I'd taken all the usable metal off the dishwasher that finally died last year, and saved it for Something Useful.

Luckily, the handle to the dishwasher door was just the right size. Drill two holes with my non-frugal-super-death metal drill bits, bolt it on, and BAM, problem solved. Yay!

And now I'm going to use the rest of the door's metal to make some spark shields around my belt grinder.


7-17-12, 12:06am
Oh, and on the cart, the small shiny-shanked object in the middle on the top to the right of the red chisel? I made that today out of a rusty old trailer ball, it's now a sharp wedge-shaped cut-off hardy tool for my anvil, cost $0 instead of $50.

7-17-12, 1:58am
That sounds like a great hobby. How did you learn how to blacksmith type work?

iris lily
7-17-12, 8:35am
That's a nice little portable operation you've got there. I can't figure out what you'll use the ball-turned-tool thingie for but good luck with it.

7-17-12, 10:19am
That is really neat!

7-17-12, 2:00pm
Are the railroad spikes for vampires? :)

7-20-12, 3:16am
I'd like a better picture of the forge. Hopefully it isn't one of those plastic buckets.:laff: