View Full Version : "Green" Dishwasher Detergent?

7-18-12, 3:20pm
DH and I used to use a dishwasher detergent from Restore. We didn't care for it as the dishes never came clean. We've been using one from Costco ever since, but it has bleach in it. We don't even use bleach in our washer and so when I smell that bleach on opening the dishwasher it makes me go "ick" every time. Our last bottle is coming to an end, and so my thoughts turn to trying something new.

Well last time we were at Whole Foods we happened to notice many more choices for "green" dishwasher detergents are out than when we looked a few years ago. Ecover, Seventh Generation, and more brands. Any that you have tried and liked? I hate to repeat our experience with Restore.

I actually once heard that you can just use baking soda in your dishwasher; it's really the hot water that cleans, anyway. Is that true? Anyone tried it?

Thanks all,

7-18-12, 3:49pm
We use Seventh Generation and are just fine with it. I made my own for a while last year (for about $0.08/washing) and it was also good. Try Googling "homemade dishwasher detergent" and you'll find lots of recipes.

7-18-12, 4:33pm
We use Trader Joe's dishwasher detergent. It's similar to homemade recipes and actually costs about the same as making homemade.

7-18-12, 5:33pm
We have been using Ecover products here in the UK for a number of years and find tat they work just fine. But we have been having a little trouble finding their product in our usual store and so will be asking the company for a list of suppliers local to us. One good thing is that some stores have dispensers of Ecover and you can take your empty bottle back for a refill rather than purchasing the liquids in a new bottle.

7-18-12, 5:35pm
Kelli, think your dishwasher would have to have a sanitizing feature on it in order for the water to be hot enough to really clean the dishes enough...

We had one like that in the first house we had, we bought it ourselves.

Now we're renting and the dishwasher is not good. I have to basically wash the dishes first then turn on the hot water before a load of dishes is done to make sure the water is hot.

Have to look into homemade cleaners!

7-18-12, 10:20pm
I've been using Seventh Generation for years, happily. I should look into making our own. We only use it a tablespoon at a time, so it takes a while to work through a store-bought container.

The dishwasher is an ASKO that heats its own water. FWIW.

Float On
7-19-12, 8:19am
If you make your own it's baking soda and borax. I used that in a pinch but with our hard water even that will leave watermarks and sometimes a hazy film. I've run into the same problem with any of the 'safer for the environment' type of dishwasher detergents. 7th gen was the worst for me. It's probably a good thing that my dishwasher is broken.

7-19-12, 10:22am
Actually, Trader Joe's has been the best we have used since moving to the hard water out here. Not perfect, but surprisingly good. I've also had good luck with many 7th Generation products.

Square Peg
7-19-12, 5:13pm
This is what we are going to try:
1 cup of borax

• 1 cup of baking soda

• ¼ cup of table salt

• 2 packets (half an ounce) of unsweetened lemon Kool-Aid

You can try to save even more by buying ingredients in bulk, but another idea is to find smaller and much cheaper boxes at your local dollar store: a good idea to since you'll want to try a small amount at first to see if you like the results. The amounts listed above are good for 16 loads -- one tablespoon each -- so even small batches will last a while.

7-19-12, 5:38pm
From what I have read to prevent ang haze on the dishes, you can put vinegar in the receptacle that is normally used for spotless during liquid. They said it really works!

7-24-12, 11:43pm
I also read that, Tussiemussies. So instead of Jet Dry, vinegar, right? Is that the spot they are talking about? The "rinse aid?" Excited to try. Square Peg, I read about the citric acid, too. We have some ancient Crystal Light lemonade in the camping stuff, we discovered. We might try it! So weird, and hope it works!

7-24-12, 11:51pm
Hi Kelly, yes that is where you fill up the vinegar. I can't wait to try this too!

The other thing that site said is that you can purchase citric acid from amazon. Don't know which is cheaper -- the Kool Aid or the citric acid...I'm going to look on Amazon . Com ( their recipe called for it too).

P.S. Amazon has quite an extensive array of citric acid products. I imagine it really helps with the cleaning since a long time ago I had read in a few different places-- to clean your dishwasher itself put in one pkg of the lemon Kool Aid without any dishes. I think I am going to clean the dishwasher first! LOL