View Full Version : No Regrets

7-20-12, 11:33am
Hello, all--
Well, I finally sold off my car last night. As I walked away from it, a few bucks richer, the man who bought it asked me, "Any regrets?"

Well, no.

I was actually surprised at my answer. The car had become a burden to me, as I had posted in the transportation section of this forum. Once the car was cleared from my life, I felt lifted, like the proverbial weight had been taken off of my soul.

How about you all out there? Have you ever removed something from your life, whether by sale or discard, and discovered that you were just fine with its removal? I thought I would simplify my life without a car, but I didn't realize that it was dragging me down so. I'm trying to think of other incidents in my life where I had no regrets, that something I did or removed from my life released me. I would be curious to hear of your stories.


7-20-12, 6:06pm
Have you ever removed something from your life, whether by sale or discard, and discovered that you were just fine with its removal?
Does my old job count? :)

7-20-12, 6:14pm
I cut back on my obligational visits to my parents (who I do love), but the 3 1/2 hour drive each way now and I have been driving to see them where ever I have been for all my adult life became an obligation not a desire. I actually began to hate it. I released my self of this, it was hard at first to be honest. But after a few months the "when will you be here?" stopped and I feel better.

7-20-12, 7:17pm
I was heart-broken when I made the decision to donate/sell off the bulk of my academic book collection prior to an international move. It really represented the end of my original plan to go into academia, so it was more than just getting rid of the books themselves. But after it was done, I did feel strangely lighter, and knew I had made the right choice.


7-20-12, 7:32pm
Yes, my old house. It had been my home for many, many years and I was still kind of attached to it (Well, mainly to the yard and plants I had to leave behind.). But once it was sold, I felt so light and free.

7-20-12, 7:48pm
Yes, my old house. It had been my home for many, many years and I was still kind of attached to it (Well, mainly to the yard and plants I had to leave behind.). But once it was sold, I felt so light and free.

Looking forward to this moment! Leaving my garden will be the hardest part of it. We'll look for buyers who are gardeners when we get ready to sell.

7-20-12, 8:19pm
Yes, many times. It's good stuff. :)

7-20-12, 9:12pm
My first husband. My last house.

7-21-12, 3:42pm
My business location. It was a relief to move forward and start renting hourly again. Things that are costing you money instead of making you money aren't worth it. (in business.)

7-22-12, 3:44pm
Am enjoying your posts on the car. I would like to live without mine. I live near downtown and don't drive it much but it is handy when I have an errand that is long distance. I'm getting ready to do some long term travel. Will get rid of the car before I go. Want to relocate to a city with better public transportation and hopefully no car.

I've sold almost all my furniture the last month or so. It feels surprisingly ok. No regrets so far. I won't have a permanent home for a while. Putting irreplaceable stuff in storage...photos, papers, etc. I'm surprised how, once I get rid of the furniture, I use very little that I'm storing. Most of it is memory stuff I can't get rid of.

Clearing out mom's house after 60 years of accumulation. It gives me new impetus to live lightly.

Am a renter the last 10 years. For me it is freeing. Makes it easier to move on that is for sure. And I'm not ready to be firmly planted again yet.

7-31-12, 8:15pm
How about you all out there? Have you ever removed something from your life, whether by sale or discard, and discovered that you were just fine with its removal? I thought I would simplify my life without a car, but I didn't realize that it was dragging me down so. I'm trying to think of other incidents in my life where I had no regrets, that something I did or removed from my life released me. I would be curious to hear of your stories.


Do relationships count? It is not a "thing" exactly...but nothing created more freedom in my life than leaving the alchoholic farmer and the farm that has been in his family for 150 years.

Next freedom point-- last kid to graduate high school....

7-31-12, 8:26pm
That's powerful, Fawn! Alcoholics can really try to rope you in...

8-1-12, 9:18pm
That's powerful, Fawn! Alcoholics can really try to rope you in...


8-5-12, 12:13pm
The house and almost everything in it to move into a truck camper. That was in 2007. I do not miss the stuff nor the house. I just sometimes wish for a garden, and I can not have it since we live in National Parks and a RV. So I make due with sprouts at our kitchen window, and a few herbs that we know the Elk will not eat.

8-5-12, 12:25pm
I must have missed this thread earlier, thanks ljevitch for bringing it back up. Like Fawn I had a relationship, though mine was a friendship, that I severed and it was right. I still run into the girl once in a while, and it's kind of weird, but I'm glad I don't have her in my life anymore.