View Full Version : Online Decluttering

7-25-12, 7:18am
So, I've been doing some interesting work lately. All kinds of good stuff.

One is evaluating my internet usage in general, which has been precipitated by some strange happenings around "me" online. I went and talked to a legal advisor on the topic, and a guy who works in some forensics in the area who is a coworker/colleague of his, and their advice was to see if moderators of boards where I no longer participate would completely delete past postings.

My first feeling was a sense of "but what about" followed by an overwhelming sense of relief about it.

I thought that was interesting to observe.

Then, I thought -- how do I really use message boards? As a young person (getting started on these things in 1997), it was largely a social outlet coupled with a rumination process (churning through my thoughts/feelings/ideas). I noted that I still use it for the latter, often with really unsatisfying results. And some of those results are 'unknown' until they come to the fore (i don't want to go into too many details about 'the fore.')

I discovered that I was using message boards to socialize in general -- this one and two others right now -- but not actually meeting my social needs through them, when I am actually meeting my social needs in other places.

So it brought me to this idea that I could "let forums go completely."

And while I am "scared" i also feel "excited" and also "relieved."

Which means it's probably the right way to go.

So, I'll be asking the administration to delete me completely (and all of my posts including this one) -- and I certainly hope that they are willing. It would be a great relief to me.

Yes, it really feels like a relief.

So, I thought I'd share it as a sort of "parting declutter." Not that I think it's wrong/bad to use message boards -- it's awesome. Just that, well, I'm thinking that it's time for me to let it go. That it's ok to live without it.

I'm scared and excited by the prospect.

Thanks for everything guys, truly. Also, if anyone wants to connect via FB or something, do send me a PM and I'll use my discretion. (Probably, thus, will keep the account for a few days to allow for this. So likely by this weekend, I'll ahve this done.)

7-25-12, 9:27am
Nothing ever is completely deleted.

7-25-12, 9:28am
Nothing ever is completely deleted.

Edit: that's some horrible grammar .... Ha!

7-25-12, 9:59am
I'll miss you, Zoebird. Best of luck to you in all you do.

iris lily
7-25-12, 10:15am
Please tell me the secret for getting out! ha ha ha ha.

Iris, SL addict

7-25-12, 12:35pm
Good luck, Zoe. Sent you a pm.

7-25-12, 1:03pm
Zoebird, I can take care of your request for you when the time comes. I must caution you though, while I can easily remove your posts through a batch process, the dilemma I see is in any threads you may have started. I would consider the deletion of threads to be a violation of our relationship with all of the members contributing to that discussion.

7-25-12, 6:15pm

I understand. We can talk about this stuff in PM, cool? :) And thanks.

7-25-12, 6:17pm
Yes, I know that nothing is ever truly deleted. But, I feel good about what I'm doing overall, and how things are working. It's good in that way.

I'm also a lot scared and a little sad and mostly relieved.

I'm tying up loose ends on all of the other boards, and going from there.

7-26-12, 12:06am
I find this an interesting topic, especially after the open forum/Batman movie shooting topic where all the usual actors(posters) gave their usual speeches. It seem really obvious to me that the regulars here (myself included) post about the same stuff. I learned so much from these SL boards 10 years ago. Now, I do not see a lot of new people to generate new ideas and we are just the old regular relatives at Thanksgiving moving through the traditional motions.

I do not know what the new thing for me is, will probably check in here from time to time to see if something has changed...but I am looking for a new edge, a new challenge, a new life as my teens leave home and I'm thinking that it is no longer here.

Thanks for all the fish. ;)

7-26-12, 3:20am
I find this an interesting topic, especially after the open forum/Batman movie shooting topic where all the usual actors(posters) gave their usual speeches. It seem really obvious to me that the regulars here (myself included) post about the same stuff. I learned so much from these SL boards 10 years ago. Now, I do not see a lot of new people to generate new ideas and we are just the old regular relatives at Thanksgiving moving through the traditional motions.

I do not know what the new thing for me is, will probably check in here from time to time to see if something has changed...but I am looking for a new edge, a new challenge, a new life as my teens leave home and I'm thinking that it is no longer here.

Thanks for all the fish. ;)

Speaking of fish, a British couple here for a visit with relatives went on a fishing trip on our Fraser River and caught a 12 foot long sturgeon. Sturgeons are rare now and protected, so once they caught it and took pictures and its' measurements they released it.

They said it was the biggest fish they had ever caught--they were hoping to catch a salmon--but this will be a great thing to brag about when they return home. No word about catching a salmon tho.

7-26-12, 7:24am
Interesting approach to life to choose to delete a portion of it.

Not sure that I understand and it is not important that I understand your decision, Zoebird. I wish you well.

I do understand that one cannot keep too many balls juggling in life at the same time and do a good job at it so one needs to reduce the number of balls.

My SLF imvolvment is to learn and understand about others' and their approach to life (macro and micro as they choose to share) adding diversity of info and links as my local friends are mostly my same age and social circle (or however one properly expresses it). I figure that I am adding to others' with my input or hope that I am anyway.

7-26-12, 1:48pm
Fawn. . . please don't go just yet.

Just this morning I looked up your 100 Things list and printed it out as a guide/goal for decluttering. Then I looked up your advice in the "I'm Ready" thread of March (and appreciated your advice on giving yourself sufficient time to declutter, especially if one is working).

Some of us read more than we post so are not all part of the usual suspects.

7-26-12, 4:02pm
Zoebird - You'll be missed on this forum! You have contributed so much. You're the only person from New Zealand I know! (Besides Frodo et al.)

Perhaps someday you'll stop by again. Bye for now!