View Full Version : Finally, some rain!!!

7-27-12, 6:48pm
Things have been so dry this summer. I dug up some new potatoes in our garden and the ground was dry 12 inches down. My 4 large rain barrels were empty, we were using water from the sump hole for the 6 flower pots. We actually ended up with 31mm or about 1 1/3 inches of rain in a 24 hour period ending this morning. Rain barrels are filled.
Farmers were being advised that irrigation of market crops would be curtailed to some degree and that the drought has been the worst in 5 decades.

Anyone else happy to report some rain finally? We do need a lot more though to build up the supply.

7-27-12, 7:55pm
So glad you got some rain, now it's time for more!!!:)

7-27-12, 8:05pm
Oblivious me, I had no idea how widespread this drought was--over 50% of the country, rivaling the dust bowl! I can only hope this isn't an ongoing trend, and that relief is on the horizon.

7-27-12, 8:23pm
Rain here (2.5 inches) along with thunder, lightening and wind damage but the rain is wonderful. Temperature went from 100 Tuesday to 62 after the front came through today. I never realized how much I mentally missed rain until this summer but today my soul has been revived.

7-27-12, 8:26pm
I'm happy for those of you who got rain. We are continuing to miss the storms here. Today we got about .10" of rain at most. Its been over 2months with a total of about .20" of rain. Its awful.

7-29-12, 12:37am
We had some rain last week, not hugely significant but at least measurable. I don't know how much it did, though-the reservoirs are way, way down though not (yet) as bad as 2002. Some people with lake front houses now have "mud flat" houses because (rightly) farmers have first dibs on the water.

iris lily
7-29-12, 10:11am
As I sit here, it is overcast and lightly raining outside, yay! I don't know how much it will amount to, but I am so happy about any moisture.

7-30-12, 9:48am
As my Grandad used to say, we had a 6" rain....6" between drops. Looked for a minute like we might get something, but it was so hot and so dry that it all evaporated before it hit the ground. Not a single chance of rain in the 10 day forecast for now. At least it is forecast to be in the low to mid 90s instead of the 100s.

For everyone followingt he drought, here is the latest monitor (http://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/). The next update comes out tomorrow and the expectation is that its getting worse, especially in the great plains.

7-30-12, 9:51am
We've had some scattered thundershowers here in Phoenix but are still down 2 inches for year-to-date. Since the area only gets about 7.5 inches rain/year on average, that 2 inches means we're in another year of drought - 15 years straight so far.