View Full Version : August Health & Fitness Thread

8-6-12, 5:42pm
I didn't see it here already so I will start: I had the day off today and decided it was going to be a no-drive day, so off on my bike I went to get some fruit from Krogers (even though I get 20% discount at Whole Foods, I find that my shopping habits really haven't changed that much; I mainly buy meats and cheeses and other items I KNOW are better-tasting at work and continue to be pretty frugal while shopping at other stores for groceries). Anyway, that was about a six mile round trip on this gorgeous day - not too hot, with a moderate southern breeze, and low humidity. Then I went downtown on the bus to run some errands and on the way home, I got off early to hit the library by my house and ended up walking home (another mile and a half, I guess). Yup, I am tired, but it's the GOOD kind of tired. Plus, I needed to walk off the ice cream cone I got while downtown >8)

8-6-12, 11:29pm
Hi SQ, glad you kicked things off! What a beautiful ride you had!

August is cooler than July so far here. So it's been a nice opportunity for exercise. We also went biking the other day on a nice flat trail. 14 miles! Very enjoyable.

I just did a 15 minute yoga video. It was wonderful. One pose was a little too hard right now, but I could do the video again and would get better. Video was from Yoga Journal (http://www.youtube.com/user/YogaJournal?feature=watch). I liked it because no background music, nice lighting and modeling, the narration was clear.

8-7-12, 11:16am
Still working on my 6 weeks to a 5 K. I did 30 minute lane walk yesterday and enjoyed noticing much better breathing- even though my legs were tired. I'll look at the Yoga Journal site. I still love my Lilias Folan old, old VHS tapes- hoping they last many more years. Happy Fitness to you all!

8-7-12, 1:52pm
Fourteen miles, Fidgie Girl! I'm impressed. Do you ride on the roads or was it all bike trail? I live in a fairly urban area that does have a lot of bike lanes, but frankly, riding in the busy streets in my town scares me! The drivers just do NOT pay attention! I should find some more recreational routes that I can get to from my house, because a part of me feels silly for putting the bike on a car rack to go riding a bike somewhere else! South of my neighborhood there is a network of dirt country roads to the next town that I used to ride for enjoyment; I'll have to check that out again. Mainly, I use my bike to go to the stores and feel quite self-sufficient and virtuous somehow doing it...

This morning I went on a long walk to the forest preserve by my house. It was all good but there was a guy on a bike that was starting to creep me out a bit. I felt like he was slightly stalking me...not real overtly, but just enough to make me feel uncomfortable and to look around at my surroundings a bit more closely. I tend to let my guard down when I'm close to home because I always feel so safe around here, but it did occur to me that a lot of my walks in that woods are pretty isolated and not a lot of people are out there on a week day morning. I should probably carry my cell-phone with me.

8-7-12, 4:30pm
I am running along still. August is my last month to reach the end of training for the 1/2 marathon in September. I am at 9 miles in 1hour,29 minutes. Who would have thought....not me! August will be hard to stay on track, but 13.1 is so close.

SiouzQ, Cell phone always. I carry a Halt, kinda like a mace product. I really do not know how well it works but hope I never have to find out. I feel nude without it and my cell. I ride in the country and trails, I understand the "creepy"feeling that can set in.

8-12-12, 9:44pm
ctg492- A half marathon! Pretty neat. I have been working on this 0 to 5K all walk program and keeping up with it. I just completed week 5 and feel good about keeping up with it. I even found a place to do a 5 k..privately! Not competitive at all, just want to know I can do it. So- next week I am going to try it at the end of the week. Thanks to this forum I am expecting to keep going.

8-12-12, 10:40pm
Awesome, nswef and ctg492.

I carry on with the 10 minute streak. Yesterday is was leveling out an area for a patio. Today I still need to do a yoga or abs video.

Keep it up, everyone! :)

8-13-12, 7:00am
My summer exercise has mostly been informal. In July I spent about 60 hours working on decluttering, organizing, and painting a friend's house. She has lots of stairs. I lost about 5# and am down to my usual summer weight after that. I also began making a fairly large landscape bed in our back yard. Finished that a few days ago and am now working on areas that will be landscaped next year, laying down cardboard and spreading mulch. I easily have enough yard and garden projects to last until fall: moving raspberry plants out of my fenced garden (because I don't think the deer will eat them and they are too invasive), making a hoop house over one or two of the fenced beds, weeding and spreading more mulch, making a cold frame, prepping for and laying pavers near the house for our grill and a walkway to the new porch, moving some drought-tolerant perennials to the area next to the house, which involves moving lots of rock. And if I finish all that I can begin the renovation of the landscaping next to the front of the house, where a crabapple tree is slowly dying, giving me an excuse to redo everything.

I'm continuing to go to Zumba once/week, and DD and I go for bike rides on random days.

8-13-12, 1:45pm
Rosemary, You are very busy! I love when I can work in the yard. Sometimes I count it as exercise, but seem to feel that "proper" exercise- walking, yoga- do more for me. I'm doing more this summer than ever and I KNOW it is thanks to this board. So, keep telling your stories, they keep us going.

8-13-12, 11:10pm
Feeling icky today, but did a 15 min yoga video. Inspired by the stress thread I am trying to do more yoga at least in this way. But I need to do some of the longer ones.

8-14-12, 6:13pm
There's a real 5k in town this Saturday morning. I am afraid to be humiliated while doing it...being last by an hour. I checked last year's results and the last time listed is 1 hour and 3 minutes. I won't be able to do that and don't really even want to yet. So I will pass this one, I think, I did email the coordinator to see if I would be hopelessly behind. I keep thinking this might me just the thing for me, but the fearful 63 year old horrible at phys ed chubby woman isn't sure she can take the competition. Any one else have this issue?

8-14-12, 8:11pm
What if you showed up, but didn't participate in the event itself, and just timed it for yourself on the course? Then you'd have an idea.

There is something about going to an actual event . .. there is great energy. I find I do much better at events than by myself because I'm flowin' with the crowd.

Plus, if they even notice - because they are into their own times, etc. - no one will be jeering . . . in my experience, they'd be cheerin' you on!!!!

But if you're not emotionally ready for this one, there will be another. If you are close to any metro there will be gobs in September, and it's a beautiful time to get out and do an event - perfect weather. I use active.com to find events near me.

Isn't it amazing how the "bad at phy ed" sentiment can hang on for so long? I, too, battle it. Anyone else?

(side note: Is it just a Minnesota thing to call it "phy" ed instead of "phys" ed?)

8-14-12, 9:05pm
Thanks Fidgie Girl, I am thinking to try another later. I have plans to do my own test. But the idea of going to the "real" event just to observe sounds good...and nothing keeps me from going and quitting. It's to raise money for St. Jude's who are close to my heart...I'll not fret about this- just wait and see. Never heard of 'phy" ed instead of phys.

8-14-12, 9:48pm
I ran a 10K on Saturday -- finished in 56:47 -- I keep my race numbers and the last time I ran this race was -- 29 years ago! Yes, that is 29 years ago, and I did it 50:51. I think I am young enough to still beat that PR. There were only 19 runners in my 50-54 age group and I finished 13/19. So lots of improvement to be made.

Last week for my "slow" training run I did 10.3 miles. I like to go to Mapmyrun.com and you can easily map your route and see how far you went.

8-14-12, 10:02pm
I'll not fret about this- just wait and see.

Yeah, if it feels right to go and check it out, you can, and if not, there's always another.

Greg44, awesome!! I haven't braved 10K yet. Someday!

8-15-12, 11:12am
Thanks all. I've decided to pass on this one.
The coordinator said I would fit in, but it is mostly runners...One of the schools has a fun run/walk that I think might be a better fit. So, once I time my 3.1 times in the park...I might be more confident. I'm easily discouraged and don't want my excitement at doing the 0-5k in 6 weeks program to be sabotaged by my doing a 5 k before I am ready. You've helped me decide.

8-20-12, 11:00pm
:) Good, nswef.

I am doing more yoga vids off YouTube, but mainly in the 10-15 min. range. I should try some of the hour long ones. Yoga with Esther Ekhart seems to be the best so far. I find I need more mental coaching than physical, and she does that.

8-21-12, 10:36am
I will have to check out those yogas. I just love Lilias and my vhs tapes have been hanging on for a long time. Hers are only 30 minutes and that's great for me. I'm headed off this morning to time my mile and perhaps a 2 mile if I feel like it. This thread has been very motivating for me.

Gregg44- What a grand accomplishment! Sending a crown for your head- king of the 10 K.

8-21-12, 12:20pm
Gregg44, Thanks for the mapmyrun. You saved me a driving trip to the marked mile that is safe. I plotted it out in the lane I use and figured a marked mile of my own! Now to do it!!

8-22-12, 9:54am
It takes me 25 minutes to walk my self marked mile. That's not bad at all. When I was younger and would walk in town it took 25 minutes to go a mile or so. So, now I know a 5 k will take 90 minutes or a bit more. I still plan to do the officially marked mile, just didn't want to drive anywhere yesterday.

8-22-12, 6:23pm
Ran about 5 miles today. Ran to the only hill close to our home. It is about 1/4 up and down the street, so I run up as fast as I can, then coast back down. I try to do this 5 times then run home. Now my legs are sore...! I will have a nice FLAT short run tomorrow a.m. :+1:

8-23-12, 2:44pm
Hi all - time to join back in. Hope you'll have me.

I have been exercising somewhat consistently for a while, but really dedicated myself at the beginning of this month. I have been able to get a minimum of five workouts a week - my goal - for the last three weeks. I have a goal event in just two short months, and really need to be both consistent and devoted to this.

Here's a sample of what I strive for: T - W - F are aerobic days. I have mostly been walking with a few jogging steps interspersed. I did do two bike rides, and two hikes in the mountains this month so far as well. M & Th are strength days. So far, I just do a circuit in the gym as my default workout. I can customize as I go on, but for now I just need a base of muscle building. Weekends are customarily filled with fun and games with the grandchildren - so very active.

My dog is loving this new commitment as well since I am trying to take him along on walks several times a week. Unfortunately, this has resulted in an inability to wear sneakers for anything other than walking him, as he will bark his fool head off at me when he sees them come out of the closet.

8-23-12, 5:20pm
I'm also climbing back on the wagon, a bit sheepishly as I really slacked off for several weeks and let everything pretty much go to pot with both eating and exercise during my recent vacation. Came back to find the scale was up to 68 kgs -- eek! Roughly 5 lbs in 3 weeks -- not good! And I have been losing muscle tone due to not doing weights, so fat amount was probably more than that. Good wakeup call and I have gone back to a much lower carb diet (though still not as low as it probably should be -- really hard for me to maintain given our family's food preferences and some lifestyle issues). And I've been hitting the gym with a vengeance and started doing high intensity intervals as a way to get reinvigorated about my cardio routine. And I've added several extra swimming days on top of the running for another little boost. Down to 67kgs already, so that is encouraging. Original goal was to get down to 60.5 kgs by the end of the year, and I doubt I can make it at this point, but we'll see.

Do need to get the weights back into my routine. Will start with that this weekend.


8-23-12, 9:45pm
Hi all - time to join back in. Hope you'll have me.

OF COURSE!! Silly goose.

My dog is loving this new commitment as well since I am trying to take him along on walks several times a week. Unfortunately, this has resulted in an inability to wear sneakers for anything other than walking him, as he will bark his fool head off at me when he sees them come out of the closet.

LOL. Sounds like my new little Gus and the leash. Except I truly do never use it unless they are going for a walk. :)

I've been hitting the gym with a vengeance and started doing high intensity intervals as a way to get reinvigorated about my cardio routine. And I've added several extra swimming days on top of the running for another little boost. Down to 67kgs already, so that is encouraging. Original goal was to get down to 60.5 kgs by the end of the year, and I doubt I can make it at this point, but we'll see.

Wow, that is great lhamo! Immediate progress is so encouraging.

8-30-12, 10:30pm
Oh my gosh you all, I've fallen off.

My 10 minute streak is over after 84 days. Trying to start up again, but keep dropping off after 2-3 days in a row.

I am SO TIRED - but then I don't sleep right at night.

I went off birth control to help with my Hashi's - could this be related? I'm also really moody.

I just can't get my head around this tiredness! I have never had consistent sleeping problems. Here or there, sure. But not this many nights in a row. (Don't get me wrong, I'm still getting 6-7 hours, but I'm more of an 8-9 hours person usually).

Hope it's going better for all of you!!

8-30-12, 11:40pm
Fidgiegirl, I wondered where you were. Sorry to hear of you sleep issues. Maybe your thyroid is readjusting and needs testing with the removal of the birth control? No doctor here, just guessing. You'll get back to 10 minutes when you are ready. 84 days is NOTHING TO SNEEZE AT! Quite an accomplishment.

8-31-12, 7:02am
Fidgie - I bet it's the hormones. Give it some time and you should be good as new.

I've been good with going to the gym but honestly I don't give it my best effort. I met with the trainer yesterday and she gave me a whole routine. I am considering working with her every other week - but it's just so darn expensive! I am sore already so even though it was stuff I had done before it was mixed up in a way that my muscles were challenged - which is good. Feels good to feel the workout.

8-31-12, 9:22am
Thanks to both of you. That what my gut says as well. I grabbed an extra hour of sleep this morning and I feel a lot better so far. Plus, it's Friday. ;)

lmerullo, isn't that such a great feeling, the feeling of having worked your muscles hard? Love it. I hope you will be able to continue with the trainer if it's working for you and you value it.

8-31-12, 11:03am
I fell off, too, both diet and exercise.. travel, visiting family, etc etc. Getting back on track now and feeling better!
I never sleep well during the summer. Ugh. It's too hot, even with a/c on. I slept fabulously last week when we were in the high desert and the nights were in the 40s, no humidity. This week I'm lucky to get 5 hours/night as I adjust again. Looking forward to cooler temps next week for both better sleep and more activity outside!