View Full Version : Highway Dept - Snow clean up

2-2-11, 4:00pm
Before I do something I may regret, I'd appreciate some feedback. I bought my little house two years ago. This winter has been particularly wicked with storm after weekly, sometimes bi-weekly storms. We had another overnight. All I have is my strength and a good shovel for clearing my driveway, walk and steps. I am on a walk to school route and on the wrong side of the plow. Every single time I get things cleared, the plow comes roaring down the street dumping fresh heavy ice and snow in the driveway. There is a small plow that clear sidewalks, the last time he came through the snow in front of my walkway was up to the top of my thigh and 2' across. I wrote an angry letter but did not send.

I am a 50 year old woman in relatively good shape but can do no more. My arms and back are sore from 2 hours today, 1 hour yesterday, etc....I have tried to call the town Highway Dept but got no answer. The local paper reports one of the selectmen keeps trying to give the Highway Director a raise. He just gives me a monumental task of cleaning up after his machines. What on earth should I do?

I have a call into a company to clear the snow and ice dams off my roof. I am on the short list. This guy can also clear the walkways and widen my driveway. I will have to pay and have it professionally cared for. But, what about the next time. I just want to curse them out, but what would be the repurcussions.>:(

2-2-11, 4:13pm
I share your pain! I live in the snow shadow of Lake Michigan and have already been through several heavy snowstorms this winter. Last night's storm left about 14 densely packed inches behind. It took me over an hour to shovel a path out to the garage, the birdfeeders and then to the street, where the plow had left a deep pile of very heavy snow. But at least the street is plowed! After the record-breaking 25 inches in one day a few weeks ago it was about 5 days before my street saw a plow. After several hourlong sessions of shovelling so far today my driveway is about half cleared and one shovel is broken. I'm 76 and female, and usually enjoy shovelling the snow, but this is getting ridiculous!
BTW, I don't think it is possible for a snowplow to clean the street and not deposit the snow on the sides. We just have to grit our teeth and pray for Spring to hurry up.

Miss Cellane
2-2-11, 4:36pm
I don't think you can change the fact that plows block the ends of driveways with hard, packed snow. You're lucky your town plows the sidewalks; many don't.

Honestly, in your situation, you may have to start paying for snow removal or get a snow blower. In my state, the property owner is responsible for clearing the sidewalk. If someone is too old or to infirm to clear it, they have to figure out some other way of getting the job done. My town has a program where older folks or disabled people can contact the town and they will try to match them up with a high school student looking to fulfill their community service requirement, or a student looking for paid work.

My landlord clears the walks, but not the driveway. I was out there for two hours today, working on the end of the driveway. I got it clear, came inside to warm up, and the plow came by again. Fortunately, the young man in the downstairs unit was home by then and he told me he'd take care of it. If I owned this place and was the only person living here (instead of the house being cut up into 4 apartments), I'd get a snow blower. It's really the best thing for dealing with the packed snow at the end of the driveway.

2-3-11, 10:56am
Send the letter and also make a phone call, if you do not get a response, call in the local TV news, that will get them going!

2-3-11, 11:11am
County plow trucks throw snow back into our plowed driveway and routinely knock down mailboxes. One time my car got stuck/caught up on that pile of snow left by the snow plow truck when I was turning into my drive. This county takes no responsibility for these actions, just a hazard of living in the country where it snows, they say. I just grumble and live with it (I'm older than you are, Cypress, but not by much).

2-4-11, 2:01pm
Thanks for your responses. At this point, I am too sore to continue to clear the snow with my shovel. The non-stop shoveling since January has stressed my back and arms. I have to rest. As of today, I have three sources looking at my house. Two professional and one a local guy with a truck and snowblower. Who ever gets there first will have the job as far as I am concerned. I am on the to-do list. When is the unknown. Lots of other folks are calling for help as well.

I will have to make plans to buy a small snowblower for next season. I like to be self sufficient. Part of my angst is reaching my physical limits. Also, I have claustrophobia and wonder if the closing in of the snow walls is causing me to react. I have walls as high as my shoulder all around my house and the street. Despite all this, I am sleeping relatively well each night.

My house has been standing since 1890. It's gone through the blizzard of '78. And, the highest snow fall year on record 1995-96 which was at 100". The one with the anxiety is me. At least I am proactive. I have great sympathy for the rest of the country and what folks are dealing with in their town. One commercial building in my town fell in last night. A mobile home roof fell in today. Seven WalMarts in Mass have been closed due to roof failures. On and on. This is one wicked winter. Makes me pray to whatever goddess will hear me.

2-5-11, 3:12pm
There is a young strong man on my roof pushing off the snow. To make a long story short, I was walking in my neighborhood and saw a guy using a snow rake on his house, we got chatting, I met his mother, his brother is a carpenter and would be glad to help out. :) I am grateful for this and send positive thoughts on his being able to safely complete this task today.

By leaning out my 2nd story bedroom window, I manage to clear all the snow and ice off the awning over my front door. And, I crawled out thru my kitchen window onto the roof of the sun porch clearing that as well. The depth was 10" and that is the 2nd time I did that. Geeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzz.