View Full Version : "Not too many" items

8-20-12, 7:30pm
What things do you have, where you have just the right amount, or not enough?

Float On
8-20-12, 7:35pm
Kitchen things.
I have a small kitchen and yet nothing falls out when I open any of the doors.
I have exactly what I need in pots and pans and bakeware.
I have exactly what I want in dishes, bowls, glasses, etc.
I have the bare minimum in small appliances.

8-20-12, 7:52pm
Hmm, just enough and bordering on too many clothes. But only because my enlarged thyroid makes most of my t-shirts not so enjoyable to wear. Should do a cleanout.

But other items, too much.

8-20-12, 9:00pm
Dogs - I have just the right amount. :)

iris lily
8-20-12, 9:02pm
This is a great question.

At the moment, I'm feeling as though I have too much of everything. OK, I probably have just the right number of "everyday" dishes. Oh I know, I have exactly the right number of fine jewelry rings--two. The right kind, two--one old one, one contemporary one.

8-20-12, 9:41pm
I have too much of most things. The only thing that I have just enough of is sheet sets. Just enough for the two beds in the house and one extra, just in case. Same with pillows. I ask overnight guests to bring their own, though we have plenty of extra blankets.

8-20-12, 10:25pm
I have too much of most things. But not by much. My house is not too filled but I could absolutely declutter in every area. Just can't get motivated... Although I have been working on my dressers in preparation for my 18 mos no clothing purchases that I'm pretty sure I'm going to start next week.

8-20-12, 10:51pm
Crochet patterns! But only because I looked at each and every one of them a couple weeks ago and got rid of about 75% of them. I am pretty satisfied that I have just the patterns I want/need.

Everything else... well, I'm like others in that I feel I have too much of too many other things. I'm still working on it! I'm sooooo ready to let go of so many "things".

fidgegirl: be careful with that enlarged thyroid! Have it monitored regularly! (Mine ended up wrapping around my esophogus(sp) before it was removed.)

8-21-12, 12:14am
I mostly have too much, especially in the way of books, collectibles, and craft supplies. I have gone through and seriously downsized my recipe book collection, probably by about half, which I'm really proud of. I'd still like to get rid of a few more recipe books, maybe about half of what I have now, and then I think that'll be just about enough.

Things that I do have just enough of are bed linens and towels. Four towels. Three, maybe four, sets of sheets, two or three fleece blankets, three comforters (one which I keep in the car for emergencies) and some sort of wooly camoflauge blanket, which I also keep in the car.

Also for the most part I have just enough kitchen accessories, though I'd like to get a lemon zester, a couple of cake pans, and have considered getting a small food processor. And I'd love to get an ableskiver pan, but that's not a necessity. But I can definitely live with what I've got now.

I've almost got enough furniture. I'd like to get a twin bed (I sleep on the couch right now), a recliner, patio table for out back, and though technically not furniture, I'd like to get a clothes washer.

8-21-12, 4:39am
If someone saw my stuff they would think too much, but I use most of it, so it stays!!!

8-21-12, 9:59am
Kitchen items - dishes, silverware, knives, pots and pans
Sheets - two sets for each bed
Socks and underwear - finally
Cats - two

8-21-12, 11:39am
Not enough pets, none right now and won't get any until I'm back in the States and settled in.
About the right amount of underwear, after sorting and getting rid of and replacing what needed to be done.
Furniture is gettng there, although I have 4 pieces in storage in the States that I need to make a decision on, antiques that I have no use for but were my parents'.
Yarn stash is about trimmed down by actually making things, down to 2 duffles, so about right (in that I can move it without it being a major thing).

The rest? Way too much...

8-21-12, 3:26pm
Make up, I don't have too much, hardly any at all, but I wear what I have. This is the ONE area I can say that in, the others are a work in progress, but I am working at it.

We just moved and did some major purging, and as I unpack I always have a donate pile going, I am not keeping things that we don't need or want. Not storing things.

pony mom
8-22-12, 10:25pm
Sheets-2 sets, one cotton, one flannel.

Work clothes--(boring black spa uniform) 2 pairs of pants, 4 shirts.

Grooming brushes for my horse--too many to most people, but just enough for me. Each has a specific use and get used all the time.

Purses--4 regular ones: pale yellow for spring/summer, classic Bass brown leather for fall, black pleather for winter, and a new classic neutral red (if red could be neutral). This red one came in and 3 others went out. A few odd ones, like one that becomes a backpack and an expandible one.

Key--one car key, one house key, one building key.

8-22-12, 11:35pm
I feel I've made huge strides in ridding myself of stuff, but still, everywhere I look there is more. I can't seem to find the right amount.