View Full Version : What to do ?

boss mare
8-27-12, 1:01am
Every once in a while, I receive in the mail a hand written note with cutesy stickers along with printed material about a bible study/meeting adressed to me and DH ... It is always about the End Of The World .... The return address is a woman's first name and a PO Box...
I am not interested in any way shape or form but I am wondering if I should send this person a nice letter telling then to take me off thier mailing list .. Or just automatically place it into the "circular file"
We moved here 9 years and have been getting these ever since we moved here
Frankly it creeps me out... My ex-DH had been involved in cult as a child in the early 1970's ( not his choice ) and it was exposed about the same time the Jones Town happened... So around 1978 ... His mother, who got him into it died of cancer shorty before it was exposed I met EX DH in 1988 and was married in 1989 and shortly after we get married and bought a house we started receiving mail with out a return address that talked about alot of them same beliefs that the cult did for about our fist year that we were married... We got divorced in 1995... The ring leader of the cult was in jail and the place sold many years earlier and his mother had died and he had no contact with other members of this after 1978

8-27-12, 1:13am
Do whatever makes you feel better. I would probably just ignore it myself, or you could write on it - Return To Sender Address Unknown and put it back in the mail. Maybe that would stop them. If you really feel threatened by it turn it over to the Police and they might further investigate it...

boss mare
8-27-12, 1:19am
I like the "Return To Sender/Adress Unknown" idea... I think it would be over kill to involve the police... Thank You Good idea

8-27-12, 5:44am
I also like the idea -- return to sender address unknown -- :)

8-27-12, 6:49am
I heat my house with a woodstove - unsolicited mailings are free BTUs

8-27-12, 10:34am
Return to sender, address unknown is wrong (no idea at what point it becomes illegal and mail fraud). I was told by a mailman you could put rejected across any piece of mail and put it in the box, so that is what I would do.
If you want to get creepy in return, send it back with stuff from other churches, etc. From your local synagogue, to several churches, to the church of satan, to something on imaginary friends). It will screw with their mind.
I had a friend who used to go into a bible store and turn the cross covered bibles upside down, and he would go ask for the satanic bible, which would get him ejected from the store, (while he was saying, this IS a bible store isn't it?) back when we were teens.
I've been exposed to quite a few religions, including cults and the above and there isn't much difference IMHO.

boss mare
8-27-12, 10:39am
Return to sender, address unknown is wrong (no idea at what point it becomes illegal and mail fraud). I was told by a mailman you could put rejected across any piece of mail and put it in the box, so that is what I would do.
If you want to get creepy in return, send it back with stuff from other churches, etc. From your local synagogue, to several churches, to the church of satan, to something on imaginary friends). It will screw with their mind.
I had a friend who used to go into a bible store and turn the cross covered bibles upside down, and he would go ask for the satanic bible, which would get him ejected from the store, (while he was saying, this IS a bible store isn't it?) back when we were teens.
I've been exposed to quite a few religions, including cults and the above and there isn't much difference IMHO.

I don't need to go to that extent... I know that this person could not change my mind and I am sure that they have their mind set too... Besides that sounds too much like a project

8-28-12, 2:43pm
I heard a few years ago that return to sender is good because the sender has to pay the postage for getting it back. I don't know if that's true, but rejected sounds good to me. Probably that would be as likely for them to have to pay for it.