View Full Version : No-Spend Days: September

8-28-12, 6:58pm
I was just formulating a no-spend month for September but we have too many things on the calendar already for it to be realistic. So I am thinking maybe we can start the no-spend days thread for September a few days early. I noticed there wasn't one for August, or maybe I just couldn't find it?

I need something concrete to get under control. Eeeeeeeeek . . .

Will you join?

8-28-12, 7:01pm
I was literally just reading your post in August Frugals and thinking "I wish they did no spend days here!"

Yes, I'm in. I have done this in the past and is is sooo helpful to me. But I have to think how many days I'm willing to commit to in September.

8-28-12, 8:23pm
I'm in.

8-28-12, 9:18pm

I'm not personally going to declare a number up front. I am going for however many as possible, though.

Do people usually count driving as a spend, even if you don't buy gas that day?

8-28-12, 9:23pm
I have never considered that as a spend. Would you consider eating a spend even if you didn't buy the food that day?

I also don't count automatic deductions from my checking account for bills as spends, either.

8-28-12, 9:26pm
I have never considered that as a spend. Would you consider eating a spend even if you didn't buy the food that day?

I also don't count automatic deductions from my checking account for bills as spends, either.

Ok. I didn't think so . . . you are right. Just drinking tap water then would be a spend, or washing clothes or using the lights in the house.

8-28-12, 9:27pm
Exactly. This is "no spend." Not "no live."

8-28-12, 9:37pm
I'm in. How does this work? Do we declare we won't spend for a certain amount of days?

8-28-12, 9:44pm
I am in...........but, just counting how many I can have.
Easier for me in some ways because I am retired and often try to do serveral things in one day and none other days.
But, will be a little harder because I am having 2 sets of company for a total of about 7 days.
Do I need to count it if they spend? hehe

8-28-12, 11:20pm
I guess there will be no happy hours for me. Sigh! I think I will try this for one week and then decide if I want to do it longer.

8-28-12, 11:41pm
Since gas isn't included (I didn't figure food would be), I think it will be easier for me now. One of the brothers I work for is in the hospital, so my hours have dramatically increased for a while and I am getting the overtime while I can (have a project I am saving for and this will accelerate it). When he comes back things are going to dramatically change and I don't think overtime will be an option. (get it while I can and pay for the project and build up the savings) Being at work, will make it easy to have no spend days. (hard to spend when your at work)

iris lily
8-29-12, 12:54am
I'm in for 3 at minimum. I can probably do many more, but I'll commit to 3 since that's about 10% of the month.

Eating is only a spend if you bought the food that day.

8-29-12, 12:57am
I'm in, however, I have no idea what I'm in for, seeing how I've never participated in anything like this before. I'm excited! I'm new but will to dive right in! Come on September 1st!!!!!

8-29-12, 8:43am
I'm interested and curious to see how this pans out for me. Will having a no spend day merely push my spend to other non-no spend days? But I've got nothing to lose! August has not been a great month for me spending wise, and I'd like to do better next month. So I'm in. How does this work? You declare a number of days and mark specific days on a calendar, or just try to reach the goal # of days as you go along?

8-29-12, 10:56am
What works for me is tracking every penny we spend during the month. I have a certain amount for flexible spending each month. It is a game to me to try to "make" money by coming in under budget. It doesn't really matter which days it gets spent.

I probably do not spend money 2/3 of the days of the month so I guess I'm weird compared to most people. I work at home and try to bundle errands to once a week or so to save gas so I do most of my spending those days.

8-29-12, 2:50pm
I do count gas on the day I buy it.

catccc, yes it does push your spending to fewer days and some things you continue to spend. You have to to function in society. However, I've done this in the past and I find I spend a lot less when I'm doing all the spending for a week for instance on one day. I just get tired of spending and get the minimum I need and GO HOME.

try2bfrugal--I normally don't spend much during the week so I don't spend something like 2/3rd of the days, either. I am probably going for either 5 or 7 spend days because I've done this before and figured out how to plan in advance or wait until the next upcoming spend day or just do without. Once you get into it, it's very easy. I don't have kids, though. I would think that with kids it would be virtually impossible.

8-30-12, 10:19am
I would think that with kids it would be virtually impossible.

We have 2 kids, so I hope this is not true! I'll let you know how it goes. I'm aiming for 10 no spend days in September.

iris lily
8-30-12, 10:26am
About loading all spending into one day: I look at the No Spend days as a way to maintain conscious spending. It cuts down on mindless spending. And, it's not unusual for me to go 20 days a month without spending, I load shopping onto the weekends. That's ok! I buy what I need.

8-30-12, 10:41am
Okay, I really REALLY like Iris Lily's point that three days is 10%. So I am in for three days. I expect to do better but I remember that this is a bit of a head game to just keep me AWARE of spending so that I don't do it mindlessly. So yeah, three days sounds good and I can always add on if I get there sooner rather than later.

8-30-12, 11:12am
I can commit for 3 days a week mostly because I have committed to leaving the van in the garage 3 days a week. Just need to get my grocery list complete so there are no "Honey, would you pick up....on your way home.". So put me in for 12 in September.

8-30-12, 5:51pm
Wow! So glad we will have such a big group. I am starting a little early with my posts, as Iris Lily pointed out, I need to be a little more conscious of what I am doing. Today: a nearly no-spend . . . one coffee at SA this morning. $1.06. Could have had tea, which I have on hand. Coffee makes my belly hurt, but I "needed" the caffeine (which hurts my stress level, but DOES wake me up). Total no-spend days = 0. Good thing it's not September yet! ;)

8-30-12, 6:56pm
A no spend day for me! Needed to buy a car seat for my growing yound man, but I went on freecycle.org, and got a new booster seat for FREE! Plus I posted other items for others to take. I'm at the begining of my SL journey, so when one item enters the house one or more leaves the house. It felt sooooooo good! Pulling into the house knowing I won't have to purchase another car seat again! Off to a good start!

8-30-12, 7:43pm
A no spend day for me! Needed to buy a car seat for my growing yound man, but I went on freecycle.org, and got a new booster seat for FREE! Plus I posted other items for others to take. I'm at the begining of my SL journey, so when one item enters the house one or more leaves the house. It felt sooooooo good! Pulling into the house knowing I won't have to purchase another car seat again! Off to a good start!

Hi Bomahmie and Fellow Colorodan,
Yea! Good for you!! I bet the pre-minimalist-you would have gone out and bought one without thinking to look on freecycle.org! Congrats on your new journey into minimalism...off to great start!

8-30-12, 9:17pm
We have 2 kids, so I hope this is not true! I'll let you know how it goes. I'm aiming for 10 no spend days in September.

Yeah, I reread that post and thought it was probably a little extreme. I have no kids so what do I know? But I do "hear" with kids every time you turn around it's a bunch of nickle and diming. So I would say you should probably apprise them of your plan in advance.

I have decided I'm going to do 6 spend days for the month. That's 24 no spend days. But I'm NOT starting early and in fact will spend tomorrow (31st) so I may be able to get through September on 5 spend days. But I am a natural no-spender. I haven't spent any money since last weekend--I don't think...

8-31-12, 2:41am
Me! Me! I'm in!

I will aim for four no-spend days each week. Five if I'm really on the ball. And no non-essential spending all month. We need to gas up the van and feed the kids, but we DO NOT need Starbucks or (gulp!) new yarn.

8-31-12, 9:23am
Welcome to the challenge and to the boards, Yemaya! I hear you on the coffee treats! :)

9-1-12, 1:00am
So your fibbing to yourself? Tea has caffeine.:~)

9-1-12, 8:53am
Today is Grocery Shopping Day and I will fill up the van so today is a Big Spend Day instead of a No Spend Day.

9-1-12, 9:56am
With the fire ban in CO, we decided againt going camping. I was worried how we would no th No-spend thing, there always seems to be a last minute store run. So, we decided to camp in the back yard! Anything we need will be inside! Happy Labor Day weekend!!!!!

iris lily
9-1-12, 10:32am
We used to have No Driving Days challenges here, too, as separate from No Spend days.

9-1-12, 10:53am
I could ace No Driving Days. Spending, not so much...

9-1-12, 2:10pm
Today was the first of September and it was my first spend day. Even though I said I was going to spend yesterday, I didn't.

I did all my errands in a circle today and I think I don't have to spend another penny for the remainder of the week.

I need to give a check for $10 for the Department Fund @ school sometime soon but I'm waiting till the next time I go to the doctor in October to turn in the check so I don't have to blow a spend day on that. Otherwise, I'm pretty certain I can keep from spending during the week, most of the time.

I even had 2 refund checks to take to the bank. I never go to the bank and so thought about cashing one of them bc I never carry cash. Then I realized if I have cash in my wallet I WILL spend it on a non-spend day so I just deposited both checks.

Forence: I did the same thing today that you did.

9-2-12, 12:21am
This is my first time doing the "no-spend" challenge and I can see it's helping already. 1) Today I was hungry, had no food and wanted to order carry-out food. Instead, I went to the grocery store and I should be stocked up for the week. 2) I wanted to stop by McD's for their $1 tea which I love. However I stayed firm and passed it by!

9-2-12, 1:54am
I even had 2 refund checks to take to the bank. I never go to the bank and so thought about cashing one of them bc I never carry cash. Then I realized if I have cash in my wallet I WILL spend it on a non-spend day so I just deposited both checks.

Youngin, having cash on hand, doesn't mean you have to spend it. At some point the feel of money will become more important then the feel of stuff, and it won't burn a hole in your pocket. I still remember hearing that, and wish I had, all those years back, learned it then.

9-2-12, 8:00am
I am going to give this a try. But I think I will shoot for 4 no spend days per week. Since I work in a store it could be hard but I really need to keep the spending under control. We have some big things coming up that require big money what with 2 tuitions, Ian needs new glasses, plumbing work, and new tires for my car. Nickle and diming is my worst money habit.

BUT... I can't start today. Got to take Ian back to campus and I think we may have to stop & buy him a few things on the way.

9-2-12, 10:33am
This is my first time doing the "no-spend" challenge and I can see it's helping already. 1) Today I was hungry, had no food and wanted to order carry-out food. Instead, I went to the grocery store and I should be stocked up for the week. 2) I wanted to stop by McD's for their $1 tea which I love. However I stayed firm and passed it by!

That is interesting - you know, I hadn't thought of it in this fashion, just black and white SPEND or NO SPEND. But much the same happened to us yesterday. We did happen to need gas, so got that. We went to my parents, and stopped and got lunch but strategized to use up a gift card. I packed drinks for us so that we didn't stop on the way home to buy any (we always seem to want a drink on the way home from my parents', a one hour drive from our place). So we did spend, but maybe spent LESS because I have it top of mind.

9-2-12, 10:56am

Don't conflate no-spend with frugal. That's why there are two different threads as I see it.

I see "no-spend" as a strategy to make overall frugality easier.

9-2-12, 11:25pm
Hmmmm, no, I see the difference but it is interesting how aiming for zero can still be a success if it makes overall spending be less.

And total no spends for me so far: 0! I think it's gonna take a work day to make this happen. Well, maybe tomorrow, since we bought groceries today. Hmmmmm

iris lily
9-2-12, 11:58pm
Well today was NOT a no spend day. I think we dropped around $400. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

9-3-12, 1:06am
Tommorow will be if I can help it. I don't like to spend on holidays, feel bad for the people who are working them (may not even be entirely free from work myself though - ok that means I can feel bad for myself :~)). Bought nearly $40 worth of groceries today, stocking up for the coming work week.

9-3-12, 8:16am
Yesterday was no spend but I think today will be an unplanned spend day. My lawnmower is fixed and so I have to go pick that up. They said it was $37 but it should cost nothing bc it's under warranty. I plan on arguing.

The way I am interpreting this is that if I spend on a given day and I'm dying to get McDonald's tea, I get it. I know that I have to have some indulgences to give my life pleasure. I just want to control those indulgences so they don't happen all the time. So if I had been out doing my errands (working) and I wanted a little treat, I'd get it as I was spending that day anyway. That way, in the middle of next week when I'm not spending and I want to go to McDonald's (or get that blouse or whatever) I'll be able to resist as I won't feel like a martyr. I don't think this can work for me if I set myself up to be a martyr. But what works for me may not for you, Fidgie.

9-3-12, 2:51pm
Sunday I had to buy some new socks for Ian before he left for school. So I went ahead and bought a few food items I knew we would need this week. Hopefully that will keep me from spending until payday on Friday. I hope.

9-4-12, 12:23pm
Yesterday was a no spend day for me. Today won't be, as vehicle inspection and licensing is due. Saturday could have been a no spend day, but I bought something for work that sure made my life easier yesterday. It was something that they would have paid for, but they bought something for my family since I had relatives in town, and since they wouldn't let me pay for that, I figured turnabout and fair play and all.

9-4-12, 3:00pm
So Far..............
Sept 01 ............No Spend
Sept 02..............Spend...groceries and wine
Sept 03..............No Spend
Sept 04..............Spend...TOPS fees
Looking good so far

9-4-12, 3:07pm
Barring anything unexpected, today will be no-spend.

9-4-12, 4:25pm
Not going to make my goal of 4 no spend days this week. I took pity on my DH and bought him some crystal light. And I forgot I had a dentist appt. Friday is grocery day. Saturday is an XC meet. But I should be good for 3 days this week. So I'm not gonna complain. I knew I was setting the goal pretty high so 3 days is pretty respectable for me.

9-4-12, 8:58pm
Guys! My first no-spend day! Amazing how a work day will do that. :)

Total for me = 1!

9-4-12, 9:34pm
So Far..............
Sept 01 ............No Spend
Sept 02..............Spend...groceries and wine
Sept 03..............No Spend
Sept 04..............Spend...TOPS fees
Looking good so far

Oh...so wine is a spend item?! I'm going to happy hour then! Just kidding...thought that was funny when I saw it in your list.

I bought a subway today so I did not succeed. I should have packed my lunch but I didn't. But I'm going to keep on trying for ten days. However I am allowing myself basic grocery items and essential toiletries.

9-5-12, 7:29pm
No spend today.

Being back to school makes no spend easy. Too tired to spend.

Congrats Fidgie!

9-5-12, 8:04pm
Day 2!

9-5-12, 9:50pm
Minz....yes I am including Wine as a spend........and I am not giving it up unless I can't eat or put a roof over my head..lol..I take you feel the same.

So Far..............
Sept 01 ............No Spend
Sept 02..............Spend...groceries and wine
Sept 03..............No Spend
Sept 04..............Spend...TOPS fees
Sept 05..............Spend..Coffee & Tea Biscuit out with a friend who it turns out is not a good friend to shop the sales with.
But, I did get believe it or not 8 items of good clothing for $67.60 including tax....but I am sure sales like this are not a good indication of how these stores are doing.
Looking good so far for me.

9-6-12, 1:12am
No spend Wednesday, but I don't know about Thursday. I have to do a couple of errands on the way into work, for work (we are short handed right now, due to an owners injury), and I may stop and get gas. If not, I will have to stop some time in the next few days (trying to figure out what errands I need to do all at once).

9-6-12, 7:26am
Tuesday. That was ONE. But for some reason this is harder than it was before. Maybe I am just not into the routine of the new school year yet.

So one down, only two to go....it sure SOUNDS easy. Today has possibilities, mostly because I have to work so much (no time to spend on anything)>

9-7-12, 12:26am
Thursday was one and either Friday or Saturday will be the next one.

9-7-12, 12:57am
I did ok until my nephew asked me if we could meet for dinner. Of course I paid and of course he got something for 12.99. :) I am taking my left overs for lunch tomorrow so I can help to justify it. Nonetheless I had a great time visiting with my nephew and I did tell him about my no-spend challenge but that I made an exception for him.

Danna - wine is also part of my spend budget, although I'm trying to cut back a bit. :) I'm going to a work happy hour tomorrow but the food and drinks are free. Whew!

9-7-12, 8:38am
Okay, I made it to Friday....and didn't spend any money yesterday. So Thursday was a no spend day for me.

Seems like the only way I don't spend is if I am so busy working that there is no time for anything else. I'll have to work on that, for sure.

So I am two for the month....maybe I will make my (very low) goal.

Wine is important in this house, too. Good food and wine are what we DO spend on, but we rarely eat out. I mean we buy good food and cook at home. I don't mind those expenses but I do watch them. Growing up in an alcoholic family probably means that I will ALWAYS monitor my own and everyone else's alcohol intake. Besides, wine costs a fortune here. A plain jane bottle of Yellowtail, five bucks at the grocery store in Maine, is $13.00....so the actual cost is a consideration.

9-7-12, 10:17am
Our goal is 10 no-spend days in September. We scheduled 13- every Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday in September, allowing for 3 slips. We've successfully completed 2, and have 10 remaining days scheduled, so we need hit 8 more and we have room for 2 more slips. I'm liking this challenge!

On top of the no-spend challenge, I have a separate goal to only buy lunch at work once a week. I'd previously been slacking in planning and packing lunches, and that led to eating out at the last minute quite often. Week one done successfully, 3 more to go.

Question, I've heard of people doing a no-spend month. They must mean excluding things like groceries and gas, right?

9-7-12, 12:58pm
Minz....yes I am including Wine as a spend........and I am not giving it up unless I can't eat or put a roof over my head..lol..I take you feel the same.

We are experimenting with box wines. They have the lowest price here per liter.

9-7-12, 1:30pm
Well.... I had a no spend day yesterday. DH did not. lol But I am not counting his spending so it don't count! I wouldn't even mention it but he did by more hard salami and I did make a sandwich with it this morning. But I'm still not counting it! So I think it was 3 no spend days this week.

9-7-12, 5:47pm
We are experimenting with box wines. They have the lowest price here per liter.

I know people who like those! Sometimes if I do get wine I'm not crazy about, I just add some sprite and make it a wine cooler...taste good and I don't waste it.

9-7-12, 8:05pm
So Far..............
Sept 01 ............No Spend
Sept 02..............Spend...groceries and wine (this was a box and it is suppose to last awhile...hehe and I like the boxes I look for anyone that I like on sale...save getting nicer bottles for company)
Sept 03..............No Spend
Sept 04..............Spend...TOPS fees
Sept 05..............Spend..Coffee & Tea Biscuit out with a friend who it turns out is not a good friend to shop the sales with.
Sept 06..............No Spend
Sept 07.............Spend...Costco..some food...a great purse/bag that in insulated on one side will be great for day trips I will only need one bag. Beautiful pair of dress pants on sale $9.97 great price.
Now for all the wine lovers the most unfrugal thing I needed to buy today was a new key board for my computor..yes you guess it I did spill a whole glass on my five year old keyboard. Yes, I am one of those people who eats, drinks coffee etc at the computor. I am trying to convince myself it was old and I would have needed a new one soon. Yeah sure, not.
And, I not sure who will believe me but it was my first glass..lol. At least Costco had a coupon today and I got the new Mouse/Keyboard combination for $23.99.

9-7-12, 9:09pm
It's amazing how many people are working on the no-spend month! I'm really impressed.

This entire week has been no spend since last Saturday. I may go grocery shopping/errands tomorrow or Sunday so one day this wknd will be spend. Then, hopefully I'll make it through another week of no spend.

9-8-12, 11:46am
Friday was the day. Today I have a work errand and am getting gas and a couple of items at the same time. (Sam's club run)

Edit: Question on these, I just received a call to pick something up on the way into work. On these type of events, small items I typically pay for (cash) and then get it back out of petty cash when I get back to work, rounded up. So would that be a no spend, or not? AKA just got the call today, Sunday.

Otherwise, I am now looking at No spend until Tuesday.

9-9-12, 5:30pm
Friday spend, Saturday no-spend, Sunday spend. All weekend I was at a crafting retreat and I passed on the Saturday trip to the quilt store. I didn't really want to go, anyway, but was prepared to succumb to peer pressure. In the end my mom didn't want to go either so I happily stayed back at the ranch! So I guess my mom gets the credit for the no spend day. :)

Total for me this month = 3

Toomuchstuff, I would personally count it is a no-spend. But, I have friends who are terrible at submitting for reimbursement. If that's you, for example, maybe you'd count it as a spend to deter yourself from putting your own $$ out there. But it's up to you! Let us know what you decide.

9-9-12, 5:37pm
TooMuchStuff: I'd also count that as a no-spend.

Yesterday was spend--lots of errands. Today, no spend.

2 spend days so far this month.

9-9-12, 8:39pm
No spending today.
One for the week! Tomorrow I'll probably be buying a few more groceries.

9-10-12, 12:08am
Good to know. The majority of the time, I use cash if it is under $30, instead of using a check. I can turn in the receipt and get it out of petty cash (what I do most often) or wait and turn them in and get a check. I also do the internet ordering (neither boss is computer literate so it is easier for me to order the stuff and turn in the bill which I get paid for immediately then pay the card off the next day). Generally I only wait on receipts if I have ordered something online for myself, as I put that money all towards it.
So I will count it as a no spend.


9-10-12, 9:43am
Sept. We were at the beach 2-6 so that was a no spend only on the 5th. No spend 9th and probably 10th. It looks like this week will be a spend all but Thursday and maybe Saturday. I tend to count husbands spends along with mine as he does the groceries. So 3 days this month so far.

iris lily
9-10-12, 10:12am
I had only 1 no spend day last week. I would have made it for two, but $.75 DOES count as spending.

I"ve had two long weekends in a row, and on weekends, I spend money.

9-10-12, 4:02pm
I may have to spend tomorrow to buy gasoline to put in my neighbors lawnmower bc I wasted all of my gas in a lawnmower that is once again broken!

Also, planning on going with a friend to Trader Joes on Wed or Thurs so that's my 2 "free" days this month--totally blown! Then I have to do my weekly spending on Saturday. Or do I? With careful planning couldn't I do my Saturday spending on the day I go to Trader Joes?

Wait! I have a vet appointment on Saturday!!!!! That means I must spend 3 days this week! Arrrrghhhh!!!

9-11-12, 4:44pm
Well yesterday was no spend, and Tomorrow will be again, but I just bought two new computers and have to go get gas for the mower and will probably get something to eat, while I head to the laundramat (don't have the time to do multiple loads at home today, headed out to see the boss at the rehab center). I have been wanting a new computer for quite some time and these are the educational ones, (Raspberry Pi) that are $35 each. One is going to be a dedicated device, and the other is for learning and may go to some of the kids of a friend.

9-12-12, 12:09pm
We marked every Sun, Tues, & Thursday in September, and this allows for 3 slips to reach our goal of 10 no-spend days (NSD) in the Sept. We also allow ourselves to trade days. For instance, Sunday there was a festival in town we'd planned to attend (and spend money there), so we swapped Sunday for Monday.

Monday was a successful NSD. Yesterday, Tuesday was supposed to be a "regular" NSD, but the car battery died (it was 7 years old) and we could not delay purchasing a new one. Since we blew it yesterday, we are trying to make up for it today, Wednesday. Tomorrow, Thursday, is another "regular" NSD.

For the month, we are 3 down with 7 to go, and hopefully by the end of the day it will be 4 down with 6 to go!

It seemed like the NSDs were going to be a occasional challenge (3x/week, specifically), but in reality we are going on 4 days in a row without trying to spend, more concentrated of a challenge than I bargained for. But it's all good. I'm really liking this challenge and hopefully it will be something DH and I strive to do next month, too. Even though we blew yesterday with the car battery, since we were trying for a NSD, we hadn't spent anything up thru 3 pm, when we got the battery. So the challenge worked to keep us from spending anything else prior to the battery purchase, even if the day wasn't a successful NSD.

I'm also pairing this challenge with an only-once-a-week-lunch-out policy for work. I am taking several days off this month, so it's a little easier on me than it will be next month...

9-12-12, 4:03pm
No spending yesterday or today! Three for the week. I know I will be spending on Friday because I get paid. But I only need 1 more day this week to meet my goal.

9-12-12, 4:10pm
I don't think I've spent any money at all this month! I've been sick in bed - I guess there is a silver lining!

9-14-12, 1:38pm
Four no spend days! Done for this week. Today I am spending. If I shop well for a few groceries today I may not have to spend this weekend.

9-14-12, 2:15pm
I haven't been doing so great. I haven't spend any money on stuff like clothes or shoes, but I haven't been taking my lunch to work and end up picking up food - usually subway or a taco. I think eating out, even trying to do it cheaply, is my downfall. I went to happy hour one night and I did manage to get 3 glasses of wine and a small flatbread pizza for $12. I need to discipline myself with eating out! My cat is having teeth extractions today and I think I will be lucky if I get away less than $700, but that's important and it's for her health.

9-14-12, 2:57pm
Spend Tuesday, Wednesday. No spend yesterday, today. Will spend tomorrow. That will make 5 so far this month. I don't think I can make my goal...

9-14-12, 3:29pm
So Far..............
Sept 01 ............No Spend
Sept 02..............Spend...groceries and wine (this was a box and it is suppose to last awhile...hehe and I like the boxes I look for anyone that I like on sale...save getting nicer bottles for company)
Sept 03..............No Spend
Sept 04..............Spend...TOPS fees
Sept 05..............Spend..Coffee & Tea Biscuit out with a friend who it turns out is not a good friend to shop the sales with.
Sept 06..............No Spend
Sept 07.............Spend...Costco..some food...a great purse/bag that in insulated on one side will be great for day trips I will only need one bag. Beautiful pair of dress pants on sale $9.97 great price.
Sept08..............Spend...Bus trip paid for Oct,...sewing class...Groupon for Tea for 2
Spet09.............No Spend
Sept10..............Spend...real biggie for this day but, no choice really..new fridge for rental
Sept11.............No Spend..and it was even my birthday...others spoiled
Sept12............No Spend
Sept13............Spend--------groceries...all specials
Sept14............No Spend..........
I am very pleased this has worked out ot 7 days out of 14...

9-16-12, 12:00am
Things changed from my plans. Spent more time at the rehab center and got a list for next week (errands for the one in the physical rehab place), and received a call when getting out of there. So I went over to a relatives for dinner and to help them move some large items for a garage sale. Wednesday, I ordered a book that hasn't been at the library (not many copies here) so I spent the $7 on that and bought two memory cards for the fore mentioned computers. Thursday, did laundry at the laundromat and then picked up lunch on the way in. No spend on Friday, and Saturday, one work errand I haven't turned in yet (thought I was supposed to put in a 12 that day, due to the other filler in, being at a family wedding), and picked up some groceries for Tuesday (crock pot stuff, since I will be out on errands). No need to spend tomorrow or Monday though. I need to follow Dana's example and list them by date. Will have to figure it out Tuesday, though.

9-16-12, 1:56am
The only days I spent this week is when we went out to dinner on Wednesday...I think we also went out to eat last weekend on Sat. Otherwise I haven't spent anything. DH on the other hand is buying his lunch out every day....unfortunately...

iris lily
9-16-12, 8:56pm
I had a good run of no spend days: Thursday, Friday, Saturday. for a total of 4 for the month. I met my (low set) goal of 3.

I have to report that on one of those days I would have spent $.75 in the vending machine if I HAD $.75. There is a good reason I don't carry cash.

edited to add: started this post with 4
another day 9/17/2012
9/24,9/25/ 9/26, 9/27, 9/28

Total so far=10

9-16-12, 9:31pm
I haven't had any more NSDs . . . but this challenge is making me realize how many little things I spend on.

9-17-12, 11:23am
Still loving this challenge! We have 5 done of our goal of 10, so that's 5 to go and 6 scheduled remaining. We all went for a family hike on Sunday morning, it was such a great and fun activity, I'm looking forward to doing it more. I'm pretty sure we would have found some errand to run (aka, thing to go buy) if we weren't focused on making it a NSD!

9-17-12, 1:25pm
No spending yesterday. No leaving the house either.
Today I bought bread, yogurt & crystal lt. before I left work. And I may be buying a new car battery :(

Tomorrow I should not have to buy anything.

9-18-12, 9:52am
6 down 4 to go!

9-18-12, 3:00pm
Oops! Well today at work we marked down school supplies to 70% off. I bought a bunch of stuff for Christmas Shoeboxes. One thing for Tyler & a notebook for me. With my discounts it was more like 85% off so I got some good deals. I did have money set aside for the shoeboxes. But this means I will not make my 4 days a week goal. Friday I will be grocery shopping & Saturday we will be going up to watch Tyler march.

But I will have 3 NSD's which isn't bad.

9-19-12, 12:18pm
7 down, 3 to go! The last 3 were consecutive days, Sun, Mon & Tues. I think we will get another one today, too. Tomorrow we plan on properly blowing the streak. I have the day off and DH and I are taking the girls to the city for some fun...

9-19-12, 7:26pm
No spend since Saturday.

9-19-12, 9:57pm
I bought a bunch of stuff for Christmas Shoeboxes.

Azure, I'm doing that charity this year too. Is it connected with Samaritan's Purse? That's the one my friend got me to do. You pick an age range and then fill the shoebox with school supplies, t-shirt, sunglasses, small toy, stuff like that. You also pay $7 to defray cost of shipping them overseas. This is the first time I've done this, so I'm cramming as much as I can into that plastic shoebox for the mystery teenage boy recipient!

9-20-12, 7:59am
I should have set a goal like you all. I did have another one on Tuesday which puts me up to 4. Lesson learned!!! Next month I can . . .

9-20-12, 2:38pm
Azure, I'm doing that charity this year too. Is it connected with Samaritan's Purse? That's the one my friend got me to do. You pick an age range and then fill the shoebox with school supplies, t-shirt, sunglasses, small toy, stuff like that. You also pay $7 to defray cost of shipping them overseas. This is the first time I've done this, so I'm cramming as much as I can into that plastic shoebox for the mystery teenage boy recipient!

Yep, that's the one. It's so fun to do. We do it at our church. We also do teenage boy boxes. This year I am doing 3. One for each of my kids. My dream is to do a dozen, one per month. Hopefully next year I will be up to 4.

9-20-12, 2:44pm
Well looks like I am going to be only at 2 for this week. Bummer! Spent money yesterday when we decided to go use my free steak & shake dinner coupon. Used the cash we would have used for lunch on Saturday since we are getting a free lunch from the college for parents day.

9-21-12, 8:26pm
So Far..............
Sept 01 ............No Spend
Sept 02..............Spend...groceries and wine (this was a box and it is suppose to last awhile...hehe and I like the boxes I look for anyone that I like on sale...save getting nicer bottles for company)
Sept 03..............No Spend
Sept 04..............Spend...TOPS fees
Sept 05..............Spend..Coffee & Tea Biscuit out with a friend who it turns out is not a good friend to shop the sales with.
Sept 06..............No Spend
Sept 07.............Spend...Costco..some food...a great purse/bag that in insulated on one side will be great for day trips I will only need one bag. Beautiful pair of dress pants on sale $9.97 great price.
Sept08..............Spend...Bus trip paid for Oct,...sewing class...Groupon for Tea for 2
Spet09.............No Spend
Sept10..............Spend...real biggie for this day but, no choice really..new fridge for rental
Sept11.............No Spend..and it was even my birthday...others spoiled
Sept12............No Spend.............
Sept13............Spend--------groceries...all specials
Sept14............No Spend..........
Sept15.............No Spend...........
Sept16.............Spend....lunch with sister
Sept18.............Spend.....$1.00 at TOPS and a few groceries
Sept19............No Spend.......
Sept20...........Spend.....Lunch out with Dd and Police Check for Volunteering.
Still managing 10 out 20...50%..I am very pleased but the test will be to see how much less I have spent by the end of the month....lol

9-21-12, 8:30pm
No spend yesterday or tomorrow. My original goal of 6 spend days will be used up either tomorrow or Sunday. Then I'll have to go an entire week without spending. Bad planning. But last week I blew my two freebies in one week. The first spend day was gasoline for my mower and when I got home with the gasoline my neighbor had mowed the lawn--so that spend day was a total waste.

I'm going to try really hard to not blow this and get to the end of September with no more than 6 spend days...

9-22-12, 12:48am
Yesterday was a spend day, due to work calling, and I didn't want to waste time getting into petty cash for 74 cents. I will wait until I have some other ones to turn in. Today was one, and if I am counting it right, it is number 11 for the month. Tomorrow may be, although it depends on if I have a filter for my oil, as it is time to change (already had the oil). Sunday should be one and hopefully so should Monday.

EdIt: Sunday was one, Monday was, up until I was off work and received a call to pick up something for mom. I don't need the five bucks back. Today is a bunch of errands for work and the injured boss, as well as picking up stuff for a friend's event, who is fighting cancer and has surgery upcoming. So I expect Wednesday to be the next one.

9-26-12, 7:14pm
Bought some antihistamine on the way home from the park today so my goal for the month is officially blown. I have had 7 spend days and I only budgeted 6. Maybe I was a little overenthusiastic or overly zealous when I made my original goal?...

9-26-12, 7:55pm
bunnys, I think you did great even if you went over by a day!!!

9-26-12, 8:08pm
That's nice of you to say. But remember, I live alone. It's a lot easier for me to have no spend days than for people with a bunch of little kids who don't tell them they needed "it" until 5 minutes before the deadline--and all the other stuff that goes along with trying to manage money when you are dealing with a bunch of people who don't want their spending managed.

I like this thread and it really has helped me put the brakes on the spending I was doing during August that was absolutely out of control.

I'll try and plan a little better for October--by paying attention to how many weekends there are for one thing. I'd really like to make my goal.

I think everyone did well--based on the reports I've read.

9-26-12, 8:23pm
Interestingly, even though I started the thread, I don't think the no-spend approach worked very well for me! I mean, I gave it a good try, but it just didn't stay top-of-mind. Perhaps a goal, as I said above . . . but I have been very admiring of other people's progress!!

9-26-12, 8:51pm
So Far..............I think we are all doing great..!
Sept 01 ............No Spend
Sept 02..............Spend...groceries and wine (this was a box and it is suppose to last awhile...hehe and I like the boxes I look for anyone that I like on sale...save getting nicer bottles for company)
Sept 03..............No Spend
Sept 04..............Spend...TOPS fees
Sept 05..............Spend..Coffee & Tea Biscuit out with a friend who it turns out is not a good friend to shop the sales with.
Sept 06..............No Spend
Sept 07.............Spend...Costco..some food...a great purse/bag that in insulated on one side will be great for day trips I will only need one bag. Beautiful pair of dress pants on sale $9.97 great price.
Sept08..............Spend...Bus trip paid for Oct,...sewing class...Groupon for Tea for 2
Spet09.............No Spend
Sept10..............Spend...real biggie for this day but, no choice really..new fridge for rental
Sept11.............No Spend..and it was even my birthday...others spoiled
Sept12............No Spend.............
Sept13............Spend--------groceries...all specials
Sept14............No Spend..........
Sept15.............No Spend...........
Sept16.............Spend....lunch with sister
Sept18.............Spend.....$1.00 at TOPS and a few groceries
Sept19............No Spend.......
Sept20...........Spend.....Lunch out with Dd and Police Check for Volunteering. I forgot 10 Bus tickets $19.00
Sept21............No Spend
Sept22............No Spend
Sept23............Spend.....groceries at Costco
Sept24............No Spend
Sept25............Spend............TOPS dues, Gas $45.00 (that is a fill up after driving since Aug07,2012)
Sept26............No Spend....

9-27-12, 11:37am
Wednesday was blown when I found out my dad picked me up a board for a project. ($7) I found something I want to build for by the front door, and it needed modifying and was built pretty cheaply. The next few days are up in the air with work stuff. (ordered some stuff online for work, so will turn in a few minor things all at once, when the bill arrives). When the boss comes back in a few months?, I think this will be easier.

9-27-12, 3:30pm
Danna--you have a lot of no-spend days. Congrats.

What do you mean on the 25th about gas?

9-27-12, 5:59pm
bunnys...yes I have really been trying not to spend much at all....reasons are like having enough when I am hit with
something like the Fridge in the rental just quit working and not worth repairing...life

What I was trying to say was that I had filled the car up with gas on Aug 07/2012 and again on Sept 25/2012 and it was only $45.00.
I live close to a lot of things so I have been trying to walk for gas savings and exercise....Also, I am retired so I am not going out to work.

iris lily
9-27-12, 6:38pm
On Sunday my credit card account was closed due to suspected theft attempt. Following, I had 3 no -spend days in a row. Coincidence? I think not. :laff:

Yesterday I went to my banker (DH) and asked for cash. He gave me a $20.00 bill. I've not been able to spend it in the vending machine. I'd really prefer bills of $1 and some quarters, but DH didn't have that. Chalk up today to no-spend 'cause I have too much cash, I just want $1.

9-27-12, 7:50pm
Danna--That is phenomenal rationing of the gas! I've been filling my gas up every Saturday and am finding that I'm spending about $17 bucks per week on gas. It's too much but I can't see how I could cut down on my driving without seriously compromising my quality of life.

Iris--gotta love it when an attempted robbery SAVES you money!

I really like this thread bc it really helps me not spend. And the more I days I go not spending, I find, the easier it is for me to continue to not spend.

That said, I think I'm going to spend this weekend so I will have a total of 8 spend days for the month. I chalk it up to bad planning.

Synapse to synapse
9-28-12, 3:04pm
Sorry if this was answered somewhere in the thread (I haven't went through all 11 pages...yet! ;)), and I apologize if this is a frequent quesiton on these forums, but what exactly is a No-Spend day? Or is it a bit variant for each person? I googled it, and read a few different blogs and articles.

From what I gathered, is it simply a day where you don't spend money on a single thing? Not buying lunch, rather taking it from home, not going to the movies with a friend, or not renting a movie, instead staying home and watching a movie with your friend that you already own, or perhaps rented from the library?

If that's the case, I've had quite a few no-spend days these past few weeks, but that's just because my budget is already tight! Heh, maybe I'm doing better than I thought, already. </sarcasm>


9-28-12, 3:12pm
Yes, that's it. I also count days I pay bills online as spend days. Going to the doctor and paying a copay or getting a prescription filled as well. Basically a day you don't spend a penny on anything.

That doesn't count making dinner and opening a can of tomatoes and using those. You already spent the money on those. Also, driving doesn't count as you bought the gas on a prior spend day.

I want to do this thread again next month.

Synapse to synapse
9-28-12, 3:16pm
Yes, that's it. I also count days I pay bills online as spend days. Going to the doctor and paying a copay or getting a prescription filled as well. Basically a day you don't spend a penny on anything.

That doesn't count making dinner and opening a can of tomatoes and using those. You already spent the money on those. Also, driving doesn't count as you bought the gas on a prior spend day.

I want to do this thread again next month.

I see! Thank you for the informative and expedient response!

9-30-12, 10:14pm
End of month summary: 8 spend days. I'd budgeted 6. So I blew my goal by 33%.

Is anyone up for another go?

10-1-12, 8:41am
End of month summary: 8 spend days. I'd budgeted 6. So I blew my goal by 33%.

Is anyone up for another go?

We had 11 NSD in September, our goal was 10! Not too shabby for our family of 4! We are definitely doing it again in October, I'd love to see another support thread here for it!

10-1-12, 8:42am
So Far..............I think we are all doing great..!
Sept 01 ............No Spend
Sept 02..............Spend...groceries and wine (this was a box and it is suppose to last awhile...hehe and I like the boxes I look for anyone that I like on sale...save getting nicer bottles for company)
Sept 03..............No Spend
Sept 04..............Spend...TOPS fees
Sept 05..............Spend..Coffee & Tea Biscuit out with a friend who it turns out is not a good friend to shop the sales with.
Sept 06..............No Spend
Sept 07.............Spend...Costco..some food...a great purse/bag that in insulated on one side will be great for day trips I will only need one bag. Beautiful pair of dress pants on sale $9.97 great price. .....Aqua Fit
Sept08..............Spend...Bus trip paid for Oct,...sewing class...Groupon for Tea for 2
Spet09.............No Spend
Sept10..............Spend...real biggie for this day but, no choice really..new fridge for rental
Sept11.............No Spend..and it was even my birthday...others spoiled
Sept12............No Spend.............
Sept13............Spend--------groceries...all specials
Sept14............No Spend..........
Sept15.............No Spend...........
Sept16.............Spend....lunch with sister
Sept18.............Spend.....$1.00 at TOPS and a few groceries
Sept19............No Spend.......
Sept20...........Spend.....Lunch out with Dd and Police Check for Volunteering. I forgot 10 Bus tickets $19.00
Sept21............No Spend
Sept22............No Spend
Sept23............Spend.....groceries at Costco
Sept24............No Spend
Sept25............Spend............TOPS dues, Gas $45.00 (that is a fill up after driving since Aug07,2012), Makeup from Avon $12.07
Sept26............No Spend....
Sept 27...........Spend....Hair Dye
Sept 28............Spend.....Aqua Fit Class
Sept 29.............Spend...Free Musuem Tour and Heritage Homes...bought bus pass for day and lunch out
Sept30.............No Spend

I am very pleased 15 out of 30, but not sure I actually spend less this way or just differently will need to compare a few months.
Great way to make one aware of what and how you spend.