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9-1-12, 11:49pm
We worked hard at my parents' today hauling manure and transplanting plants. We probably were in motion for two hours or more. I am feeling it, but it feels good to be very close to where we want to be for the season! We put in a new bed, so we nearly filled that with fresh manure to age over fall, winter and spring. It will age for a good 7-8 months before planting. We'll top it up in October when we refresh our pumpkin bed after harvesting. My parents have super sandy soil so it's always good to top up the manure . . . if we left it a season or two, it would all appear to leach out (not sure how to describe it!) and revert to sand. It's like a beach up there!

Geez, are we sure this isn't a gardening thread?! :)

Happy fitness to all! Temps should be cooling off for most of us! Yippeeeeeeee!

9-2-12, 6:09am
My fitness plan for September is just to stay in constant motion as I was last month with my gardening projects. When we were traveling I really felt the lack of things to do. I walked every day but missed my garden. I have a long list of things that need to be done in the garden and whiled away the airplane time by sketching plans of our yard - areas to take over from grass and plant for the next couple of years. I've also got some projects around the house - refinishing some wood, painting, etc. I enjoy these activities far more than going to a gym, and if I do this kind of work for a few hours/day I see more of a difference than any hour spent at a class or on a treadmill.

9-2-12, 8:07am
I am committing to walking 5 days a week . I used to walk that. I walked the dog out to the lake, around the lake & back which is close to 2 miles. Then I had such bad plantar fascitis & heel spurs that I finally had to stop and just rest my feet so I didn't walk for 11 months. And since then, well, I have been lazy. Plus I have had a hard time figuring out when to do it. Since I leave for work at 5:30 am I can't do morning walks. And it was so darn hot this summer that by the time it cooled down in the evening it was too close to my bed time. But I think mostly it was laziness. The weather is mostly so much better that I think that kills the excuse.I am getting way to flabby so I need to just do it!

9-2-12, 9:44am
Oh Azure, don't beat yourself up. I would not start out with 2 miles 5 days a week....maybe 10 minutes every day...then up it. I would even do 10 minutes on alternate days and make sure to do stretches every day. Working also interferes- but can you get out for 10 minutes during lunch or a break? I'm great with advice and have sat motionless for 3 days- no good reason, just not moving. I am glad to see this thread up for Sept. too as I certainly find myself more motivated just by coming here. My goal is 4 days a week as well, July and august I managed to average 3 days a week, so I am setting my goal at 4 with extra stars for the 5th day! I do love counting up those gold, silver metallic star stickers each week. 4ht grade teacher here for 31 years...that love of sparkle never leaves.>8)

9-2-12, 10:26am
nswef, I never knew you are a teacher - me too. :) Fourth grade is a favorite age. AND for the record I am doing stickers on a calendar and have found it more effective that any online trackers for me - and I'm pretty dang online-motivated most of the time. Funny!!!

Azure I agree with nswef about beating oneself up. I think women especially tend to get into the negative self-talk. Last week I was beatin' the he** out of myself mentally. Now I have perked up a bit and feeling better about life. Your doggies will LOVE any kind of walk so take it slow. Has the foot stuff cleared up completely? Do you have the right shoes so it doesn't reoccur? I don't know that much about those foot conditions other than that a lot of people seem to be afflicted. They sound very painful.

Rosemary, garden away!!!!! :) Hopefully you'll have a chance to post before and after pics at some point.

9-3-12, 10:51pm
We have had such a lovely, active weekend. First we had the mega-gardening day, but there was also the bike rides on Friday and Sunday (to restaurants both time! So maybe calorie-neutral rides). We went over the river into Minneapolis which has a wonderful trail system and we very much enjoyed both rides.

Tonight I did a brief yoga video on YouTube. New fave over there is Ekhart Yoga (YouTube name = yogatic).

She talked about having hot lemon water or ginger tea first thing in the morning to "fire up" digestion for the day. I might need that advice . . . also since going off the birth control pills to benefit my Hashi's I am finding my digestion has slooooooowed way down. Not typically the problem I am used to! Trying out some solutions so might try the teas. I do enjoy a tea in the morning at work so I could nurse it all morning.

9-3-12, 11:28pm
On average I walk about 1.5 hours per day in the park with my doggie. I haven't missed a day walking with her (with the exception of being on a trip) for over 4 years. We probably average about 4.5 miles each day. I had thought about adding weight training or stretching or both to this routine but I just don't care enough to bother.

About 8 years ago (over the course of about 3 years) I lost about 65lbs. I have struggled now for the past 5 years to lose the last 10ish pounds. I have no idea how much I actually weigh right now as I stopped weighing myself years ago but I think it feels like I need to go about 10 more pounds.

Or not, I think the time has arrived for me to let go of this lack of satisfaction with my physical appearance. I've thought I was fat since I was 14 and 120lbs. Pretty much preposterous that's how I felt for decades. Even after having lost a significant amount of weight and knowing I'm a lot thinner than the average 48-year-old and looking a lot better than many women my age, I still am dissatisfied with the way I look--which is absurd.

I think the time has arrived for me to let this crap go. I look fine. Even though some of my clothing is a little too snug for comfort, I still have plenty of other stuff that looks great and I should really be happy with the way I look. Someone at school called me "svelte" the other day. I ain't svelte but obviously I look a lot better than I give myself credit for. Shows you how perception is reality, huh?

I spent 34 years of my life being dissatisfied with my appearance. I don't want to go to my death having spent even close to half my life not being happy with the way I look, much less most of my life. I have all my limbs and all my teeth and I'm fully ambulatory! That's pretty good!

So I'm letting this go. I'm just going to focus on not eating for emotional reasons and only when I'm hungry and not overeating and keep walking in the park (which obviously I must love or I would never have been able to maintain this routine so long) and move on down the road. If I lose more weight, great. If I stay the same, ok, that's cool, too. If I gain, oh well. But it's time for me to give myself permission to focus on other stuff that's only slightly more important in the scheme of things than whether or not I lose the last 10 pounds. What a waste of time.

9-6-12, 3:25pm
Thanks ladies. I don't think I was beating myself up so much as admitting the truth ;)

Don't worry I have shoes & inserts that are good for my feet. I do a lot of stretching. I use the yoga toes or ice when I think I need it.

Walked around the lake last night. Was only going to go for a short walk because of the humidity but there was a good breeze that had a touch of coolness to it. So we just went for it. That makes 2 days this week. I could still make my goal for the week. Of course, I may have to count running around at DS's xc meet for 1 days worth. lol

9-6-12, 5:18pm
I'm still trying to find my "exercise groove" where it doesn't feel like such a chore. I was experimenting with High INtensity Interval Training, but although that is supposed to be one of the most efficient/effective ways to do cardio and burn fat, it doesn't seem to click with me. I'm not a long-distance runner, either -- was working on a 10k training program, and those long runs just were a slog. My sweet spot seems to be in the 30-45 minute range. So, I think I'll go back to working on getting my 5k time under 30 minutes. I did that earlier this year, pretty quickly actually. Yesterday I managed 5k in 37 minutes. Had to take a few walking breaks in the middle, though. Goal is to keep building up the time I run without a break until I can run the entire 5k in that time without stopping.

I also need to get back to adding weights into the routine, as I have lost a lot of muscle the past few months.


9-6-12, 5:24pm
bunnys, you might like this blog post I read recently: http://paleopepper.com/2011/02/the-impossibility-of-body-image-objectivity/

This woman describes how the sense of one's body is barely connected to the reality of the body. That is, some of us think we are big no matter what size we are. Her photos were striking.

9-6-12, 9:08pm
Well, I have managed to keep my goal of working out even with a challenge of my husband suffering a scary heart crisis. Even with two days spent bedside in a hospital I am still on task. Yay me!

I am doing some video on demand workouts in addition to my lunchtime gym workouts and the ease of use combined with a fresh routine are adding a welcome change to my days. I find I can easily demotivate myself. So this is one of my tools to add variety.

9-6-12, 9:29pm
lmerullo, awesome work staying focused through the ickiness. Hope DH feels better soon.

9-9-12, 2:12pm
Imerullo, I am amazed that you could stay on track. I am sure it helps, but am never able to do it. I hope all becomes well with your husband's health.

Been pretty lax these past two weeks...no good reason. But today, low humidity, blue skies, sunshine and 75-80 so I am taking a break from the hour I spent clearing the tomatoes and potatoes. Pretty useless garden this year for which I had high hopes, lots of rain so all should have been good- I even fertilized. About 10 wee potatoes, most of the tomatoes had stink bug damage..next year one cherry tomato and maybe potatoes in a row. I haven't harvested the sweet potatoes yet...hoping for a better result there. so, I'm off again to take control of this unruly yard.

9-9-12, 5:12pm
Got my 5k run time down to 33:15. If I can shave another minute off per week, I'll be down to 30:00 minutes by the end of the month. I think I'll make that my target, along with working the weights back into my weekly routine.


9-10-12, 9:39am
Wonderfu Ihamo! Is a minute off a week too fast? Not being a runner or timer....I haven't any idea. I'm impressed that you are right back on track! I did a yoga this morning...might even walk this afternoon or evening. The weather is perfect! Some yard work in the schedule, too.

9-12-12, 10:26pm
Uff, all . . . having a hard time with my workouts this month. And I'm running a 5K on Friday evening! Ay!

Not sure why I am so tired lately. My 10 minutes a day are down the toilet and I need to resume before it gets too far gone.

Actually, I think part of the culprit is we've had way too many things in the evenings. Tonight I did a no-show for a class I signed up for. I always feel bad about that, but I have to make it through the next two night's activities! Eeek!

Plus, we've started walking the dogs in the morning (taking turns, so not both of us every morning) so I guess that is an extra movement but it is an extra time commitment. Earlier awake means earlier asleep - or should - maybe that's an explanation! :)

Also, my body is fighting off something. I can feel it in my upper respiratory tract - a kind of tightness or tickle, but nothing more yet. I'll take it . . . away, sickness! Away!

Might have to look into a gym membership again. Someone told me that in addition to our little bit for working out 12 times a month ($20) we can also get the joiner's fee waived at the Y. That might make it worth it. I can go in White Bear when I'm up there for work or go at Midway when I'm not, so it's convenient. Last year I had a free pass I won at a silent auction so I was able to thoroughly vet the Y. :)

9-13-12, 10:51am
lhamo - wow, one minute a week does seem impressive.

nswef - gardening seems like it would be a whole body workout - I would count it as active time.

fidgie - hope you feel better soon, good luck with the 5k.

I have been trudging along, making all workouts work, kwim? I no longer just "check in" for a workout - I have to give it my best effort for whatever time i have to give. It has made a difference.

Dh had his cardiologist appointment today. He lost 11 lbs and I've lost 4 with the new eating plan. He was hopeful that the Dr would allow him back to a normal diet, but no... this new way will be his new normal. It's a little different, but I still think doable long term. If we can continue to see weight loss, it will be an incentive, that's for sure!

9-13-12, 11:15am
Wow, you guys....great job, lhamo. I started running again in March and optimistically signed up for a 5K for Sept. 23rd and suddenly can't find the motivation to run AT ALL. So I just signed up for two more five K runs....sometimes I wonder who is actually inhabiting my body.

Got to get OUT there....I haven't run for nearly three weeks now, though I have been walking. Work really heated up and that's part of it. When I am busy at work I need my run more than ever but I also find it harder to leave the office (home office) and head out.

Lmerullo, I like your idea of making yourself mindful of giving "best effort" and I think I am going to borrow that idea. Thank you.

9-13-12, 11:36am
Leslieann, Can you just walk the 5k? Or do a mix? I don't know haow anyone works and then keeps up with exercise, too. Imerullo, new diet as a new normal. Good luck with that. I hope it becomes easy! I too enjoy your idea of putting forth best effort when doing exercise- living the moment etc. I took a new yoga class last night- harder and longer than I have been doing at home, but most enjoyable- and tiring, but I felt energized afterward and oh so loose! I took a friend with me who is interested in starting yoga. I think it might have been too intense for her, but I'll see today. Yard work and glazing a window today,l it will involve being on a ladder for a while.

9-13-12, 12:31pm
I am not a runner so I am not in the same league with you guys. But I did buy a book on Amazon (Move a Little, Lose a Lot) that stemmed from the treadmill desk discussion on how it was important to move more throughout the day. The book said that Amish women walk 14K steps just going about their work. It made me realize that I need to move more throughout the day and not just exercise for an hour once a day. Before I was having trouble losing weight even cutting way back on food and exercising daily. So far so good. I have tried to follow the book ideas more and I have lost a little bit of weight already. I think before I was missing the part about not sitting on my rear for hours at a time at the computer. Doh! I have finicky knees so I can't run, but I have been walking more as well as breaking it up more into smaller walks multiple times a day instead of one major walk a day after dinner and using my pedal exerciser when I watch TV in the evenings.

It is interesting because the whole book really ties into the simple living ideas of having less labor saving appliances, less fast and convenience foods and not outsourcing stuff like laundry, house cleaning and yard work that many two income couples use to save on time. The latter ways save time but cost more money and resort in a lack of activity that is hard to offset with even once a day trips to the gym. Burning an extra 100 calories per waking hour creates an extra 1600 calories a day burn, while going to the gym for an hour may use an extra 200 calories. This may be old stuff for many of you, but for me it was very enlightening.

9-13-12, 1:38pm
Try2befrugal you are a person after my own heart. I have to force myself to get up and move. I like your ideas about constant moving rather than one long dedicated time. I read an article once about skinny thinking and most skinny people don't sit much. Skinny is not what I'm after, but I always feel better when I have been moving more...so I'm not going to start hand washing my laundry, but I will make more trips up and down the basement steps, trying not to save steps but make steps. It's an odd way for me to think, so thanks for the idea.

9-13-12, 1:51pm
It is interesting because the whole book really ties into the simple living ideas of having less labor saving appliances, less fast and convenience foods and not outsourcing stuff like laundry, house cleaning and yard work that many two income couples use to save on time.

I think the assumption is that if you don't outsource it you will do it yourself, when more realistically in some cases it might be outsourcing or it doesn't get done at all (I bet for instance that is true of every single hoarder on Hoarders, that they'd probably be better off if they just hired a weekly or even monthly maid).

9-13-12, 2:37pm
Out the door at 5:02 - ran 4.5 miles. Said good morning to the homeless lady who is camping the field by the road. I have done several times and today she said in very raspy morning voice - "good morning" back! Life is good.

9-13-12, 3:06pm
I have trained all summer at the crack of day light for a "check in the box" a 1/2 marathon. Was I crazy I was not a runner. I have run no more then 3 miles treadmill running, I did a 5K fun run a year ago and then I said I CAN DO IT! I am 51 and with each milage increase I was amazed to be honest. I yell to everyone I see on the trails and roads what ever my milage is at that moment. I have spoken to more strangers this summer then any time in my life. My last run Wednesday was 11 miles road running/hills/gravel in 1 hour 45 minutes. I really wanted to hit 13.1 miles before the race which is Saturday, but did not. I am scared, but think I can do it.
I made a small sign and sewed it to my shirt, 51 {check in box}.

9-13-12, 4:07pm
Yea to both Gregg for persistent kindness and ctg492 for persistent running!

9-13-12, 6:25pm
ctg492: YOU CAN DO IT! If you pace yourself you will make the 13.1 distance, even if you haven't ran that far before. The excitement of the race, crowds, etc. will pull you through it. You will be glad you did! Give your body a chance to rest before the race. You will not lose your endurance. GO FOR IT!

9-14-12, 6:13am
Thank you. I took thursday off sort of, I can't sit long so I took an easy 20 mile ride, today is rain all day so I probably won't do anything. I plan to be at the run at 6:30 am sign in is at 7am, 8 am run.............10:20 I hope to cross the line ???? Ok I would still be happy with 10:30 :)

9-14-12, 6:31am
Well done, everybody -- good luck with the race tomorrow, ctg!

I got my time down to 32:55 on Wednesday. Work was crazy this week with a new staff person and meetings, plus had a friend from the US visiting, so that was the only day I made it to the gym during the week. Did do a good bit of brisk walking, though.

I'm going to try to get to 32:00 on my run tomorrow, at a minimum. That'll be down 5 minutes already since last week.


9-14-12, 7:23am
You guys impress me! I did get out yesterday for a hill walk, no running even with that race looming. Yes, I can walk it and I have NO SHAME about that....(I used to have extreme shame about such things).

Yay, ctg, for the half marathon. Good for you! And greg44 and lhamo, you guys DO inspire me. Also reading the Running Room magazine that came this week. I was also a couch potato turned marathoner ten years ago. It is an amazing feeling to do something that you didn't believe you could do, and also that most of your friends don't think is possible (for them).

I overworked myself and dealt with injury after injury, so now I run but with a different mantra...it has to be FUN. Of course in the moment it often isn't all that fun but overall, I do it when I really feel like it (and of course the more you do, the more you want to do). But setting goals by registering for races isn't really compatible with that philosophy.

Anyway, a run is on my agenda for today. Today is the second of two days off. I had NO idea until yesterday how much I needed a day off. (Edit: I mean off from WORK, not from working out.)

I also notice that when I keep moving, either walking, hanging laundry, gardening, dancing around the living room, I feel much better than otherwise.

9-16-12, 3:27am
BLAH! I am annoyed. I tried to push it a little too hard yesterday during my run, and ended up with a strained calf muscle. It is actually the second time I've done this in the last three weeks, this time more serious -- could hardly walk yesterday afternoon/evening. General advice seems to be to stop running for several weeks, and do more stretching.

I didn't even get a decent time out of it, either. :(

Lesson learned: Don't push yourself too hard, isn't worth it.


9-16-12, 4:35pm
Went on 5 mile run Saturday a.m. in dark - though I was wearing my reflective vest. All going well. My mind was wondering as it often does when I run - it helps the time go by. I was running by several motels/hotels and was amazed how full their parking lots were. Just about then as I was gawking around -- I caught my shoe on an uneven sidewalk and I in slow motion -- sort of in that superman stance -- biff it, landing on my side. I was thinking during those brief moments as I was being propelled through the air...crap I can't believe this is happening...AGAIN. It all ended in a big thump as I layed on the sidewalk in pain. I pulled myself up, examined myself -- oh that hurt.

I did quickly looked around I don't "think" I was seen or caught on anyone's iphone. I hobbled for about a block or so and remembered I was still a couple miles from home and I had to be to work early, so I started running again and made it home in one piece. One bloody knee, and some very sore ribs -- AND one heck of a good story to tell!

The joys of running in the dark!

9-16-12, 7:12pm
Oh no! lhamo and Gregg, feel better, both of you!

5K on Friday evening and about 30 minutes of biking today. I finally got a stability ball, too. I look forward to trying out some different YouTube vids now that I have that piece of equipment.

I should start thinking winter workout plans. Maybe just even cleaning up the basement enough to set up the Nordic Track (killer workout) and set up a TV to watch while I do it. We have the TVs laying around and plenty of room for this setup if I put away some other crap.

9-16-12, 7:47pm
Fidgie: Are you saying exercising outside during the winter is not an option. Why? Cold or snow?

9-16-12, 9:36pm
It is, but I just usually don't unless it's XC skiing. Last year was so mild I didn't get out to do that once. :( You have to time the trails just right before they ice up when the weather gets warm, melts them and then refreezes. And that always happened when I was at work!

I am not afraid of the cold for running, usually it's icy sidewalks. Even with YakTraks, which we have, they are still dangerous. As is running in the street.

And then there is the battle of darkness and SAD, which I don't officially have, but I believe everyone is kind of more lazy in winter, myself included. It's a natural thing.

So basically the idea of the Nordic Track set up is to clear as many obstacles as possible so that I can actually get in my exercise. Plus, we already own all that stuff.

I am also considering looking into a Y membership. Someone told me with our health insurance plan we don't have to pay a joiner's fee. Then I'd suspend the membership in spring/fall - but might keep it in summer. This summer I could have used an air conditioned workout spot. Will keep thinking on this one.

I broke my 10 minute streak a few weeks ago and was really disappointed. But at the 5K on Friday I am feeling so good about what I HAVE done. When I was first running and biking last spring, there were certain hills and spots in my normal routes that would give me a hard time, and today I noticed that one of them is a piece of cake. It used to nearly kill me! So I'm pretty proud of that change, and astonished at how little effort I really put in to be able to get that kind of a result.

9-17-12, 11:43am
ihamo, What a hard lesson...I hope it heals well and your frustration level drops. ctg, How was the race?

9-17-12, 11:48am
Gregg, That falling is not only scary but embarrassing and frustrating to have to keep paying attention to where your feet are! Glad you weren't hurt too badly, but I bet you ache...

fidgiegirl, How clever you are to be thinking about winter already and to have a GOOD plan. That 5 k on Friday- organized? Did I miss that conversation?

I did walk the library path- a marked mile with my husband on Saturday- just a stroll and it is quite pleasant. No roads, and even some exercise stations. Another option for me.

Yard work and painting have been the only other movement.

9-17-12, 2:32pm
Dh and I missed our walks both days this weekend due to high activity level (for him) on Saturday and rain on Sunday. Hope to get him back to it tonight, weather permitting, as he could use it to build strength and endurance after his heart troubles.

I went to the gym every weekday last week (when did I last check in?) and then walked with dh after work every day. Lunchtime workout today has already got me progressing up in the weights. Yay! I love that I can do more now than two weeks ago.

9-20-12, 9:33pm
Back on the wagon! Ran today! Love feeling the progress I've made even with my difficult blip this month.

9-21-12, 1:55pm
I did an hour stroll today and feel as if I am getting back on track. I seem to have one excuse after another for not walking...

9-21-12, 4:04pm
Looking forward to my weekend. Maybe we will get some good outdoor activity this weekend.

Yesterday the hubby and I swam after work. It's something we enjoy, and during the summer we go swim at least once a week, and all weekend at a local resort. We both came home nicely exhausted - you know how your limbs feel all rubbery? Sigh!

Five work days, five workouts - and so far three after work walks and one swim... not too bad!

Oh, and hubby has lost another pound, making a total of 12. I envy that!

9-21-12, 7:40pm
My pillow was winning the war this a.m., but I re-arranged my schedule a bit and went for a 4.0+mile run. Managed to stay upright!

Still a little sore from my fall last week, but made it through my route and had some extra kick at the end. :)

9-23-12, 4:08pm
Hello all,

I have a proud moment to report! Today was the third time I've run a particular event here in the Twin Cities, my first time was in 2010, so two years ago (hope that makes sense - first time = 2010, second time = 2011, third time = 2012). In 2010 and 2011, I completed the race, but wanted to puke at the end of it both times. I was nervous to go, and all ramped up, and all uncomfortable with my running self, etc. But not today! I ran the whole thing comfortably (a big deal to me - I didn't have to push through when I really wanted to walk, I was just able to keep running). No clue on my time, but I felt so good with event as a whole. It was kind of a benchmark and proved that even though I haven't been "training," that all my efforts, and this thread, have been paying off.

I came to the realization some months ago that I can't do fitness and nutrition by the book. Counting calories or watching times or following training programs hasn't worked for me in the past - it turns me perfectionistic and neurotic about my shortcomings. I was working so hard to accomplish weight loss via calorie counting because that was how I was "supposed" to do it - not knowing that I had the gluten intolerance, and thus making ZERO progress, and then beating myself up for it! I have had to just figure it out for my own body. And that is ok. I am a person who is used to doing things like reading articles, coming here for advice or to SparkPeople or whatever, or watching instructional videos on YouTube and making things happen. But it hasn't worked that way with fitness and weight loss for me. So it's been a lot of mental and physical growth.

Well, none of that came out as eloquently as I thought, but I think you get the point: now that I trust myself to do what's best for my own body, things are changing and I'm creeping closer to my goals, and feeling good.

Thanks for being there throughout the journey, everyone!!!!

9-24-12, 3:44pm
Congrats on the race Fidgie! And cheers to listening to your body!

9-30-12, 6:30pm
Yea for you FidgieGirl!!!