View Full Version : The Lure of Holiday Stuff
9-26-12, 8:11pm
When we go into stores lately, I am strangely attracted to all the holiday-themed mishmash of trinkety crap.
The "fall" stuff, the Halloween stuff . . .
I never had this feeling before. I'm kind of humbug about seasonal decorating.
We do have a lovely mantel, though, that would be a good place to express some of this weird decorating desire. But I'd like to be with things I don't have to store. Ideas?
I'm thinking like acorns for fall, dyed eggs in spring, natural stuff that I can compost when it's done. Gourds, fruits, you know.
9-26-12, 8:43pm
Like your idea of using natural items, they, in my mind, look much nicer and as you said you will be able to compost most of it. Sounds like it would all look pretty on your mantle!
I like to use things I already have, like Christmas ornaments in a vase or fruit bowl, candle holders with candles in more Christmas like colours, angels or some other Christmas things you alread own. Think fabric, tablecloths, ribbon, scrafs, beads etc to use with them.
iris lily
9-26-12, 10:09pm
It's because you the OP have a nice new-to-you house that's not cluttered up and now your internal clutter bug is in active collecting mode. Human abhor a vacuum, haha.
that's what we do here. we follow the seasons. our lavender is blooming (it's spring), so we've been picking it and putting it into small mustard jars on our mantel. at christmas, we do that with pohutukawa. and we have a fine collection of shells.
9-27-12, 6:51am
What do I think? I like your idea. I like looking at all the holiday baubles in the stores but can forego it because I cannot visualize it in my home…just not me. I like natural/seasonal look (it looks so ‘natural’) accented with some meaningful purchased or home made items. There is a house in town that decorates each holiday with those huge blow up characters, it’s fun to drive by and look at, sometimes gaudy exhilarates my visual senses but not in my yard.
9-27-12, 11:20am
You can get cardboard from grocery stores, and recycle it later, use the compost pile for the dirt heap for a grave, etc. (Halloween decorations)
There used to be a store over by where I worked, where people paid GOOD money for "art", that a lot of it was made with items one could have done themselves for a LOT less money. I never understood that, but being a guy, I also never thought of dried twigs as art.
Point being, there is stuff to spend money on (some candy for the nieces and nephews, batteries for safety equipment for when trick or treating), but there is plenty one can do without and have more fun making.
9-27-12, 11:37am
The only gaudy yard art I ever wanted to recreate in my yard was the flock of plastic pink flamingoes that a guy in northern Ohio had in his yard. He moved them around and dressed them in themed outfits, always at night so no one saw or knew when he did it. It was fun to drive by and see what the flock was up to. I plan to get a flock myself sometime. I did actually buy a couple one time on my way to a friend's birthday party. She saw them in my truck and fell in love, so I gave them to her for her birthday. Someday...
9-27-12, 11:53am
Sounds like my mom and her gang of cronies. They do a "pink flamingo" party, where they get together on events (things like someone having a new grandkid) and put plastic flamingo's in their friends lawn at night.
9-27-12, 12:59pm
Pink flamingos/pink flamingo parties….that’s sounds like so much fun. I think I’d somehow justify putting pink flamingos in the tasteful category or at least a subcategory of tasteful.
Go for it! I, too, find that I'm fancying the likes of holiday stuff, the older I get. I'm presently working on a little something, and if all goes well, I'll post a few pictures.
I've had similar impulses and found that looking for things at the thrift shops is more fun. I can pick up a few items knowing that I'm giving something a new life and not spending much. It seems easier to find items that aren't plastic that way too. So far I have a lovely cornucopia I am going to fill with (later consumed) fruits and nuts and a ceramic pumpkin (just a plain matte finished pumpkin not a jack-o-lantern). :)
I second the thrift shop idea, and you can often get good deals buying holiday decorations after the holidays, especially at stores like Jo-Ann and Michaels.
For fall/harvest/Halloween, I'm satisfied with a very small pumpkin. I usually get one at put it on my bookcase at home. Perhaps one for the office, too.
When it comes to Christmas, I want LIGHTS! :) I was just at Target today, waaay in the back corner of the store, the first of the Christmas items had only been put out in the last week or two, mostly lights. This seems to be very late in my mind, but maybe I'm just not remembering previous years correctly. I got two Philips little LED battery operated Christmas trees (maybe 6" high) one for my desk at work (I have no plugs available to plug one more thing in!) and one for at home. I think they were only $6 each. Cute and small.
9-28-12, 4:36pm
Speaking of Christmas and thrift store finds, earlier this year I was in Salvation Army and my eyes hit upon a pair of new with tags Christmas socks. I've never bought socks at a thrift store (underwear items is one thing I buy new) but since then have been looking for holiday socks. I'm starting something new this year and that is wearing Christmas socks everyday throughout the holiday season. I feel the older I get the more I can do things like that.
9-28-12, 6:21pm
Ooh! I like the thrift store idea.
9-28-12, 6:39pm
Yes, there's a lot that can be done. Pine cones, pine greenery, cut flowers (of holiday colors), cut holly, poinsettas, arrangements with sticks in vases (though stark this itself is very fall/winter, just find some interesting branches), arrangements with cut branches of trees with leaves turning color.
Of all baubles I ask myself: and how would this look covered in a layer of dust? I've literally used that question. Yea, my view is that that is what most of it will do: gather dust. Some natural things like shells even look ok in the layer of dust condition (nothing manmade does) actually but ...
Really maybe I'd rather just be outdoors than decorating my indoors to look like the outdoors ... but while there I can gather some sticks, and some colored leaves and ...
9-29-12, 12:01am
I have some holiday decor that I've had for years, and love for sentimental reasons. It's not alot though, but I get it out every year for fall and winter, then combine with some natural elements. It's a different look every year, and I enjoy the whole process...
I love the nature stuff, too. If you want blingy stuff, get a can of sparkly spray paint and go to town. I did that with some pinecones one year - kind of fun! Not sure you'd want to compost those later, tho.
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