View Full Version : Let me introduce myself

9-27-12, 2:54pm
Hello Everyone,

I'm a big fan of this site and and the previous site although never contributed much. So where to start? I read the YMOYL book in the early 90's, became FI in '05 after working for the man as an engineer and living in a two room A-Frame cabin in the woods of the PNW. In '08 I purchased the house I grew up in from my aging parents who lived near by shortly before my Dad passed away. It was in very poor condition and the last four years have been spent doing major renovations and massive decluttering. It's almost done now. It's been a step up in affluence for me and a step back in voluntary simplicity and I often question if it was a wise choice, but there were some family concerns that I felt made it a good decision at the time. Although it's pretty modest by the "normal" standards, it's feeling like more than I want or need in terms of size. My longer term goal is to get back to a smaller foot print and travel more. There are several volunteer organizations in the community that I spend time with as well as helping my 81 year old Mom who is still able to live next door. Although I've always enjoyed this group I have never been the type to spend much time at the keyboard contributing. I sense that may be changing due to a foot issue (plantar faciitis) that is keeping me off my feet as it heals. Normally I like to hike, dance and camp with my DGF. I'm still trying to figure out all the positive aspects of this foot ailment thing. One thing for sure is the time to spend here on this site. Another is riding my bicycle for exercise since that doesn't seem to stress things too much. Speaking of, it's time to see how far I can pedal up the abandon logging road behind my house. The goal is the view at the top and I have worked my way up to about 1/2 way there. I've never been much of a bicycle guy mainly because most of the time I've lived up in the hills requiring a long hard climb to get home.


9-27-12, 5:06pm
Welcome Frugalifec,
I am a newbie here myself but I am very much enjoying the people that I meet and the diverse ways that we all strive to live our version of the simple life.

9-27-12, 5:12pm
Hi Frugalifec, and welcome!
I'm always fixing up my old house and I'm sure I will call on your experience at some point!
I also have foot issues and just ordered (after some frugal soul-searching) a pair of those yoga toes sandals that spread your toes apart. I will report back on those.
I also live in a hilly area (San Francisco) and have other issues that make biking difficult for me - oh well, we can only do what we can do.

Hope you enjoy the forum!

9-27-12, 6:05pm
Hi frugal, think it is great to have you join in on the discussion and that you have a lot to share. Look forward to chatting with you...Christine

Float On
9-27-12, 6:09pm

These are what helped me survive when I had planter facitis. Simple little thing, not expensive, but kept me on my feet along with doing the exercises on a can and such.

9-27-12, 6:14pm
Welcome Frugalifec! I've only been on this site a month or so and completely enjoy it! I love to read all the experiences and thoughts of others...it keeps my minimalist batteries going!

9-27-12, 7:25pm
Hi frugalifec,

I am so glad you have "stepped out of the shadows" to introduce yourself. It takes fresh perspectives and people contributing to keep a community health and vibrant, so I hope that you will continue to do so, even if just once in a while.

I also enjoyed, well, not enjoyed, but found it reassuring that you have had ebbs and flows in your FI journey. I have this vision that life will be perfect after FI. While intellectually I know this is false, I succumb to this "grass is greener" thinking a lot. And being honest about how it's gone for you was helpful for me. So thank you! And I hope you are able to get back to the place you want to be.

9-27-12, 8:35pm
Float On,
Thanks for that link! BayouBoy and I both have problems with painful feet and your link has some great products that I didn't even know existed.

Float On
9-27-12, 11:31pm
BG, to be honest it's not something I would of tried but my dad had PF the same time I did and he sent me a pair of those strap things. I thought "no way" but I also had another friend going thru PF and she was going to a Dr who was treating her with painful shots in her feet, and big uncomfortable boot splints for night time. I ended up getting over the PF faster than she did.

Frugalifec, I love your bike riding goal. I live on a cliff road that is too dangerous for bike riding.

9-28-12, 1:17am
Thanks to all for the warm welcome and thanks to Float On for the PF link. I actually fabricated a support similar to the Arch Pro-Tec out of duct tape along with many other contraptions. I ended up going to the foot doctor and forking over the cash for the custom orthotics, night splints and do lots of stretching. It all helps, but man is it ever a slow process. My latest approach is that if I ever feel any pain, I've gone too far and need to stay off it. The last time I had a bout of this I tried to push on through and was very sorry. I'm thinking this is just an opportunity to try other things. Today I managed to go about a hundred yards farther up the hill and I'm thinking I may make the top in another two or three weeks.

As far as the ebb an flows of FI, I think it's pretty normal. What really helped me was to put it all down on paper and graph it out, that provided lots of motivation because I could then project into the future where I was headed and it worked surprisingly well.

Synapse to synapse
9-28-12, 3:33pm
Welcome, friend. I am new as well, but perhaps we can be new together? :~)

I love riding my bicycle, and for the longest time have wanted to get into track cycling, you know, like in a velodrome! Like in the Olympics! That just seems to me, to be completely awesome. It would be great fun, great exercise, and a way of meeting new friends. There is a Velodrome in my state, but it's pretty far south from where I live, and it would be a hike to get there. The cycles used for track cycling are also much different from any other cycle, and cost a bit more. Then, I'd need to take classes and learn, and all that jazz.

The main reason I'm hesitant is the cost, but also I've suffered from Social Anxiety since I was probably 15 years old. I have recently been put on a new medication regimen, and it's much less present, I'm able to socialize, have friends, relationships with significant others, etc. but there are days that it just gets worse, and the thought of putting myself into a completely new situation such as that is daunting! Ah well, enough about me.

I'm happy to see you hear, and look forward to getting to know you more. :)