View Full Version : Bright Spots in a Bleak Winter

2-5-11, 10:58am
We had a little discussion over on the February Frugals that inspired me to start a separate thread. This winter has been hard, I think on a lot of people. Just so much snow to schlep and so much dirt and ick.

So I am challenging myself to find the bright spots.

Today? Our doggy will get to play with his aunts and uncles at my parents house. I am not going to worry about my eating and eat what I want today because tomorrow is my first ski event.

Will be trying to notice more.

Will you play, too?

2-5-11, 11:12am
I myself am not involved with any outdoor sports of any kind, so bright spots for me (throughout the winter months) begin with brighter and longer days. (Over the course of November through to January, it's quite overcast, sunny days are few and far between).

From there it progresses to less snow being on the ground and by the first/second week in March, spring has usually sprung leading me outside to extend a welcome to the new harvest and growing season. A time for me to get gardening again, planting, and enjoying all the sights and sounds that surround the season of new life.

2-5-11, 11:20am
I have been sick since December 23 - nothing major, just one cold after another. That's not the bright spot, btw. :)

My family has been enjoying the snow this winter and I have no personal complaints about the weather this year, but as the bright spot I will pick that I returned to my love of reading. With all my sick days this winter, I rediscovered the fun of being lost in a book for hours and hours and craving to return to the book when I leave it. I've always loved reading, but in the past few years almost all of my reading has been with or for the kids. To indulge in books on my own....what a bright spot.

2-5-11, 12:03pm
I posted this on the frugal forum but I'll post it here too. Zach brought me roses.


Float On
2-5-11, 12:39pm
Yellow roses - my favorite rose color! Beautiful Stella.
I have to agree with Mrs M - yesterday when I realized it was 5:30 and no where near dark I perked right up, even though we got 6" of snow. Just the thought of longer days warmed me to the bone.

2-5-11, 12:41pm
Another bright spot I thought of. This morning all of their own accord Cheyenne and Bella picked up the living room and mopped the entryway. After that Cheyenne read a book out loud to Bella and then they played two math games with dice. Now Cheyenne has asked me to teach her how to make macaroni and cheese. She's really interested in learning to cook. I really enjoy watching them be so proactive about the cleaning and so interested in learning.

2-5-11, 12:57pm
A bright spot for me is that my cats stay inside more and cuddle up with me. I get such pleasure out of just hugging and kissing our big white Billy and our delicate little Zella. When they purr in my ear I feel pure delight. Winter makes them hang around with me more and for that I am grateful. In the summer I hardly see them from sun up to sun down.

2-5-11, 1:08pm
I agree with the lengthening of the days and purring kitties. Definitely bright spots! I love being able to sit by a fire in the winter too.

happy with less
2-5-11, 2:42pm
Just knowing that we are passing the halfway point of winter gave me a huge psychological boost this morning. :)

2-5-11, 5:05pm
James finally went down for a nap and I got a much needed bath and shower. Before I had finished brushing my hair my friend showed up at the door with her daughter to deliver Girl Scout Cookies and invited my girls over to play. So now I am kid free with three fresh boxes of Girl Scout Cookies and a cup of Good Earth tea.

2-5-11, 6:16pm
I hate to say to northerners. but the bright spot for me was SNOW yesterday in Austin, TX. I woke up to a winter wonderland and it was pure magic all day. I walked with the dog all over...just amazing to have a snow day here. And then today, it is all gone...60 degrees and pure sunshine...can't beat that either. I am happy the darkness of winter is slowly fading and the sun is up earlier and doesn't set until after 6:00 now.

A picture of my little dog in the snow http://iliketomakethings.blogspot.com

2-6-11, 10:52am
I don't mind winter at all; in fact I love the snow and we can never have too much for my taste. I do get a bit tired of winter by March, though. I have two bright spots: tonight's super bowl party at our house and my birthday party at my friend's house next week. I love my life; I'm so fortunate.

2-6-11, 11:21am
@ Stella--those roses are beautiful! That was sweet of Zach to do. And the yellow color is so cheery during this drab time of year!
@ kally--I hear you about the cats! Mine are the same way! They are cuddle monsters in the winter--always purring and sucking my body heat. In the summer, they could care less about me. LOL

I literally found a bright spot yesterday afternoon when the sun came out for awhile. It wasn't too cold, either, so I took a short walk. It felt so good to get outside and feel the sun on my face!

2-6-11, 11:36am
I always love it when I know the days are getting longer...

We've had a very mild, pleasant winter this year, but then we rarely have harsh ones along the coast.

This was dawn the other day:


2-6-11, 2:09pm
Kat I love the yellow this time of year too. So cheery!

Gina I love your photo. I'm liking this feature of the new boards.

I talked to a really cute old lady at church this morning. I love getting out and meeting new people. That always brightens my day.

2-6-11, 2:13pm
Another snow lover here. I love being able to step off the world and enjoy some quiet activities like knitting in front of our fire, making bread etc. When the sun sparkles on the fresh snow and our dog dances on our walk, I would never ever want to miss winter. It is just above freezing today so the snow is settling and won't be blowing around as much. DH has pushed and blown a lot of snow this year but basically is grateful to be able to do this.

2-6-11, 5:17pm
I've really enjoyed noticing that it isn't dark now when I leave the office at night. And today was sunny, with lots of snow melting, and I did feel reassured that spring will be here soon!

2-7-11, 10:23am
I saw a bunch of robins today...they were poking forlornly at the snowdrifts! I'm in Michigan and we have gotten a lot of snow in the last week but seeing birds, any birds, gives me hope. I'm already looking for the tiger lily buds that come up right next to the brick foundation!

2-7-11, 11:11pm
Here's today's bright spot.


2-8-11, 6:17am
I hate to say to northerners. but the bright spot for me was SNOW yesterday in Austin, TX. I woke up to a winter wonderland and it was pure magic all day. I walked with the dog all over...just amazing to have a snow day here. And then today, it is all gone...60 degrees and pure sunshine...can't beat that either. I am happy the darkness of winter is slowly fading and the sun is up earlier and doesn't set until after 6:00 now.

A picture of my little dog in the snow http://iliketomakethings.blogspot.com

Cute pic, Jinger, your dog looks to be enjoying the snow. :) My dogs love the snow too, but we've had way too much here.
Bright spot today - DH wanted to plan a nice Valentine's Day with me. He was discussing various things we might enjoy doing that day. Awww, he touched my heart with that....
Stella, I love the yellow roses, they are my favorite!! I have a rosebush that blooms beautiful yellow roses all summer long. So looking forward to smelling roses again!
Oh, and your girls are so cute. How old are they? My DGD just turned 7. She is so much fun. I love cooking with her these days. I gave her a miniature china tea set for her birthday last week and we've had a great time having tea parties with her American Girl dolls. Another bright spot! :D

2-8-11, 8:53am
Thanks Wildflower! My oldest, Cheyenne, will be seven in a month and my second kid, Bella, is five and a half. You know how important those half years are at five. :) They are such fun ages! We are all over the American Girl doll tea parties and cooking together over here too. Have fun with your granddaughter!

2-8-11, 1:38pm
Today's bright spot: it is SUNNY and the sun even feels WARM despite the high temp of 7 degrees. Now it feels like winter actually will come to an end soon.
Another bright spot: I just checked the forecast and it's supposed to be 38!! on Sunday. I am feeling SO much better than a couple of days ago, when the winter doldrums were in full force.

2-8-11, 2:47pm
Yes! 38 is practically spring when it happens in Feb!

2-8-11, 4:09pm
My bright spot in the bleak Winter has to be quite literally the woodburner. Best thing we ever bought, pumps out heat and far more economical than the heating system. Turn off all the main lights and stick our fairy lights on coupled with a few candles our living area is warm and cosy. I use the ash to fertilise the soil on my allotment - the rhubarb seems to thrive on the potash.

My other bright spot is our monthly social crafting evenings at our local pub - each month we hold workshops and this winter included felting bangles, sock monsters and beading workshops to name a few. I'm part of a collective and help organise these evenings - we don't charge for people who just want to come along with their knitting, sewing etc but we make a small charge for the workshop (to pay the tutor primarily). I've met so many lovely people and the room is alive with conversation as people compare and discuss. I think engendering community spirit in the long winter months is very important.

2-8-11, 6:36pm

Happy dance.


2-8-11, 6:39pm
My ski race last Sunday was a bright spot. Can't do that with no snow :D

The sun was still up when we got home at 5:12. Definite (literal) bright spot.

Tonight I am going to be productive. I need a night that I don't fritter away on the computer and in front of the TV. That will be a bright spot. On the docket: laundry, baking a huge squash for lunches and soup, making some pasta sauce from a new recipe, answering a long e-mail from a Girl Scout leader and writing a new e-mail to a GS Council staffer.

2-9-11, 11:13am
My cleaning rampage totally paid off. I had such a nice fresh feeling when I sat in my clean dining room drinking my coffee this morning.

I think tonight is going to be a date night. I love it.

2-9-11, 3:27pm
My DSiL ordered us a bulb garden. It is going to bloom in a day or two. Just thinking of it makes me giddy.

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5016/5431310201_f3dde340d0.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7733846@N05/5431310201/)
bulb garden (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7733846@N05/5431310201/) by fidgiegirl (http://www.flickr.com/people/7733846@N05/), on Flickr

2-10-11, 11:11am
I love it fidgiegirl! Flowers make everything better this time of year.

Today's bright spot is that the final wall in my new bedroom is going to be painted and the pretty chandelier-like light fixtures are going up! We're ordering the carpet on Friday. I am so flipping excited I can hardly stand it.

2-10-11, 12:21pm
Cardinals in the snow. My chickens sharing their food with them. The little black kitten coming to the back door to beg for food. Warm cats. Dogs in the snow. Honking geese overhead. Thinsulite boots. Coffee. Soup. Chocolate.

2-11-11, 8:18am
The bulb garden is about to pop!!! I am so excited to see where it's at when we get home from work!!

Today will be much warmer. We have a Jump Rope for Heart day at work and I am wearing my workout-bra-of-steel and my workout capris so I can participate and get some endorphin action. In the past I've wanted to participate and the girls prevented me from doing so. Not this year! Prepared! ;)

2-11-11, 9:02am
Oh fun! I used to love jump roping, but I have the same problem. Where did you get you get the workout-bra-of-steel? I need one of those.

2-11-11, 10:50am
My bright spots for the day; Girl's night out! Zach Is having his best friend over so he gets to have Boys Night In. He is going to have fun.

This morning I played playdough with the kids and used up some soon to expire yogurt to make Popsicles. Yum! My inner six year old is a happy girl.

2-11-11, 7:05pm
Stella, the brand is Enell. I forgot where I ordered it but somewhere online. It really is a miracle. It went pretty well all-in-all. I did a bit of jumping in the morning but not much in the afternoon. The youngers needed more crowd control. :)

The bulb garden bloomed! Oh, sweet daffodils! Pics to come.

pony mom
2-11-11, 9:41pm
Since we've been covered in snow, I haven't been able to ride my horse, so I just walk him up and down the driveway to give us both exercise. Yesterday he spotted a small patch of grass along the edge of the driveway. He practically yanked my arm out of its socket to drag me to it and I think he would've done a cartwheel--he was so excited!! Unfortunately when all of this stuff melts, he'll remember how much fun it is to roll in mud.

The days are getting longer and he's started to shed out his woolly mammoth winter coat. Ugh, the warmer weather brings hours of grooming and being covered in itchy hair.

2-13-11, 7:54pm
@pony, my dad has minis and they are definitely woolly, too!! So cute.

Today was one of the best days in a long time. I am feeling 1000% better than yesterday. It was a whopping 45 degrees or maybe even warmer. The sun was still faint in the sky even as we emerged from Brasa and our decidedly non-frugal, delicious dinner. We went for our longest walk with the dog in months.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

2-17-11, 6:11pm
It's been 75 degrees in central Texas for a few days now. Dare I hope we'll have no more arctic blasts this winter?