View Full Version : online bills hassle

Zoe Girl
10-3-12, 10:08am
Argh and double argh (not even talk like a pirate day)

I have one credit account for the large amount of dental bills we have. It is a pretty good deal, 0% for a year and we get things taken care of. But I have not been able to log in online since April. I can pay the bill over the phone and get basic account information however I really wanted to see the whole bill ya know. The phone systems send you to the website if you have issues, and the website said my user name/password were incorrect. Any time I have tried the 'forgot username' it has failed to send me the re-set, even after asking my security questions.

So today I got a real live person on the phone!!! Apparently my username was set by the system so it is not the same as all my other accounts. I just had it wrong. Hey that happens, but to be looped through the phone system and the website over and over, a pain in the rear. The lady was nice but I told her to pass on my complaint about the phone system not giving you a person (the number on my card will not give you a real live person, there is another number buried in the website that gave me a person after going through about 5 menu options).

10-4-12, 10:52pm
I think every health care system is like this! I wanted to find out some info on an HSA account that's still got $ in it, and it took like 5 phone calls and two separate days just to find someone who could help me! And some of the calls were like feedback loops, where there was no possibility of talking to a person-if you got to the end of the phone tree, it just hung up:( Going to the website was an even worse nightmare....good luck finding any info at all on my situation. Anyway, sorry you had to deal with that. Sometimes I think companies use websites as a crutch just a little too much. The reason, of course, is that they pay one IT guy rather than a bunch of phone bank people. This is why it takes 20 min just to talk to someone.

10-5-12, 1:27am
This is why I insist on getting actual paper statements in the mail. ING got so mad at me about this. they said, "we are an online bank, so, your statement IS ONLINE" and I was like "you want my REAL money don't ya?" and so they allowed me to send them a big old formal letter requesting paper statements. they will only send it to me every quarter though, b*st*rds! haha.

10-5-12, 1:29am
I hate the phone trees that make you TALK to them. They say "we think you said, close my account, is that right"

NOOOOOOO! hahahahaha.

And I have even been on some that say "Sorry, we do not recognize that, please try calling back again when you have the information" DISCONNECT

10-5-12, 4:55am
Heydude, and those phone trees don't always recognize my Boston accent. One time, I was so frustrated, that I was uttering obscenities at the robo-voice. DH came into the room and asked in horror, "who are you talking to?"

Zoe Girl
10-5-12, 8:36am
I am going to continue to make complaints in these cases. I do lots of things online and over the phone but when you cannnot reach a person, EVER! then I draw the line.

10-5-12, 8:38am
I was uttering obscenities at the robo-voice. DH came into the room and asked in horror, "who are you talking to?"
I have cussed at and disparaged the ancestry of numerous robo-voices. :confused: They stick in my craw particularly because, for several years, I managed a company's phone system that used such a robo-voice and I know they don't have to be so poorly designed. Ours was not; only one set of choices before you got to speak with a person and some useful features like system outage announcements up front and DIY password resets. We even tested with people who had different accents. It can be done. But people want to have to spend time on it.