View Full Version : if you can donate blood

11-2-12, 7:42am
Please consider donating blood if you are able to do so. There is a critical need right now. All of the people in the devastated areas are struggling to survive, and many blood drives are cancelled.

this is from the red cross website
"Hurricane Sandy has forced the cancellation of approximately 350 American Red Cross blood drives in 14 states along the East Coast, resulting in a shortfall of more than 11,800 units of blood and platelets thus far. Power outages and flooding in many areas will likely result in the cancellation of additional blood drives and platelet donations throughout the week"

You just may save a life.

3-14-13, 1:35am
Yes, everyone can donate blood, if u donate blood u can save people life. Blood donate its good for health also.

3-14-13, 2:42am
Our communities often holds blood drives for locals who are in need due to chronic and/or life threatening health problems. People show up with yummy treats for the blood donors. I tried to give blood at the last blood drive for a lil girl with major heart problems but i have small veins. They tried three times to get the blood and couldn't. i asked then to please keep trying because it wasn't hurting me and I very much wanted to give blood but their policy is that they can't give it more than three time. I was so so disappointed, so I just donated money instead.

we have no location here to give blood unless the blood mobile comes to town for a special event,

Zoe Girl
3-14-13, 9:47am
I am sad, I went to donate blood after the movie theatre shooting (my daughter works there and was there that night). But my iron is too low. I may take iron pills for a few weeks and try again or do something else supportive. I guess my dad is never high enough to donate so instead he volunteers to drive blood.

3-14-13, 10:08am
I was turned away because I don't weigh enough. I'm sorry to hear about this situation. I hope more people donate.

3-14-13, 10:17am
I was turned away because I don't weigh enough. I'm sorry to hear about this situation. I hope more people donate.

I just met the weight requirement last time I donated but I was so incredibly sick and weak afterwards that I haven't donated since. Maybe I should try again though.

3-14-13, 12:00pm
I just met the weight requirement last time I donated but I was so incredibly sick and weak afterwards that I haven't donated since. Maybe I should try again though.
Unfortunately, I have absolutely no problem with the weight requirement. :( I'll do a pint of whole blood, double-red blood cells, or apheresis. But I do find it essential to keep my fluids intake high for a day or two afterward (preferably water, not diuretics like tea and coffee) and to take it easy on myself. Apheresis, for whatever reason, takes more energy out of me than the other donations.

3-14-13, 8:18pm
I have donated whole blood (B-) every 8 weeks for many years. For me it's easy, but I know that it's not feasible for everyone. That's one of the reasons I continue to give regularly, since not everyone who would like to do it is able. In January, I tried a double red cell donation for the first time; it didn't go well, so we had to abort (my plasma would not go back in my arm). I will try that one more time and then go back to whole blood if it doesn't work again.

I agree with Steve, that extra fluid intake is crucial to feeling well after donating. I also take iron pills, which is the only way my perimenopausal self would have sufficient hemoglobin levels to donate.


3-23-13, 4:50pm
I am sad, I went to donate blood after the movie theatre shooting (my daughter works there and was there that night). But my iron is too low. I may take iron pills for a few weeks and try again or do something else supportive. I guess my dad is never high enough to donate so instead he volunteers to drive blood.

I had that problem when we lived in Phx. Not sure why, but it's better back in CO...probably the altitude stimulated me to make/keep more hemoglobin. But I always bled better in Phx. I tried a couple times at the place near my house but they couldn't get me to complete (meaning I had to wait the 8 weeks before another try). Then work had a blood drive and I filled the pint with 50 seconds to spare :~) At least if I get hurt in the backcountry I probably won't bleed out! I'd probably skip the whole deal but I'm O- and an ideal candidate in pretty much every other way so I keep going.

3-25-13, 7:39pm
Zoe Girl, do you drink tea? I know that if someone drinks tea (hot or cold) before giving blood, it will show low iron. Just a thought. I have terrible veins, and tried for years to give after my Dad passed, because I saw how it helped him. I resigned myself to not giving, but I coordinate our blood drives at work, so hopefully I'm still helping:).

5-12-13, 11:51am
I donate (or try to) every 8 weeks. My iron is frequently low - not low for the general business of life but low for donation. They always suggest taking a children's chewable vitamin with iron each day for a week or so before donating. It does help but I frequently don't check the calendar far enough in advance.

I look at it as a charitable donation AND you get cookies and juice! My husband once won a $50 gas card for entering a drawing at the blood bank!

5-12-13, 1:32pm
I donated for years... Now, being in treatment for cancer, I suspect I cannot do that any more... Bummer.

5-12-13, 2:19pm
Depends on the type of cancer and what drugs you are taking. So, wait until you feel well and healthy, and then call the Red Cross and find out. Best wishes to you, on all fronts!

I'm due for my second attempt at a double red cell donation next month. The last one didn't go well, so I am giving it one more chance, and then back to easy street (whole blood).


5-12-13, 2:23pm
Depends on the type of cancer and what drugs you are taking. So, wait until you feel well and healthy, and then call the Red Cross and find out. Best wishes to you, on all fronts!

I'm due for my second attempt at a double red cell donation next month. The last one didn't go well, so I am giving it one more chance, and then back to easy street (whole blood).


Good to know! Thanks, I will definitely check back after treatment & a few all-clear exams.