View Full Version : November fitness

11-2-12, 6:09pm
Let's have a November fitness report. I am hoping it will give us motivation to fight the winter drearies.

11-2-12, 10:44pm
None so far. I did an 11 miler last friday after work and that did me in! I did run Tues and Wednesday, but I was slow and tired. So I have decided to take a couple more days off. I will run again Saturday a.m.

11-3-12, 10:47am
11 miles would do me in for a year Greg44. I did walk for 50 minutes yesterday and plan for Monday and Wed. next week. Might even put in a yoga tomorrow.

11-3-12, 12:19pm
I've been biking six miles each morning with the dogs. Have done yoga or pilates before bed the last few nights. It's pretty mild, but it seems to do the trick. My flexibility is poor. I've got to keep stretching or I'm afraid I will get really tight.

11-3-12, 2:58pm
Did 4.3 miles this a.m. -- but had to cut my run short -- due to pending bathroom stop :-(


11-3-12, 7:46pm
Biked six miles this a.m. Walked around the track a few times while the dogs got their off leash exercise. I'm going to do the Bikram Yoga in a little while. (It's really intense, but I need it!)

Blackdog Lin
11-3-12, 9:27pm
I SO need to join in this challenge. Probably won't, but so need to.

Proud of everyone on here for doing what needs done.


11-3-12, 10:00pm
I have set my sights on a particular goal for the Christmas holiday. We are spending two weeks at our vacation home and I want to be noticeably fitter.

Had dinner withheld friends, and they asked if I had lost weight (why, yes I have TYVM)

Today I was going to start a FREE bootcamp but my granddaughter woke up sick so my dh said no to watching her while I went. There's always next week.

I did get in all my workouts and even began my running at lunch.

11-4-12, 12:07am
I just did my Luigi Jazz Dance warm up CD. I forgot some of the port de bras, but otherwise, it felt great! I'm encouraged, because until now, my hip was hurting too much to do it. His motto was "Never Stop Moving."

11-4-12, 4:04am
Stormy weekend here in Beijing. Had people over for lunch yesterday, then it was raining all afternoon and didn't make it to the gym as a result (once my routine gets out of whack it is really hard to get back in the groove). This morning woke up to fierce winds and intermittant snow. I ALMOST bagged the workout, but we needed some food for lunch/dinner so I forced myself to brave the weather and go (gym is about 200m from the apartment, so not like it is a slog up a hill both ways...). I didn't run, as I didn't sleep much last night and was feeling kind of blah, but I did a brisk 40 minute walk and covered 3.27km.

I'm going to make it a goal of doing at least 20 30 minute walks this month, and try to get back in the groove with my weight training. I'm a bit burned out on running. Something is better than nothing, and I definitely notice the difference in my mood when I manage to get my heart rate up more regularly.


11-4-12, 9:08am
Good work eveyone! Blackdog, I think just being here to see what oters are doing can help me move more. Each person has a different way to do a challenge and sometimes just the "right for me" way pops up. I never thought of scheduling or planning 20 times a month, or doing such a variety of activities. That's why I enjoy this thread.

11-10-12, 6:18pm
Hi nswef and all!

I ran today! Hallelujah! Took little dog with me, but have learned something - he enjoys it very much, but I don't get as much of a workout. With my own body, I can tell if I'm pushing too much, but hard to judge for him, and of course, don't want to hurt him! But man does he have a good time! :)

How is everyone else doing? I feel bad I haven't been checking in (nothing to report, that's even worse . . . ). I feel as nswef that this thread helps me so much, much like the frugals thread. Wishing all of you well . . .

11-10-12, 8:56pm
My logic is ( this is from the non athlete and non runner) any exercise outside is better than none and if running with your puppy gets you out even at a lesser pace, you are still out! I did do an hour in the garden today- weeding and trimming. So that's 2 times in the yard this week and two 50 minute walks. I'm pleased. Keep reporting!!!

11-11-12, 5:46am
The work week was pretty much a wash, though I did get in a good walk to/from the Embassy election party, which was held on Wednesday in a hotel about a 30 minute walk from my house. And I probably burned off a good bit of nervous energy waiting for the results to come in! this weekend was better. Had a good 45 minute swim with the kids and did 14 laps (that's 700 m), which I thought was not bad considering I haven't swum for weeks. This morning did a good 35 minutes on the treadmill and since I wasn't running (forgot to put on the sports bra -- ooops!) threw in an escalation of the inclline up to 15%, so I was really pushing it those last few minutes as I went up from 12-15%.

This week I don't have work events or complicated errands so I am going to try to be better about getting to the gym most days. I'm kind of disgusted at my 68kg status quo, especially considering how much muscle I have lost. Need to get back to the weights.


11-11-12, 7:12am
I've gone outside for long walks most days of the past week, but I expect today's rain and the coming cool-off to lessen my motivation. Looks like we'll have a few more nice days at the end of the week, though. I still go to Zumba once/week and during the winter will go twice/week.

11-12-12, 7:34pm
Go, everybody! The darkness makes it important to keep going on fitness . . . but harder, too . . .

Am at a two-day workshop in Wisconsin Dells area, and went in the fitness room for about 50 minutes on the treadmill. Tried to push myself. I think I would like a treadmill still now having used it. I could set up a TV at just the right height and do any of the activities we've talked about in this thread, or maybe it was a different one, and the time just flies by. When I'm outside I like to just run, cuz there's plenty to see and the air is nice and it's wonderful, but on the treadmill I just get bored. Better than nothing, though!

11-17-12, 1:28pm
Ran outside with Gusser yesterday! 3 runs in a week!

Interesting . . . my thyroid hurt after that run. I know that sounds dumb to people, but I have an enlarged thyroid on my right side and can feel when it is doing something funky. But I didn't ever remember having pain. Weird.

11-21-12, 12:22pm
I just have to report a success! I've been walking with a friend and her dog for the last month- two times a week. She's much faster than I am so I keep up but it pushes me. Well, today she wasn't able to walk and I decided to do the 40-50 minutes on the cemetery- where I used to walk and huffed and puffed. I huff and puff, but I went around it many more times than previously and felt very good. So, the speeding up on a flat surface HAS improved my walking on a hilly surface! I think I am just a huffer and puffer... I'm very pleased.

11-21-12, 2:12pm
Congrats, nswef!

I have kept to the plan as well. Total weight loss is 13 lbs so far for me, hubby is around 26. I am now doing jogging intervals outdoors or hill intervals on the treadmill along with the twice weekly strength training.

Just for fun, I did a line dancing class and we've gone bike riding a time or two. Gotta keep the fun, right?

I have taken my grandchildren to a kids yoga class a couple of times and now I want to try HOT YOGA. It seems like such a good workout, but will leave you feeling relaxed and refreshed (I hope). My co-worker is up for trying it with me, so we're going next week.

11-21-12, 3:48pm
Goodf for you Imerullo. Yoga is enjoyable, I have not done hot yoga, though...just cannot abide being hot. Someone on this thread does it often. Have fun with the grandkids..

11-21-12, 6:55pm
nswef and lmerullo, awesome! It is amazing how consistent exercise can build up stamina. I am noticing the same thing with my running, and I'm not "training" or trying particularly hard. But I can go longer and harder every time. Gus and I went tonight. He needs that every few days - probably every day, really - but at least every few.

11-21-12, 7:31pm
I am doing 6-10 laps of a 2/3 mile loop through the forest here each day, top of loop is 350 feet of elevation change from bottom. I am also doing 1 hour of kettlebell work a day, and 1 hour of martial arts practice. And as always, harvesting, splitting, and stacking firewood. I am down 40 pounds since January, and only 16 pounds off my college full-contact fighting weight. And at 49 years old, the local fire department just said they'd take me for fire/emt work, training begins in January.

11-21-12, 8:26pm