View Full Version : Panic attack or Migraine prodrome or all of the above?

11-6-12, 9:18am
ARGH!!! Sometimes its really hard being me!!!
I am just getting over one of my "episodes". I've had a couple of these in the past few years. I used to think they only occurred when I was working hard outside and sweating. But this morning, everything was fine. I was talking online with DD, and then I was going to go vote. The day was going great.
When all of a sudden, I start trying to remember something. Its a very bizarre feeling...........I'm trying desperately to remember something. I'm almost able to remember it, but not quite. But........I'm not even sure what I'm trying to remember. Then all of a sudden its hard for me to think at all. I can't remember what I was doing. My surroundings seem foreign to me. And then I feel like I'm going to die.
Its sooooooooo frightening. I called DH and he talked to me for awhile, while I breathed into a paper bag (in case I was hyperventilating). :(

After a little while, I began to have a little headache and my hands got very cold (which they do with migraines).

I'm feeling a little better now, but not 100%. Guess I shouldn't go vote yet.........wouldn't want to accidentally vote for the wrong guy! :~)

When I was about 8-9 years old, I had episodes something similar to this......when it would suddenly feel like I was covered in glass and taken out of reality. It was very frightening. These feelings seemed to go away for alot of years after my teens, but have come back recently. Seems like they may have something to do with fluctuating hormones, even at age 62.

I guess the thing about panic attacks is that they make no sense when they happen. You can be totally happy, feeling secure one minute, then BAM.........you're freaking out. I guess it can be something funky going on with your body's chemistry (pH shifts, etc.).....and not just insecurities or some emotional thing.

I suppose I could be having migraine prodromes that trigger panic. I'm sort of a control freak, so maybe these happenings just totally freak me out more, since I'm so out of control with them.

Anyone else experience these? They are AWFUL!!

On a funny note.......when I thought I was dying, all I could think about is "I won't be able to vote!!) :~)

But seriously, these episodes are just very frightening. At first, I was considering calling an ambulance. rrrrr
If I hadn't lived through them before, I probably would have.

11-6-12, 9:38am
But seriously, these episodes are just very frightening. At first, I was considering calling an ambulance. rrrrr
If I hadn't lived through them before, I probably would have.
They are frightening. I didn't end up in an ambulance, but I did end up in the emergency room thinking I might be having a heart attack. :0! Everything checked out okay as far as my heart. During a visit afterward with my primary doctor, though, she suggested the timing of these events (this was not the first) indicated that I might be having panic attacks. She said it is not unusual for panic attacks to occur even days after the stimulus. She prescribed some medicine and that's been it. Now that I'm no longer at my old job, things are even better. I'm at a very low dose and I hope to be off it completely in the not-too-distant future.

11-6-12, 10:27am
I had an anxiety attack once where I felt like I was going to die and I was holding onto my DH for life. It passed away though and it wasn't as though I couldn't remember something, but maybe if you like to have a lot of control in your life this is one way your mind makes you feel out of control.

I am on meds now and no longer have anxiety attacks. I used to have a lot of them.

If you are in a state of panic you can try Valerian Root to calm you down. It is a sedative though. You would have to make sure there are no side effects or contradictions if you are on any meds. I used to take it every night to help me fall asleep.

Good luck, I hope you find something that will help...

11-6-12, 11:32am
Migraines and anxiety have both been linked in research to magnesium deficiency. One of my friends has noticed she only gets migraines when she drinks coffee or tea.

11-6-12, 11:37am
Migraines and anxiety have both been linked in research to magnesium deficiency. One of my friends has noticed she only gets migraines when she drinks coffee or tea.

Magnesium is such an overlooked mineral. I love the stuff--it's a natural muscle relaxant. I take it regularly (no pun intended), and even put it in my morning blender drink.

Glad you're feeling better, Cathy. Now go vote.

11-6-12, 11:50am
You can get magnesium from dark cocoa powder. I take unsweetened yogurt and mix in stevia and the Hershey's dark cocoa with vanilla. Chocolate yogurt tastes great and there is a high percentage of magnesium in the dark cocoa powder...

11-6-12, 12:20pm
Thanks everyone. Its funny........I just recently haven't taken my magnesium because it was causing so much diarrhea. I take Magnesium Citrate, 200mg bid. Plus, I eat alot of nuts and dark chocolate (too much....haha).
I have a very strange neuro system/GI system, so add to that maybe hormonal fluctuations and it can't be good. I just wish I could get some IV magnesium. I went to the ER once with tons of irregular heartbeats. The ER doc (much to my surprise) gave me IV magnesium, and I didn't have any irregular beats for 2 weeks after that and it doesn't give you diarrhea. Unfortunately, not all docs are enlightened.

I do have xanax as a back-up drug, but I didn't want to get tired. But I did go vote! :cool:

11-6-12, 2:50pm
Jane-Just curious...what all do you put in your am drink? What form of magnesium? There are so many versions out there it makes my head spin...

11-6-12, 4:24pm
Thanks everyone. Its funny........I just recently haven't taken my magnesium because it was causing so much diarrhea. I take Magnesium Citrate, 200mg bid. Plus, I eat alot of nuts and dark chocolate (too much....haha).
I have a very strange neuro system/GI system, so add to that maybe hormonal fluctuations and it can't be good. I just wish I could get some IV magnesium. I went to the ER once with tons of irregular heartbeats. The ER doc (much to my surprise) gave me IV magnesium, and I didn't have any irregular beats for 2 weeks after that and it doesn't give you diarrhea. Unfortunately, not all docs are enlightened.

I do have xanax as a back-up drug, but I didn't want to get tired. But I did go vote! :cool:

Magnesium is very alkaline (it is a common ingredient in antacids) so too much can reduce stomach acid below optimal levels, which in turn can prevent the body from absorbing nutrients. I try to eat a lot of soup with beans. I just take magnesium when I need a fast acting antacid.

I kind of realize now many of my relatives are magnesium deficient and a lot of the health issues I used to think were hereditary were really just from growing up on a high processed food / low fiber / low produce diet.

I second the cocoa powder idea and I also buy dark chocolate chips from Target. It is the cheapest price per ounce I have found for already made dark chocolate.

11-6-12, 4:26pm
Jane-Just curious...what all do you put in your am drink? What form of magnesium? There are so many versions out there it makes my head spin...

It varies. Always some form of coffee, either brewed or instant; some kind of milk alternative--almond, coconut, or a combination, usually; often whey protein, sometimes an egg or two instead; coconut oil or MCT; gelatin; flavoring on occasion; ice, if I'm drinking it cold;' maybe a shot of whipping cream. I rarely do anything the same way twice.

Lately, I'm using Doctor's Best chelated magnesium glycinate/lysinate, but I'm not wedded to that brand.