View Full Version : November Gratitude

11-9-12, 9:56pm
Thankful today to be ready for the change in weather on its way, a wintry storm that will make us want to stay cuddled up at home with the dogs. We have some games ready, some cider ready to mull, some activities planned out to keep the dogs' minds occupied, and plenty of warm wubbie blankets. Life's good.

11-9-12, 10:30pm
Double gratitude today:

- I had lunch with my old work team. It was the first time I'd seen them since I left work at the end of May. We enjoyed ourselves. But as we talked about what was going on with the team now, I never once entertained the thought of returning, even part-time. I don't miss it a bit.

- The fortune cookie at the end of my meal said, "You soon will get something you've wanted for a long time." And my first reaction was, "What could I possibly want?" Sure, it would be nice to win the lottery. Or lose 30 pounds in one month. And there's always something I would like to be able to do better. But, really, I have everything I want. And I am grateful for that. :cool:

11-10-12, 9:21am
Yesterday, I got to ride around Phx as a passenger in a Miata with the top down in perfect weather - very fun!

11-10-12, 9:57am
My gratitude is that I am still around to be able to complain about and miss the aspects of my life that are gone. :D The second part is that I can accept the gift of perspective that allows me to move beyond the losses.

My hope is that this will be my gratitude thing every month from now on.

11-10-12, 12:17pm
Congrats Steve on your retirement!!!! I retired 624 days ago (still have counter on my computer) and am still thrilled to be done with it all! Nothing, truly, could be finer!!!! I am thankful that I got the opportunity to retire, today is a beautiful sunny day, I feel good, have enough of everything! Nothing could be better!

11-10-12, 2:05pm
I am thankful for this warm sunny day.

11-10-12, 3:13pm
I am grateful for a cold, crispy, sunny fall day. I am trying to be grateful for the early sunset and long nights that we enjoy this time of year, but that requires a bit more effort and creativity. I am grateful to indulge one of my hobbies on Saturday...cooking! Can't do so much of that in summer; too busy, for one thing. I am thankful that my DSD 15 VOLUNTEERED to vacuum, and included cleaning the rug in my office. It looks great in there!

11-10-12, 4:12pm
Grateful that we had a final walk through on the house today and that the seller is letting us come in before the closing to clean and paint. Also that they put in a brand new water conditioner, without asking us to pay for it. Time to get busy now!:)

11-11-12, 9:11pm
I'm sitting on the floor with my back up against the front of a comfy chair. In the comfy chair is a small puppy, sprawled out like the king of persia. His head rests on my shoulder as I type, and he's snoring, a tiny snore coming out of a head about the size of a tennis ball.

I wouldn't dream of moving. This is the kind of thing that makes me feel very fortunate.

11-12-12, 4:17am
Pug, that sounds so precious and filled with love... :)

11-12-12, 8:38am
I am thankful today for clean, fresh water. All i have to do is turn a knob and I have water at just the temperature I want. I do not have to carry water from a well to my home. Neither do I have much to do with its disposal--just pull the plug or push the lever and it is carried away for me. I have plenty of water to wash myself, wash my clothes, flush my toilet, water my garden.

11-12-12, 10:55am
I am thankful once again for my husband who worked so hard so we could buy the house we are moving into. Also for my precious dog who brings so much love and joy into my life.

Also for the bed I sleep it, it is so comfortable, cozy and warm and for the pillow I lay my head on every night. Many do not have this luxury. I love my bed!

11-12-12, 12:10pm
I am grateful that the inch or so of snow that we got this morning was not worse. Traffic was an absolute mess, and some hills were impassable so I drove around. I was scheduled to take my car to the shop this morning for an oil change and to get the winter tires put on, but that meant I had to make the trip on my summer tires. S.c.a.r.y! I'm thankful there were no accidents involving me -- if you don't count the guy crossing the intersection in front of me who slipped on the glare ice and fell into my car (everyone/everything is fine). At the shop, I did discover that some of my winter tires are quite old and should not be re-used. New tires are on order; I'm grateful we are not in the financial position of having to choose between adequate tires and, say, paying the electric bill.

Not a day of frugality, but a day of thanks.

11-12-12, 9:53pm
Grateful that I won a raffle giving me 4 free passes to the Science Center!

Zoe Girl
11-12-12, 11:34pm
My son's good friend was just picked up by her mom, I got to meet her for the first time. She has been laid off and got a temporary job. This will leave her daughter on her own for 4-5 weeks it sounds like. The young lady is old enough to be fine, and we are here for companionship or emergency, but I am grateful I have not been in the same situation.

11-16-12, 12:12am
Today not only did I win an award for Outstanding Team Member Of The Month in Prepared Foods ($75 Gift Certificate), I also got another $75 Gift certificate at Wholefoods for scoring 100% on the mystery shopper test! I have $142.38 of store credit (I splurged on a panini and a beer after work today- it was a long, busy day and I felt like treating myself)!
The rest of my credit will be used for carefully thought out shopping excursions ~ meat, good cheeses for a treat, an occasional beer and X-Mas shopping. I want to make them last :)

11-16-12, 10:19am
Excellent recognition and good work on your part! Hours aside, WF seems miles ahead of where you were working, SQ.

11-16-12, 10:33am
Yay, Siouz!

I am grateful that today is Friday. And that I just finished a session with my supervisor that had so much support and so many helpful suggestions that I actually feel like I will be able to do another week. Maybe without wishing for Friday from Monday on. (and I LOVE my work....)

11-18-12, 2:04pm
I am so thankful for my dear church family.

11-18-12, 6:59pm
I am so thankful for my dear church family.

The postings here are always so wonderful and wonderfully varied. My guess is that there is a nice story attached to yours, Florence.

11-18-12, 9:32pm
I'm grateful for Meetups, strangely enough. We went to a meetup of people who have small dogs on Saturday, and it was so much fun! Lots of playing and running and joyful yapping, no aggression, just fun. I'm just starting to scratch the surface of Meetups.....seems like some of them can be a great way to meet kindred spirits (or at least playmates)

iris lily
11-18-12, 9:44pm
I'm grateful for Meetups, strangely enough. We went to a meetup of people who have small dogs on Saturday, and it was so much fun! Lots of playing and running and joyful yapping, no aggression, just fun. I'm just starting to scratch the surface of Meetups.....seems like some of them can be a great way to meet kindred spirits (or at least playmates)
We have a Frenchie meetup group here (though I seldom go.) But if you've got a Frenchie group, get that Frenchie of yours to the group!

11-18-12, 10:01pm
Would be a great thing. There is one, but it's inactive at the moment :( I find the more exercise he gets, the better he is to live with LOL

11-19-12, 2:19pm
I am grateful for my 3 cats. They give me so much love and pleasure. They are each such different individuals. Best of all since there are 3 of them, whenever I want to take a nap, there's always one available to nap with. :D

11-19-12, 2:32pm
I am very grateful for my good health. I am happy to be injury and illness free right now.

11-21-12, 12:25pm
I am thankful for my walking friend and her dog. She's enthusiastic and energetic. The dog makes me laugh.

11-30-12, 1:41pm
On this last day of the month, there have been so many challenges this month that I think I'm just grateful to have come through it with my faculties intact...here's to mental health and resilience!

11-30-12, 3:23pm
I'm grateful we're working at paying off our second mortgage, which should be done in May. Then on to an emergency fund.

11-30-12, 3:30pm
On this last day of the month, there have been so many challenges this month that I think I'm just grateful to have come through it with my faculties intact...here's to mental health and resilience!


11-30-12, 3:47pm
Am grateful for my hardworking husband who is my best frien, our previous dog Nellie, who we adore and very thankful for the house we just bought....

11-30-12, 6:25pm
Well, this might come a bit out of leftfield, but I'm grateful that I'm not in prison... when I was younger me and a lot of my friends got a little out of control (too much partying, I'll leave the details to your imagination) and several of my buddies wound up in trouble... whenever I'm feeling a bit glum, I remind myself that everything is relative and I have it pretty good.... scratch that - I have it great!