View Full Version : Treadmill desk?

2-9-11, 11:12pm
I think I must have been living under a rock for the past year or two, because I have just today learned of the existence of the thing called the treadmill desk.


Apparently, people all over the country who risk their health by sitting for 8 hours a day are retrofitting their old dusty treadmill as a sort of "walking desk" -- walking very slowly as they work on their laptop, burning 100 calories an hour.

I feel like this is crazy. I also feel like it's a great idea. I also want to try it. Has anyone done this, or known someone who did?

I'm frowning and laughing all at the same time.

2-9-11, 11:37pm
As if the metaphor of the endless hamster wheel of salaried employment wasn't depressing enough? :~)


2-10-11, 12:27am
I just did a google image search, and there seem to be many variations. This is one:


2-10-11, 8:15am
I am on the treadmill right now, and every morning, while I check email, etc.
We constructed a small shelf that hangs on the wall over our treadmill. DH made it from a piece of wood about 14" wide, a quarter round to put on the end to hold the laptop on the shelf, hinges to support the shelf on the wall at an angle over the treadmill. The shelf is further supported by two chains that connect to the lower portion of the shelf, held to the wall on those hooks that you buy for hanging plants, that have the strong supports that go into the ceiling (in this case, the wall). I can post a picture if you like. Cost was about $25.

2-10-11, 11:26am
Hi Rosemary,
If it's not too much trouble, please do post a picture. I'm exploring all the different inexpensive ways people have done this. I spend an awful lot of my life sitting on chairs and it's just not my thing (plus I've put on 15 pounds in the last ten years doing it)

2-10-11, 2:44pm

2-10-11, 3:27pm
Nice set-up Rosemary. :)

When I used to use my treadmill, I tried just placing a board (1X6")across the level 'handle bars'. (not stable enough for a laptop). I used to put a book on it to read. But alas walking and reading at the same time gave me motion sickness. Who knew?

2-15-11, 7:29am
I think I must have been living under a rock for the past year or two, because I have just today learned of the existence of the thing called the treadmill desk.


Apparently, people all over the country who risk their health by sitting for 8 hours a day are retrofitting their old dusty treadmill as a sort of "walking desk" -- walking very slowly as they work on their laptop, burning 100 calories an hour.

I feel like this is crazy. I also feel like it's a great idea. I also want to try it. Has anyone done this, or known someone who did?

I'm frowning and laughing all at the same time.

Seems downright brilliant to me. I've long wanted a job that required me to walk around, so I could earn a living and at the same time extend my life. I;d love to be the person who pushes the mail cart around a big office building, but I doubt they even do that any more.
I might spend more time on my home treadmill if it was set up to hold my book steady and at the right distance from my eyes.

Anne Lee
2-15-11, 8:42am
I've not used a treadmill desk but I do use a fitball. I know that it does take some effort as when I'm really tired I can tell how much less effort it takes to sit in a chair.

2-15-11, 12:38pm
I have wanted one of these for awhile, and am thinking about how to get a free treadmill on CL & retrofitting it & my office at work.

2-16-11, 11:28pm
I've not used a treadmill desk but I do use a fitball. I know that it does take some effort as when I'm really tired I can tell how much less effort it takes to sit in a chair.

I have one of these at the office too. Everyone makes fun of me...but they also have a certain respect too.....

2-17-11, 5:17pm
Even though I saw info on this awhile ago I have yet to implement it! I do try to stand and compute more by moving the laptop to the pub table in the kitchen. In addition to the moderate excercise all day long, just standing up is supposed to help by keeping production of a fat burning hormone active.


Time to explore retrofit ideas for the treadmill though.

2-22-11, 3:24pm
I already have a treadmill, so when this thread inspired me I googled for retrofits. I order the Surfshelf:
I spend a lot of time on my laptop; might as well be walking while I;m at it.

2-23-11, 11:57am
I recently got an exercise bike (the kind you use for spinning), and put a lap desk on the handlebars with my laptop on top of that and watch streaming videos from Netflix, Amazon (prime) or the internet and it DEFINITELY helps pass the time quickly! I've used the bike almost every day since I got it, because it's the only time I'd ever let myself watch TV during the day. What's nice, too, is what you start to watch one day, you pick up the next. I watched Capitalism: A Love Story the first week, and now I'm watching Interview With A Vampire - surprisingly enjoyable! John Stewart segments thrown in now & then, too.

9-4-12, 1:30pm
I have wanted one of these for awhile, and am thinking about how to get a free treadmill on CL & retrofitting it & my office at work.

If you are thinking about getting a treadmill desk, don't do so before you read my full review (http://www.blog.joelx.com/lifespan-fitness-treadmill-desk-review-comparison/6645/)! Basically, I strongly recommend against retrofitting Craigslist treadmills since it is so unprofessional looking.

9-4-12, 1:47pm
And you won't get the Amazon Associates commission on a retrofit, only on the sale of a Treadmill Desk purchased at the link you provide >8) Clever.

9-4-12, 3:15pm
I think this sounds like it would be a real chore that I would resent at work.

When I walk, I like to focus on...ME! Thinking about my life and stuff. I also like to be outside smelling the woods and hearing the birdies twittering and feeling the river breeze on my face. Not really interested in adding one more task to my work day filled with multi-tasks.

9-4-12, 3:22pm
So you're actually supposed to fit a whole treadmill in your cubical? Um ok whatever. Not only does it sound rather cramped and absurd and the noise and movement very disturbing to your fellow workers just trying to do their jobs, it doesn't sound very much fun either. Most of the places I've worked direct management have had cubes too. Only middle management and up gets offices (the managers of the direct managers here are still in cubes).

9-4-12, 3:41pm
So you're actually supposed to fit a whole treadmill in your cubical?

What I've heard is that in corporations where they're offering this they have a few "stations." You sign up for like an hour or 2 per day, take your laptop and do your time then go back to your cubicle.

I'm wondering if only one hour of this per day (@ 100 calories burned per hour) is even worth the effort. I would think that just sitting and doing my job @ my cubicle would burn at least 60 calories per hour. Sounds as if the biggest benefit would be for people with circulation issues.

9-4-12, 9:38pm
I do not have a treadmill desk but I did buy a little foot / arm pedal exerciser from Amazon to use when I watch TV. I am sure it is nothing like a Zumba work out but I figure every little bit helps, and over a year the extra calories burned will add up.

9-4-12, 9:55pm
Seems like they could use the treadmill to power the computers while they're at it...