View Full Version : Nellie B's Wartime Rationing

11-14-12, 1:25am
This is a cool blog (http://nelliebswartimerationing.blogspot.co.nz) by a friend's friend -- how to live on wartime rations as outlined in NZ during WW2.

11-14-12, 3:07am
Very cool blog, Zoebird. Thanks for sharing. Impressive that the children wanted to continue eating that way following the end of the experimental period. Out of (or shall I say, into) the mouths of babes, indeed!

11-14-12, 7:58am
Thanks - I'll be checking that out. I like this site: http://1940sexperiment.wordpress.com/. The author set out to lose 100lb by living on rations for a year. She got close to her goal, but that became less important. She's still living on rations because eating this way is in accordance with her values.

11-14-12, 8:15am
Neat links to explore! Thanks for sharing.

11-14-12, 10:14am
Thanks for posting these. Has anyone come across others people doing this as a challenge or any of the related books online?

Here is the suggested garden plan for the time. It's based on the standard sized allotment (community garden) plot that was about 90-91 feet long and 30 feet wide.

One thing I keep thinking I would like to do is do a current plan for wide beds for the same space which would increase the yields over row cropping. Anyone know of one?

From the plan above, you can see the type and variety of vegetables they would usually have. In many areas it is hard to grow the summer crops except in small greenhouses on the allotment, so the spring and fall vegetable types would be more reliable.

The same page above also has copies of as many of the monthly garden guides as they can find.

11-14-12, 9:39pm
that garden info is fabulous. . . a great addition to the process. gardening is a big thing here -- nearly everyone grows some food. We are like odd ducks!

11-15-12, 6:33am
Love the Victory Garden design - thanks for posting, Amaranth!

11-15-12, 5:54pm
What interesting links! I could spend half a day rumaging around in those!

11-15-12, 6:33pm
What a beautiful blog! The one on her son's dancing is really neat, too. One of my English ballet teachers told me that during the war they were given pumpkins as a filler. She wouldn't eat winter squash because it reminded her of that time. "Fillers," she called them. She used to slather butter on her bread very thickly. She said there was "no butter" during the war in England. It really affected her.

11-16-12, 2:21pm
This was great to read, thank you!

12-6-12, 9:05pm
Thanks, that was fun to read, and what a great idea to teach history to a child.

12-6-12, 11:24pm
Great blog!