View Full Version : Who else loves Firefly?

Blackdog Lin
11-14-12, 10:09pm
My absolute favorite episode, and I think the one best done, is "Out of Gas". "Our Mrs. Reynolds" a close second.

But Gorram! I could be wrong. Which episode do you find the most shiny?

11-14-12, 11:29pm
I don't know this. I'd like to know though.:)

Miss Cellane
11-15-12, 6:32am
I have favorite moments. Jayne with his mother's hat. Almost every scene with River--"No power in the 'verse can stop me!" Wash's dinosaurs.

For best episode, I'm torn between "Our Mrs. Reynolds" and "Jaynestown."

11-15-12, 12:06pm
Allthough I love them all and it is hard to choose, I would go with Jaynestown.

11-15-12, 12:16pm
Me me me me! I love Firefly! Can't choose a favorite episode, although the last one (in the series, but I don't think it was the last one aired) is simply amazing film making. Thinking about this show is bittersweet, since it was never allowed to blossom. But what exists, is awesome and worth celebrating in all its briefness. There, have I gushed enough?


11-15-12, 12:41pm
I had to look this one up. It must have been on cable. Looks to be about 10 years old?

11-15-12, 2:53pm
"Also, I can kill you with my brain."


11-15-12, 3:03pm
I love this series, and it is one of my all-time favorites. I would have trouble singling out a "best" episode, since there are great episodes in a variety of different directions. I enjoy humming The Ballad of Jayne to annoy my daughter. She has threatened to knit me a Jayne hat in response.

Miss Cellane
11-15-12, 4:41pm
I had to look this one up. It must have been on cable. Looks to be about 10 years old?

It was on Fox. They cancelled it before they had aired all the episodes they had filmed. Thus leading to my first ever DVD purchase--because the DVDs had the unaired episodes and I needed to see them.

11-15-12, 5:28pm
There's a Firefly movie too, that ties things up: "Serenity", also available for streaming on Netflix.

11-15-12, 7:40pm
Loved Serentity and Firefly. Didn't know it was still on. Is it the same old ones with Nathan Fillion? Must be on cable - which I don't have. Is it in the Sci-fi network or whatever it's called. Is Lexx still on? Another one of my favorites.

11-15-12, 8:33pm
I heart Firefly! Couldn't pick a favorite episode if I tried! Love them all (well, except for the one set in the brothel and the one where the bounty hunter boards the ship--those are a little too dark for me).

I like Fillion's new show, Castle (some pretty funny references to Joss Whedon and space cowboys). Love him in "Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog," too.

11-16-12, 12:16pm
Ah yes, River vs bounty hunter.

It was all an amazingly creative set of stories.

Miss Cellane
11-16-12, 4:40pm
Loved Serentity and Firefly. Didn't know it was still on. Is it the same old ones with Nathan Fillion? Must be on cable - which I don't have. Is it in the Sci-fi network or whatever it's called. Is Lexx still on? Another one of my favorites.

Alas, it isn't still on. It is on streaming Netflix, though.

Lexx isn't on either. But it too is on Netflix.

Heavy sigh.

dado potato
11-16-12, 4:58pm
While I have not seen any episodes, one of my ice-fishing buddies is going to organize a group viewing. I gather that he was fascinated by a character named Inara, who was ultrafeminine and wore sandals in space... is this right? Up here in the northern highlands there aren't so many ultrafeminine ladies in sandals (after Labor Day) ...

Miss Cellane
11-16-12, 5:28pm
While I have not seen any episodes, one of my ice-fishing buddies is going to organize a group viewing. I gather that he was fascinated by a character named Inara, who was ultrafeminine and wore sandals in space... is this right? Up here in the northern highlands there aren't so many ultrafeminine ladies in sandals (after Labor Day) ...

Inara was ultrafeminine. She also practiced the universe's oldest profession, as a licensed, properly educated Companion. She adds a touch of respectability to an otherwise rag-tag crew.

To be honest, I never noticed what she had on her feet.

Blackdog Lin
11-16-12, 8:45pm
Inara: also never noticed what she was wearing for shoes, her cleavage was what one noticed.

I was totally unaware of the show when it came out, but started catching reruns on cable a year ago or so, mentioned it to my boss and found out he was a fan and he burned the whole series on DVD for me to watch on the 'puter. And I am now a Firefly addict, and saddened every day that they foolishly cancelled it after the first season. I understand that it was kinda "Hollywood politics" that led to it's demise. But they screwed up, because it Was. One. Of. The. Best. Series. Ever. Cowboys in Space. Too shiny.

(I have been very successful in incorporating "shiny" into my daily lexicon, which makes DH look at me like I have two nerdy heads, but I don't care. His loss. I am working on substituting "Gorram!" for my cusswords, with less success. Remind me, someone, what one would say for "you bleeping idiot!". What is the Firefly lexicon substitute for "bleeping"? This one I need.)

Edited to add: my gosh, the places they had to go/could have gone with the storylines. The Shepard: there was a big storyline there. And the Captain/Inara lovestory. And River and her brain and her recovery. And Simon and Caley (spelling?) - a sweet crush that would have kept me watching. Sigh. Missing what could have been.....

11-16-12, 8:56pm
What is the Firefly lexicon substitute for "bleeping"? This one I need.)
Not sure. But if you'll settle for Battlestar Galactica or Farscape it would be 'frack' and 'frell'. You would conjugate those in the following manner: frack, fracking, fracked and frell, frelling, frelled. >8)

Blackdog Lin
11-16-12, 9:13pm
Oh thank you Alan, but I really want to keep the Firefly purity. There has to be a Firefly cussword equivalent I can learn to use.

Will Google it tomorrow. Wikipedia, I think.

11-16-12, 9:19pm
Remind me, someone, what one would say for "you bleeping idiot!". What is the Firefly lexicon substitute for "bleeping"? This one I need.)


Blackdog Lin
11-16-12, 9:46pm
Yes, Rutting! Thanks bae! That's the cussing I was trying to remember, that I'm going to use ongoing. That's the Firefly word I was looking for. I am going to be a ladylike cusser for the next 10 or so years, using cusswords that only cool people such as myself and other Firefly-those-in-the-know know.

You rutting idiot. You need rutt-splapped. Rutt! I can't believe you said that! That rutting alco-condenser.....I lack imagination right now, but it will work tomorrow. bae, help me. We'll start a new lexicon of cussing. 100 years from now they will be wondering where we came up with these cusswords. They would laugh if they knew we started with a TV show that we loved.

I think we could do this.....

11-16-12, 10:03pm
Rutting doesn't seem to have quite the same versatility, does it? It seems to be mostly an adjective... But I'm sure we can work on it! (I have seen 'frak' show up in unrelated contexts, since BSG started that.)

I recently wound up with an album of folk-style songs mostly inspired by Firefly/Serenity. The artist is Marian Call; I particularly liked "Vera Flew The Coop" (the origin of the name of Jayne's favorite gun), and "It Was Good For You Too" (Mrs. Reynolds, whatever her name was). Both on youtube, although I can't get there at the moment...

Blackdog Lin
11-16-12, 10:29pm
Mer: I just have enjoyed 3 playings of "Vera Flew the Coop". Ruttin' awesome music. Thank you for the link. Going now for your other one.....

11-16-12, 11:10pm
Mer05--Thanks for sharing about Marian Call. I had not heard of her, but after checking her out on youtube (she is fabulous!), I am convinced that the "Got to Fly" album will be the perfect Christmas gift for my DH (a self-proclaimed geek who loves this style of music). The only problem is I can't seem to find a CD, only MP3s. Any ideas as to where I might be able to get my mitts on a hard copy? I'd like for him to have something tangible to open...

11-17-12, 4:10pm
Not sure. But if you'll settle for Battlestar Galactica or Farscape it would be 'frack' and 'frell'. You would conjugate those in the following manner: frack, fracking, fracked and frell, frelling, frelled. >8)

Farscape - Forgot about that one. One of my favorites. I also say "Frack" but couldn't remember where it came from. Several others. I also have a whole series of words from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe books I use occasionally. Froody being one. Hoopy being another. And "Do you know where your towel's at" being another. As in "You are one froody dude who really knows where is towel's at. Hoopy!" Too bad the movie was so so so terrible as the books were great.

11-17-12, 4:17pm
OK well I am looking for another old sci fi series I loved from the early '90's. It had the hunky Adrian Whatshisface guy from The Highlander but he was battling aliens in some kind of semi-post apocalyptic world. It lasted for a few years if I remember correctly. Anyone know it?

11-17-12, 4:44pm
Anyone know it?War of the Worlds?

Miss Cellane
11-17-12, 5:32pm
OK well I am looking for another old sci fi series I loved from the early '90's. It had the hunky Adrian Whatshisface guy from The Highlander but he was battling aliens in some kind of semi-post apocalyptic world. It lasted for a few years if I remember correctly. Anyone know it?

Adrian Paul was in "Tracker" where he hunted alien convicts who were sent to Earth through a wormhole. Earth wasn't post apocalyptic, but the aliens' planets might have been. it's on Netflix as "Alien Tracker.

11-17-12, 6:01pm
War of the Worlds - That's it! Sort of a latter day version years after the initial attack. I remember it sort of got darker and grittier the more the aliens took over.

I don't think I've ever seen "Alien Tracker" but sounds interesting. Can you get all these on Netflicks? We'll be getting home internet in the new place (no more hanging at the library with the crazy homeless folks on a rainy day like today - I'll miss that :-)!) so can do streaming videos then. Lots to catch up on. Can't wait to see Firefly again.

11-19-12, 12:03pm
And Simon and Caley (spelling?) -

Kaylee. It was spelled that way over her bunk

11-21-12, 4:45pm
I LOVE Firefly! I looked it up after hearing a priest talk about it in a sermon (He liked it because it was the only Sci-fi show he knew of that had a preacher in it). I got the DVD and would be hard pressed to pick out a favorite episode, I love them all! I can never understand why it was cancelled so fast.
I must say that the movie did not live up to the series, IMHO. I think Josh felt that he had to go over the top with the story line, and when several of the main characters were killed off, I was done.

Miss Cellane
11-21-12, 5:43pm
I LOVE Firefly! I looked it up after hearing a priest talk about it in a sermon (He liked it because it was the only Sci-fi show he knew of that had a preacher in it). I got the DVD and would be hard pressed to pick out a favorite episode, I love them all! I can never understand why it was cancelled so fast.
I must say that the movie did not live up to the series, IMHO. I think Josh felt that he had to go over the top with the story line, and when several of the main characters were killed off, I was done.

What I heard at the time, and this could be wrong, was that some of the actors didn't mind making the movie, but they did not want to have to make any sequels. So they were killed off so that sequels wouldn't happen.

11-28-12, 5:38pm
Well after reading this thread I went out and rented "Serenity" to watch again. Just as good as the first time! Now if I can only get my hands (and eyes) on Firefly episodes I'll be a happy camper. Need streaming video (netflix?) for that I guess.

11-28-12, 6:26pm
Need streaming video (netflix?) for that I guess.If you have high speed internet capabilities, try http://watchseries.eu , you'll find the entire series there, for free.

Blackdog Lin
11-28-12, 8:17pm
Thank you chord_ata for "Kaylee".

I found and pinned a link on Pinterest this week with the Chinese cursing phases from the show. Some of the actual phrases (in English) are hilarious, and the explanations give context to what was going on in the episode, why they used that curse. It also SAYS it gives pronunciation, but it's just in text, so I'm having a hard time translating their dictionary pronunciation to how it should be said. But don't laugh! - I've been back there several times practicing.

(and it just now occurrs to me, why am I fascinated with the Firefly cursing? Hmmm.....okay, I think maybe.....I live with a potty-mouthed DH, it rubs off on me sometimes, and I feel myself a ladylike person who shouldn't be flinging the Fbomb around.....and maybe wouldn't I be cool to have a lexicon of non-curse cursewords from a cool TV show that only special and cool people would know about and appreciate and would still do the job - for cursing?)

Yep, I think that's it. Cool and retro-hip, but ladylike. Hey Llamo, think you could help me with my pronunciations? :)

Oh, hey, that is seriously a good idea. Hey Llamo, think you could help me with my pronunciations?

Blackdog Lin
11-28-12, 8:48pm

Oh my goodness, maybe I've figured out how to paste a link. Maybe.

Maybe not. (it doesn't look like a link, just an address. what did I do wrong?)

Anyway, you fans would truly enjoy going here.....it's awesome.

(eta: oohh, I DID paste a link! I CAN learn this stuff, even at my age! I am doing a Wednesday night happy dance.)

Go check it out.

11-29-12, 4:11pm
If you have high speed internet capabilities, try http://watchseries.eu , you'll find the entire series there, for free.

I don't have home internet access yet (working on getting it soon) but will a 15/5 mps (via Verizon Fios wi-fi network) be fast enough to view that or other videos? I know nothing about internet speeds but that seemed middle of the road for everything I'd need - which is yapping here, watching movies via netflix or streaming video, and maybe playing the new Halo game (I get to be one of the pink armoured female "air assault spartans" :-)!)

11-29-12, 4:18pm

Oh my goodness, maybe I've figured out how to paste a link. Maybe.

Maybe not. (it doesn't look like a link, just an address. what did I do wrong?)

Anyway, you fans would truly enjoy going here.....it's awesome.

(eta: oohh, I DID paste a link! I CAN learn this stuff, even at my age! I am doing a Wednesday night happy dance.)

Go check it out.
Your linked worked fine - FUN!! I want my Firefly NOW (whining and kicking and throwing a tantrum and shouting frack!). Wish I could find it at a regular video store but will have to wait until I can get online access.

11-29-12, 4:18pm
I don't have home internet access yet (working on getting it soon) but will a 15/5 mps (via Verizon Fios wi-fi network) be fast enough to view that or other videos? I know nothing about internet speeds but that seemed middle of the road for everything I'd need - which is yapping here, watching movies via netflix or streaming video, and maybe playing the new Halo game (I get to be one of the pink armoured female "air assault spartans" :-)!)
Yeah, that should be fine.
My 10 year old grandson plays Halo at my house every Friday night, with all his little friends joining him for network play. They're currently playing Halo 4 on the xBox. If I happen to see a pink, female player on one of his sessions, I'll say hi.

11-29-12, 4:22pm
Yeah, that should be fine.
My 10 year old grandson plays Halo at my house every Friday night, with all his little friends joining him for network play. They're currently playing Halo 4 on the xBox. If I happen to see a pink, female player on one of his sessions, I'll say hi.

I knew I should be hanging out with 10 year old boys - they have all the fun. Of course I'd probably get arrested :-)! Thanks for the info. When I play Halo I'll wave back with my cannon-gun-blaster-thingie (how us girls in pink describe our military weapons)!

dado potato
11-29-12, 4:58pm
My local public library had the Complete Series (4 Disc Set). I have it on a 2 week loan. Friday PM my DW and I plan to watch an episode, discuss, repeat on another episode, then go to a pizzaria, and come home to watch and discuss a third episode.

I have already stolen a peek at Serenity and The Train Job. I am quite interested in the ultrafeminine role played by Inara... relative to Mal the Captain, or various other characters, who she seems to be helping somehow in each story. There is something about her that reminds me of the late Fred Rogers.

Would you be my...? Could you be my...? Please won't you be
My Neighbor.

Hell, I would buy the house next door for Inara... if she would move into it. (Science Fiction Fantasy, there.)

11-29-12, 5:46pm
My local public library had the Complete Series (4 Disc Set). I have it on a 2 week loan. Friday PM my DW and I plan to watch an episode, discuss, repeat on another episode, then go to a pizzaria, and come home to watch and discuss a third episode.

I have already stolen a peek at Serenity and The Train Job. I am quite interested in the ultrafeminine role played by Inara... relative to Mal the Captain, or various other characters, who she seems to be helping somehow in each story. There is something about her that reminds me of the late Fred Rogers.

Would you be my...? Could you be my...? Please won't you be
My Neighbor.

Hell, I would buy the house next door for Inara... if she would move into it. (Science Fiction Fantasy, there.)

Hmmm... why ever would a straight male be fasinated by Inara? Just baffles me :-)! Now Mal... welll that's a different story. I'd like him to be my neighbor too :-). Thanks for the tip on the library (I'm there right now!) and they have a huge video library. I rented Serenity from there ($1/wk) but didn't see the Firefly series but will look before I leave here.

Blackdog Lin
11-30-12, 9:02pm
In spite of many other things I could have been doing tonight.....ended up with nothing to do and watched "The Message". No words. Powerful show. Too good.

I seriously find myself feeling some grief, at the loss of such a good show, and how little of it we have. Silly me.....