View Full Version : Any winter people out there?

2-10-11, 3:35pm
This is my summer; i have the opposite of the summer folks; in summer the sun shining too many days and its like when is this going to be over!

So i have been out as much as i can; doing winter hikes etc.; the cold weather feels so refreshing; being inside with the heat on when dh is home; is too stuffy; when he isn't home i knock it down to 60; i would go further but the old furnace refuses to budge

i do think of those who are suffering in the cold right now

Kathy WI
2-10-11, 3:54pm
I'm a winter person also. I don't mind at all hanging out in cold ice rinks; other people are usually complaining about the cold. I have a few nice sweaters that I used to like to wear, but now I'm too hot in them. On really cold days I'm most comfortable in a long sleeved T-shirt, and on medium cold days, a short sleeved T-shirt. I'm miserable in the summer; when it's 75 degrees I feel like I'm gonna die.

2-10-11, 3:59pm
I adore winter. It's the best time for me to get out and exercise. I LOVE the woods on a winter day. You can find fresh animal tracks galore. And beautiful beyond belief. I am addicted to XC skiing - go through withdrawal every year.

The summer is WAY too hot and humid for me. I feel completely trapped inside. I rarely get good exercise in summer - just too darned hot to move outside! Plus everything is crowded. In winter the woods are blissfully empty.

There is also a silence to winter that is never found in summer.

I wrote a blog post about my love for winter - I'll try to find it.

2-10-11, 4:11pm
I'm not a winter person but wanted to stop by and let you all know how much I envy you all! Winter is such a long season for me and by January I'm usually suffering the effects of "cabin fever". I stare and look outside multiple times a day in hopes of the arrival of spring so I can start gardening again and hanging washing on the line!

2-10-11, 4:39pm
Well .... I know the sun is supposed to be good for you and make vitamin D and all that. But I think in the summer months it does get a bit much.

Just being out in the sun then tends to drain me, I'd like to say it's all because of heat or something, but it seems to have more to do with the ultraviolet present than the heat (yes, of course I'm speculating). My cheeks get kinda burning in summer too. And I'll think: but I'm piling on SPF, how can I burn? It's mild rosacea I think (that actually seems more likely than chronic sunburn), but if so one triggered mostly by ultraviolet.

2-10-11, 4:59pm
I love winter as it is cold, quiet, clean and peaceful. It is my hibernation time with twice daily walks with the dog. I knit, sew, read, listen to music. I enjoy our fireplace with insert which makes the room so warm and inviting.
Different things to do than the busy days of spring, summer and fall.

2-10-11, 5:11pm
Even though my body is breaking down a bit and I can't do alot of walking outside in winter, I do love winter. It seems like we work so hard in the summer and that makes us really enjoy the winter. As long as the neighbors don't ride their snowmobiles all the time, its very peaceful.
We have a fireplace and enjoy it on the weekends. I love the 4 seasons, each one of them.

2-10-11, 6:30pm
I am a fall person, but I do prefer winter to summer. I really dislike being hot, sweaty, and surrounded by mosquitoes.

2-10-11, 7:02pm
How about a 'used to be' winter person or 'half' winter person. I loved winter sports (cross country skiing, ice skating, snowshoeing) and weather when I was younger and did not have the responsibilities of winter (high utility bills, snowplowing, etc..). Now I still enjoy snowshoeing, walking, the beauty of the snow, a warm house, absence of the physical work of summer, down time to think and plan and winter foods but I need more daylight hours to really feel good.

I don't care for the heat of the summer or the muddy, grayness of spring. I love all things autumn. I am a a 'half' winter and 'all' autumn person.

2-10-11, 7:03pm
I am a fall person, but I do prefer winter to summer. I really dislike being hot, sweaty, and surrounded by mosquitoes.

Wow, I was going to say exactly that. That doesn't happen very often.

It's nice to be able to come on a message board and admit to liking winter better than summer, because IRL, that seems to be a crime. Most of the people I am around (at work and otherwise) seem to hate winter and complain about the cold, the grey skies, the rain (I'm in the SF Bay Area), so I keep my happy-winter feelings to myself or I end up contradicting people and that's not polite.

I am a total sun and heat wimp (but I try not to complain about it much since I think complaining about the weather is pretty lame).

My dream is to move to Seattle and the first thing that 99% of people say when I mention that is how much I'll hate it because it rains all the time. Um, Ok, thanks.

2-10-11, 7:45pm
I'm very badly affected by the dark of early winter, but enjoy the cold, brightening days by the beginning of February. I've been walking about 1 1/2 miles most days at lunch since the end of January.

2-10-11, 8:23pm
Winter is my least favorite season. Except for maybe being able to have a fire -- I am counting the days until Spring/Summer and some SUNSHINE!

Where do you live Babr?

2-10-11, 9:25pm
Yes, I prefer winter to summer, but then I live in a place where summers are very humid and winters bring little snow. Just today, my honey and I bundled up and went for a brisk bike ride in the sunny, fresh air. It was around 35 or so and quite pleasant. I'd rather bundle up then stew in my own juices. Can always throw on another quilt or sweater but the summer sweating is hard to relieve.

But if I lived in a climate with feet of snow and cloudy, gray skies, I'd be miserable. The sun makes a big difference, doesn't it??

2-11-11, 6:28am
[QUOTE=HappyHiker;9406] Can always throw on another quilt or sweater but the summer sweating is hard to relieve.

I have a friend who comments on winter cold by saying 'you can always put on more clothes but you cannot always take enough off', my answer to her was I don't have that many clothes!!

2-11-11, 7:30am
so great to hear that i am not alone; and that we can freely write about our love without people looking at you like you were crazy; did an urban hike yesterday; it was 0 degrees; but i had all the right gear and by the time i was done; i was sweating

gregg i live in Michigan; grew up in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan where winter is nice and long; the summers are short and cool and fall is beautiful!; if i didn't love where i was living right now; i would be back up there in a hot second

and to the winter sufferers; i am thinking of you truly

oh in the summer it is a great time for me to go in the buff; what a great freeing feeling!

2-11-11, 8:35am
I love the four seasons. DS3 and I love the winter with lots of snow; we are definitely in the minority as the rest of our family and friends complain about winter every day of the season. I like summer, too, as long as its not too humid and it rains. Last summer was really bad--constant heat and humidity with little rain. That kind of weather drains me. I would not like to live where the weather is a constant.

2-11-11, 8:50am
Found it. It's a bit long. Sorry. My ode to winter:

I used to hate winter. I mean really hated it. I'd travel anywhere in the world I could to get away from it for one to two months every year. (Central and South America and North Africa) I didn't own decent boots or winter clothes, so I'd be tortured when winter came until I went away and then upon returning until spring came back.

In 1995 I started dating this guy (Gus) who loved winter - he skied, snowshoed, ice climbed, you name it. I decided that it would help me deal with winter if I had decent gear so I took a second job as an ice skating guard at the local rink and earmarked my earnings to buy hats, boots, mittens, etc. Gus took me skiing and snowshoeing for my first time - we went to New Hampshire to a cabin w/o running water and had to ski/showshoe in. I was so bad at skiing! I must have fallen 200 times. I couldn't even go down the smallest hill. I surprised myself, though, that I actually didn't hate it. It was OK.

Not long after the trip to NH I left for a 7 week trip to Venezuelan beaches and waterfalls. However, Gus's affection for winter apparently rubbed off on me. That next winter I learned to ski and even bought snowshoes and skis. I was determined to make something of winter so I wouldn't have to fly away every year.

I had a different BF - but one who also liked winter. He and I would go up to the Adirondacks for vacations to ski/snowshoe. We'd stay at this cabin out in the woods with no running water - we had to walk over to the shower/bathroom cabin in -25F temperatures. One of my favorite memories is walking back from the shower there in the evening. My body so warm from the hot shower but so cold outside. The cabin where we stayed glowing warm and bright - and the silence and stark beauty of the woods. I loved to stop for a moment and just listen and look. I finally understood the magic of winter in those moments.

As I got better at skiing I came to love the thrill of coming down a hill w/o crashing and the exhilaration of climbing back up. I discovered that when you stop in the woods in winter there are no sounds - sometimes the wind rustles a few dead leaves - but the snow deadens noise and there are often no people at all. That silence is like no other time of the year. You can see the tracks of animals, but so rarely see the animals themselves. Winter is the season for misanthropes.

Over the years I had more and more experiences in winter that really touched my core. Skiing at night, sitting in an outdoor hottub during a snowstorm, snowshoing up mountain peaks, sledding, etc. I started loving even the aspects of winter that most people really dislike - like darkness and even the work that snow causes. So amazing that it's so quiet and beautiful as it falls but wreaks such havoc.

So 15 years after I hopped on planes to get away from winter it's become my favorite season. My best memories are now nearly all in winter.

2-11-11, 10:44am
I am turning into a winter person. I start to get a queasy feeling when spring rolls around because I know the four months of 98-100+ degrees are approaching. I sleep like a baby when it is cold. The main thing though is that my energy level is ten fold when it is cold - I can walk for miles. In summer, we have to wait for dark just to get the temp below 90 and make it around the block.

2-11-11, 12:13pm
i live in Michigan; grew up in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan where winter is nice and long;

babr, I am a Troll**, eh? One of my siblings attended NMU, went to south to attend medical school and never came back. That was 31 years ago. Clearly the UP winters were too much for him. Wimp.

**Troll: To a 'Yooper', a troll is someone who lives under/beneath/south of the Mackinac Bridge.

2-11-11, 9:10pm
I too am a winter person. I love cozy nights inside, gray skies, walks by the lake in the wintertime, rosy cheeks, etc., etc.

However, I'm looking forward to saying good-bye to the heating bill. :)

2-12-11, 12:08am
I used to scoff at old people hating the cold. Till I became one. Winter didn't use to bother me at all. Now I don't even want to go out anymore.

early morning
2-12-11, 2:02pm
have a friend who comments on winter cold by saying 'you can always put on more clothes but you cannot always take enough off', my answer to her was I don't have that many clothes Goldensmom, are you my friend? ;) I say that all the time - I love winter! I don't do any winter sports, but even just looking out at the snow and ice makes me smile... (though I agree that the heating bill is pretty scary at times) I like seasonal change, but I'm getting to the point where I really dread summer. Anything above 70 is draining. I DETEST sweating (hmmm, perhaps why I don't like to exercise??). We have air at work, of course, but not in my car, and only in the bedrooms at the house, because even though I hate it hot, I refuse to "give in" to it, isn't that dumb?? I so love the UP - I'd move us there in a heartbeat if I thought I could find work and afford living there.

2-14-11, 4:38pm
oh golds mom another yooper?! I grew up near the Taquamenon Falls/Newberry to be exact; my folks and brother still live in Manistique; yep thats where i got my winter love; where did you hail from?

Cats what wonderful memories; oh man it would be hard for me to leave upstate NY or the new england states; just fell in love with Vermont

I clearly understand the heat bill costs but dh needs the heat on when he comes home and he brings in the pay check

I could not live where you are pinky; my body goes heywire in the heat due to my M.S.

and another u.p. lover early morning; yeah the work situation is tough;

2-14-11, 7:02pm
Well, I used to say I DETESTED winter. Now, maybe dislike is better. Having the right gear makes all the difference. There are times when out walking the dog it is actually pretty. However, this winter with the 20 inch snowfalls and ice has been more than a challenge.

2-14-11, 9:33pm
I have a friend who comments on winter cold by saying 'you can always put on more clothes but you cannot always take enough off', my answer to her was I don't have that many clothes!!

My thought when people say this is that you can survive in summer no matter how hot it is without a/c. People did it for millions of years. Winter, though? If you don't have a heat source you won't last very long. Therefore summer must be the better of the two! :~)

A significant part of my decision on where to go to college had to do with the fact that Miami had much better weather than Boulder. At least in my opinion... (I grew up in colorado) Now I live in a city that pretty much has neither summer nor winter. I miss summer and treasure the few days we have where it truly gets warm. Winter, on the other hand, not so much. If I never see another snowflake in my lifetime that'll be just fine.

2-15-11, 6:51am
oh golds mom another yooper?! I grew up near the Taquamenon Falls/Newberry to be exact; my folks and brother still live in Manistique; yep thats where i got my winter love; where did you hail from?
Middle of the Mitten. 'Up north' to me begins at St. Ignace. I traveled and camped the UP a lot in my youth. I remember one year when the temperature dipped to the 30's at night when camping in the Porkies in August. When I worked downstate, people referred to 'up north' as Lansing. Isn't that funny?

2-15-11, 3:53pm
sorry goldensmom i got your name wrong; i also camped; and woke up in the Pictured Rocks with snow on the ground; in may which isn't surprising; i can rmember my best friend and i laying out in the sun when it was in the low 50's! too funny; but to us that meant summer was approaching

oh jp i would have loved Boulder; not now; seems overdeveloped; i will take all your snow flakes

we are headed to florida to explore the Everglades National Park; the park i am interested in; Florida not interested; not to down florida it just doesn't fit me; but its a nice break for dh

2-15-11, 5:46pm
Living in Minnesota my whole life I love all the seasons. In winter I downhill ski, xc ski and snowshoe. With the right clothes and gear it's great. I xc ski with a group of friends twice a week. It's great exercise and the forests are so peaceful and beautiful in winter. We are planning to start a biathlon team next winter. Now I'm looking forward to cycling season. It's all good!

2-16-11, 8:56am
Minnesota - Bill, I'm jealous. I've been scouting around places to retire and Minnesota is definitely on the list. So much recreation - skiing, all those lakes for kayaking. Love it.

2-16-11, 11:06am
CatsNK Minnesota is a great place to live especially if you like winter. It's very diverse with northern wilderness, lake country, western prairies, southeastern bluff country and a large progressive metro area. It might not be right for everyone but we do have a good quality of life and reasonable cost of living. Good luck in your search.

2-16-11, 2:30pm
so glad there are other winter lovers out there; and minnesota; what a great state; the boundary waters? not sure if i wrote that right were incredible

i miss the x country skiing; but it bothers my legs; wow a biathlon would be fun; i can remember our school participated in a type of winter olympics; unfortunatly i wasn't into the outside sports at that age; too busy cheering the boys on the side

2-22-11, 6:38am
big storm yesterday and today i am out and about on the the bus and walking and i am excited; just loved getting out and cleaning ooff the cars; getting them moved; now i get to walk in it; sorry summer people; we had such warm weather with sunshine and i know you guys were able to enjoy that; if you are near me in the midwest

i am going to florida on friday; it will be strange; but we are going to visit the everglades national park and the other natural areas; so i will be outside and hopefully won't get too overheated; M.S. will give me a meltdown