View Full Version : 12/21/12--anyone believe the hype?

pony mom
11-15-12, 11:25pm
I don't want to, but all the proof and predictions are a bit scary.

11-15-12, 11:32pm
What's supposed to happen?

I know it's the end of the Mayan calendar, correct? But what is really supposed to happen?

Remember all of the hype about the year 2000? Weren't those scary predictions at the time supposed to come from Nostradomus? I didn't buy into any of it, except I thought computers maybe would have problems changing to the years 2000. No problem! LOL

11-15-12, 11:51pm
Indeed. What IS supposed to happen? The mayan calendar ends. Does it say what else?

11-15-12, 11:54pm
As I mentioned in a previous post I have some acquaintances that are getting all wrapped up in 'the prophecy' and behaving very strangely.

Part of me was about to ask "But didn't you just spend all Summer canning and stacking wood?" "Wait, it's the end times but you're still paying your bills?"

I don't know but I'm just keeping my mouth shut and will pretend like nothing happened, again.

11-15-12, 11:56pm
I don't want to, but all the proof and predictions are a bit scary.

Really? My honest opinion?

I think anyone who falls for this sort of thing has some serious mental issues.

11-15-12, 11:59pm
I believe this marks the end of a cycle. There are no extant Mayan records saying there will be some kind of cataclysm. Who's to say that this isn't the beginning of a new cycle?

11-16-12, 12:09am

11-16-12, 12:20am
What is the "proof"? I actually would like to hear this, because I hear similar remarks, but never see the proof they are talking about. Curious.

11-16-12, 12:34am
I say just have fun with it. I'm hearing of people planning "end of the world" parties on 12/21/12. Am attending a solstice get-together myself, and yes, alcohol will be involved.

After that? let's all check back in here and find out!

11-16-12, 4:57am
We're gonna be on a plane in mid-air from Honolulu to Seattle at midnight. I guess we'll find out when the plane tries to land. I think I'll splurge a bit more than usual during the Hawaii portion of our trip, just in case :)


11-16-12, 5:51am
Nope not worried.
2000 I was not worried,,,,,till about 8pm that night. Then I started thinking about the water, the what ifs. How would I water my horse? Oh well it passed and she had her water bucket filled. In 2001 we bought a new home. It was easy to tell the owners had a scare thing with 2000. The water jugs were stacked in tha basement, wood by the unused newly installed wood burner and magazines with articles.

11-16-12, 8:36am
I guess it means it's time to buy a new calender. I'm thinking cute puppies this time!

Seriously, the people who couldn't predict their own demise are predicting the end of the world?

11-16-12, 9:10am
I have an acquaintance who has been talking about it for a couple of years and expects some sort of cataclysm.

I sometimes worry that population dynamics will catch up with us in a bad way some day, but don't think the exact time is predictable. It never hurts to have a few twinkies and cans of spam in the basement just in case.

11-16-12, 9:27am
It is the end of A Mayan calendar. They have found others that go past it. Other then some friends who will use the numbers for gambling, not expecting to hear much about it.

11-16-12, 9:43am
"Once while St. Francis of Assisi was hoeing his garden, he was asked, ''What would you do if you were suddenly to learn that you were to die at sunset today'' He replied, 'I would finish hoeing my garden.'"

That's how I see Life, Death and the End of the World.

11-16-12, 10:02am
I'd love to be dazzled by the opening of a cosmic portal or something, but I'm not holding my breath.

11-16-12, 11:10am
I'd love to be dazzled by the opening of a cosmic portal or something, but I'm not holding my breath.
Yeah, that would be something!!

I plan on celebrating the Solstice and the returning of light, always an awesome astronomical event, and hoping for the best in the New Year.

11-16-12, 12:18pm
I believe this marks the end of a cycle. There are no extant Mayan records saying there will be some kind of cataclysm. Who's to say that this isn't the beginning of a new cycle?

Yup, exactly...
The more logical interpretation says:

2012 will mark the coming of a new, glorious age of wisdom and peace. It will be Age Of Aquarius at last, with a world full of peace, love and understanding.

The reasoning behind this is actually not that stupid. The Maya's didn't really believed in endings: their conception of time was circular, with every end being the beginning of something new. So, 2012 shouldn't be an exception.

Also, the Maya's had a highly developed philosophy of the cosmos. They saw the cosmos as the true mother of things. Consequently, the Maya's thought the cosmos is all around us, and within us. Every plant, every animal, every man is sheer Cosmos.

New Age Philosophers say, December 21st 2012 will be the day on which this inner cosmos is reconnected to the divine outer cosmos. The Sun will mount its unique position to form a `gateway' between the Universe and the souls of every living creature on Earth. Our linear conception of time will crumble, and with it, fear and hatred will vanish. It will be purification at it's very best, when everyone is soaked in cosmic understanding and divine love.

I'm hoping for this outcome :)

11-16-12, 12:26pm
The end of the world AS WE KNOW IT. A better world is possible! That's what I'd like to believe, but on that date, nah I don't believe anything will happen. Perhaps the beginning of the end ... :~)

11-16-12, 1:38pm
People love telling stories and spinning yarns. Think of all the different holy books, legends and myths that people swear are the truth, yet how can they all be the truth?

Great civilizations seem to follow a lot of the same patterns. Industriousness, great discoveries, followed by intense gluttony and decadence then collapse.

wait a minute- time to build a underground storage bunker :)

11-16-12, 6:04pm
I must be tuned out of these particular media outlets, because I haven't heard "the hype" at all.

domestic goddess
11-16-12, 6:38pm
My sil goes on about this, mainly because he likes to bait me.
I have read that the Mayan calendar is a cyclical thing, that when one gets to the end of it, you simply start over. Sounds more reasonable to me than that they were predicting the end of the world. Too bad we wasted all that time and energy on an election.
Since I plan to still be here on the 22nd, I haven't changed a thing. Don't intend to. Forget the dire predictions. The world is full of silly people.

11-16-12, 6:48pm
Hmm....Twinkie hoarding and the end of the Mayan calendar...coincidence? I don't think so! :cool:

Blackdog Lin
11-16-12, 7:44pm
Oh Kay! Definitely something to ponder on.....


11-16-12, 11:15pm
Well at the end of the Mayan civilization, aliens (in the form of Europeans) showed up. So maybe aliens will show up? ;)
Joking aside, there have been other Mayan calendars that went beyond 2012 and also if the Mayans were great at predictions, you'd think they would have shot the guys on horses with poisoned arrows as soon as they saw them. So no, I put very little stock in the End of the World. As for that particular day, well, I might be watching The Hobbit Part 1.

11-17-12, 9:38am
"Once while St. Francis of Assisi was hoeing his garden, he was asked, ''What would you do if you were suddenly to learn that you were to die at sunset today'' He replied, 'I would finish hoeing my garden.'"

That's how I see Life, Death and the End of the World.

I like that one! It is now on my refrigerator.

11-17-12, 10:07am
They miscalculated leap years. 12-21-12 in the new Y2K.