View Full Version : Heya!! It's a pleasure to meet everyone!

11-18-12, 9:11pm

I'm happy I found this forum! I've been working more towards simplifying my life and aligning myself with my personal beliefs and priorities and it looks like a lot of you guys and gals share the same goals and interests! I've moved about 12 times in the last 10 years and I've noticed that I keep moving "all" of my stuff with me, even the things that I don't use anymore. So I've been working on paring that down which will not only be much less of a burden on me but will probably save me a bit of money while moving =P Also I've very much interested in the environment, gardening, sustainability and like many others getting out of debt so you'll probably see me chiming in on those forums. I also love video games, the tiny/small house movement, books of all shapes and sizes, and Art.

It's a pleasure to meet everyone and I've already been inspired by several of the fantastic threads on here, so keep it up!

Talk to you soon!
Laser Cat =^.^=

11-18-12, 9:15pm
Ok, I think you win the prize for most excellent new handle in a loooong time!! Love it!!


I very much look forward to hearing you chime in.

I was SHOCKED when we moved about 9 months ago how much stuff we moved with us. And now that it's here, I fear it will be harder to get rid of it . . . but we're going to start trying.


Float On
11-18-12, 9:22pm
Sometimes I'd like to move just so we can get rid of 3/4 of what we own. Been in this house over 20 years.

11-18-12, 10:00pm
Welcome, Laser_Cat! I'm looking forward to your contributions to the boards!

11-19-12, 2:08am
Welcome, Laser Cat! Having made two moves in the past two years, I can attest to the saying that "three moves is as good as a fire!" Good for you for paring down...you will probably find your life becoming more simple, harmonious, and peaceful as you progress.

11-19-12, 7:26am
I have moved a lot in my life and it gets rather fatiguing to keep moving everything, in my experience. What I found was that by the time I was nearing the end of packing all the stuff, I had less patience for stuff that didn't have a clearly defined need. I would think to myself, do I really want to pack and unpack this and then find a space for storing it? And usually the answer was no.

11-19-12, 9:44am
I can definitely relate and I second what Rosemary said....after a few boxes, I was ready to leave everything behind!

11-22-12, 9:33am
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome!!