View Full Version : Do you 'Elf on the Shelf'?

11-29-12, 3:16pm
Do any of you do 'Elf on the Shelf' over the holidays?
I've just recently learned about it.

How do you do it?
Does the elf move to a different location of the house each day of Advent?

Here are a couple of links:

We have a preschooler and grade schooler, I think they would get a real kick out of it.
It looks like good, clean fun to me.

Edit to add:
Here's the wikipedia on it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Elf_on_the_Shelf

Edit to add more:
I just looked them up on Barnes&Nobel ... $30 bucks... hmmmmmmm..... wish I would have invented that.
We may have to repurpose a teddy bear as a TeddyElf on the Shelf.

11-29-12, 5:35pm
My friend thinks it's creepy. I daresay there IS something slightly sinister looking about that elf!

11-29-12, 5:57pm
I think the elf is creepy.

11-29-12, 6:08pm
I don't have any kids but I can see it just adding to all the "must dos" of the holiday season . . . what a drag I am!! Because it does look cute . . .

11-29-12, 6:18pm
My friend thinks it's creepy. I daresay there IS something slightly sinister looking about that elf!

The elf IS creepy

"Every day from Thanksgiving until Christmas Eve, each family's scout elf watches over the children and then at night, once everyone goes to bed, the elf flies back to the North Pole to report back to Santa about what activities, good and bad, took place throughout the day"

Don't trust the elf, the elf is spying on you and sneaking out every night to report it.

11-29-12, 6:31pm
It's positively Orwellian.

11-29-12, 6:34pm
This Elf had too much fun at the office Christmas party....

Miss Cellane
11-29-12, 6:56pm
My parents didn't have the actual elf. They just claimed to see an elf peering in the windows to check on us. Usually when we were acting up. "Uh-oh! I think I just saw one of Santa's elves in the window! Hope he didn't see you hitting your sister!" "Oh, look! Is that one of Santa's elves under the couch, checking up on you? Bobby, you better hope he didn't see you cheating at checkers!"

But we didn't see it as threatening or scary. It was one more thing that brought excitement to the approach of Christmas. As if we needed anything to get us more excited.

And we knew, no matter how bad we'd been (and we could be pretty bad), Santa always left us presents.

11-30-12, 12:20am
Cute idea....but just one more thing for busy parents to do this time of year. Fun for the kids though, so for some might be worth the trouble. :)

11-30-12, 12:21am
This Elf had too much fun at the office Christmas party....

Too Funny!!!!!

11-30-12, 5:15am
One reminded me of the doll in poltergeist.