View Full Version : How do you keep track of your goals?

1-4-13, 9:39am
For those of us who like to set goals, what do you do to remind yourself of the goals and your steps toward reaching them? Do you make charts, rely on memory, post reminders in your home, email yourself, use this board? I'd love to hear some ideas!

I'm visual and like to SEE reminders, at least until the goal becomes an automatic habit for me.

In the past, I loved to use post-it notes and put them where I would see them (bathroom mirror, key chain, coffee pot). I got away from my post-it note habit because I felt like it was wasting paper....but I'm reinstating it despite the waste because it's so effective for me.

With financial goals, I like to make charts and post them where I can see them. I don't do well with spreadsheets on the computer because they aren't in front of me. But, I don't really like posting my financial info on a wall for all visitors to see, either. (We have a small home and there isn't really a "private" space that would be visible to me but not to visitors.) I'm working on this one.

How do you set yourself up to succeed in new habits/goals?

1-4-13, 10:13am
I use Brian Tracy's method of writing down my ten goals in a notebook, each and every day. I don't just copy them, though...I have to remember them. Surprisingly, these ten goals have changed a bit over time, because a few of them always stick in my mind and a few drift away for a few weeks and then reappear. As such, the ones that I consistently remember are the ones I'm making more progress on and have more ideas about. Once I achieve a goal, of course, I don't write it down anymore. A new one always emerges!

1-4-13, 10:41am
Dry erase board right outside of the kitchen door. I love my iPhone and all the cool list-making, goal-setting apps, but for me, out of sight, out of mind. I LOVE writing in big red letters what I want to do and what I need to do to get it.

1-4-13, 11:20am
I keep up with my goals in my journal.

1-4-13, 2:26pm
I have an annual goals document. My fitness goals are in there, so I open/edit it several times a week (every time I work out). That helps keep me mindful of the other goals, too.
