View Full Version : 20 electrical wires on pole outside our house

1-13-13, 6:12pm
There is a telephone pole with 20+ electrical wires going every wheich way from it, just outside our house. Any ideas how we can cut down on the EMFs it's inundating us with? I think it's especially affecting me and two of our four dogs.

1-13-13, 6:33pm
Why do you think you are being "inundated" with EMFs?

Is this just plain old regular 120/240?

What is the field strength/frequency?

1-13-13, 7:56pm
You might be able to have the utility company come out and test the EMF levels. The REMC in my county asked if they could do that throughout my house, as a test project......but that was about 20 years. ago.
You can also buy a gauss meter and test the levels in your home yourself.

1-13-13, 9:12pm
If it actually is a problem you can surround your house or some rooms with something like chicken wire. Google "faraday cage". Not so good for other helpful signals (like wi-fi) though.

But is it really a problem?

1-13-13, 9:26pm
If it actually is a problem you can surround your house or some rooms with something like chicken wire. Google "faraday cage". Not so good for other helpful signals (like wi-fi) though.

You really need to know something about the frequency of the radiation to properly design a shielding system.

But is it really a problem?

It is for me, sometimes, but not for health reasons...


1-14-13, 6:58am
When they tested our house for EMF, the worst offenders were the toaster and the microwave! My DS's bed was right on the other side of the kitchen wall, where he laid his head. Needless to say, we moved the microwave.
Your levels near all those wires should be easy to test for larknm. And if memory serves me right, EMF drops fairly rapidly the more feet away from the source you are.

1-14-13, 9:31am
I agree with the testers here. As bae said, you need to know what you're dealing with before you can come up with a plan to mitigate it. A quick call to the utility company might get you started.

1-14-13, 10:52am
Thanks, I do have a gaussmeter and have tested in the house, and the EMFs are weaker farther from the wires, but it's a 600 sf house, so we can't get THAT far away.

I've tried three things to reduce the effects of the EMFs: this small alternative metal round things you put around your house; oiling my body every day with sesame oil (doesn't help our animals, can't tell if it helps me, but maybe), a Total Shield from Cutting Edge Catalog--I can't tell about this one, but my dogs still have symptoms and someone told me that with this much EMF, the Total Shield isn't enough.

So I was really inquiring here if there are other methods people know and think might work. Sorry to not have been specific enough first time around.

San Onofre Guy
1-16-13, 9:49am
EMF's affecting people other than Utility workers working extremely close to large transformers has been proven to be Junk Science.