View Full Version : A couple dog questions.........

1-21-13, 3:14pm
My little doggie is acting sick. :( She's eating fine, but is acting obtunded. When I press on her lower abdomen, it seems to bother her. Temp is normal, poop seems normal.
She was spayed when she was about 6 months old. Does anyone know........do they remove the ovaries then too?

I sure wish I had more faith in our vet. She's just out of vet school and so far, we haven't been impressed with her judgement. Her dad was our regular vet, but he passed away a couple weeks ago.
I sure hope our dog just has a bug of some sort and will get over it. She's been on Thyroxine for hypothyroidism for about a year.

Anyhow.......about the ovaries?

iris lily
1-21-13, 3:55pm
Yes, it's a full hysterectomy, removing uterus and ovaries, for the standard spay job.

1-21-13, 4:28pm
Maybe there is an American Vet Association online where they rate the vets and you can look up other vets in your area. I find that the more wealthy neighborhoods have better vets. We pay more for it but their expertise is fantastic.

1-21-13, 4:34pm
Thanks IL and Tm.

I'm just tired of our vets not knowing much if its more complicated than a hair ball.

1-21-13, 5:12pm
Let me ask this. When Suzi gets a treat on the ground, she appears to have trouble leaning over to get it. Today, she would use her paw to bring it closer to her.
We usually play with her and her stuffed animal. She has it in her mouth and we pull on it. Now, she gets it in her mouth, but can't hold onto it.
Does this sound like a shoulder problem?

1-21-13, 5:27pm
You might want to take her to a holostic vet that does chiropractic. It sounds like some of her vertebrae are sublexed and need an adjustment. I used to take two of dogs to a doggie vet regularly. You can find a holostic vet at American Holostic Vet Assocation. Then you scroll way down to a red button that looks them up by state. They have codes by their name that shows what they do. You'll just need to find the code for chiropractor and many of these vets are also conventional vets too so you get the best of both worlds....

Good luck with her...

1-22-13, 11:03am
Both of our older dogs have some degree of arthritis, and picking things up off the floor is tough for them. That's why we elevate their bowls, give them treats at eye level, etc. They are 10 and 12.

Whenever the pug's (my namesake's) spine is bothering him, he acts like he's sick. He sleeps a lot, seems lethargic even when he's awake, and is quite grumpy. You might consider an xray to look for problems with her skeletal system....or simply just bloodwork to rule out other causes.

My advice? Get another vet, CathyA. I don't mess around with the ones that don't know much....it's a waste of my time and money, and I feel my dogs will suffer the consequences of the juniors' "on the job training." Not to say there aren't really good young just-graduated vets out there, but my money's on the ones who have seen it all, and have years of experience under their belt. A young vet's mis-diagnosis last year cost me hundreds, and worse, caused my dog to suffer needlessly until I took him to a specialist.

1-22-13, 12:51pm
Thanks TM and pug.

Thanks for that pep talk Pug. I'm going to inquire into the place that's farther away from here. They supposedly have 4 vets there and it looks good.
I'm just really frustrated with our current place. Actually, the first place we used in this small town did a very extensive surgery on our previous dog (an infected lypoma). They said he probably wouldn't make it. Well, he made it, but they gave him such CRAP after-care, he died. (Didn't irrigate his clogged drain, continued to give him oral antibiotics in spite of vomiting, etc.).

We thought we were happy with the second place, but in retrospect, they just didn't have the smarts. They said our next dog was very borderline hypothyroid, and we should just watch it. Well, the lab results were VERY obviously hypothyroidism.

So.......in spite of our dog going crazy in the car, we really do need a new vet, even if its farther away.

I hadn't considered a generalized arthritis, but that makes sense. Sometimes she's fine, and other times she acts really incapacitated. She is just so incredibly withdrawn and spends alot of time just sitting there, staring at me with this horribly sad look. She's still eating and pooping well.

I called the vet and asked about giving her some aspirin, but the vet said not to, since it could cause problems if that wasn't the problem. (I'm assuming she was referring to the increased bleeding time it might cause if she needed surgery). But I do want to give her something. What's your experience with aspirin or NSAIDS?

I was thinking of one of those little pet steps for beside the bed and couch. Have you ever used one of those?