View Full Version : Test to see if baby is going to be premature came back positive

2-17-11, 2:48pm
We're trying to keep him in as long as possible now so I'm pretty much on bedrest. Ugh.

2-17-11, 2:52pm
Sorry to hear that, stella. When is he due?

I was on bedrest with my youngest for several months, then he came about 3 weeks early. I watched TV and slept a lot!

Bless you. And the baby, and all of you.

2-17-11, 3:11pm
Keeping you in my thoughts Stella.

2-17-11, 3:20pm
Oh, so sorry Stella. Hope you have a big stack of books to read and movies to watch :) Do you have a laptop so that you can hang out online at least?

Anne Lee
2-17-11, 3:21pm
Boo. Sending good lung growing prayers your way!

2-17-11, 3:23pm
Best wishes to you. Time to catch up on reading and knitting and sleep! ... none of which you're likely to be able to do once the baby makes his arrival. Take care!

2-17-11, 3:31pm
I'll be sending good thoughts your way Stella. I didn't realize they had a test for that.
Take care of yourself (and the baby).

2-17-11, 3:43pm
Stella, take care of yourself. What type of test do the doctors perform to determine early arrivals?

2-17-11, 4:30pm
Thanks guys! I'm about 34 weeks now so the goal is to keep the baby in two more weeks for lung development. It's true I won't get much chance to read and knit and sleep after the baby comes. That's a good way of looking at it. You know me and sitting still, though. :) I'm not good at it.

Reyes this test was some kind of protein they look for that is apparently released sometime within the two weeks before you give birth. That combined with other symptoms (I'll spare you all the gory details :) ) and a past premie baby has them worried.

2-17-11, 5:17pm
Hoping for two more weeks!

2-17-11, 5:25pm
I'm cheering you on! RestStellaRest!! I know you can do it and am sending you and baby good health vibes.

2-17-11, 6:44pm
Two more weeks! Two more weeks! I suppose we will be seeing lots of you on here. Well, we can hope!


2-17-11, 6:52pm
Thanks guys! Yes I think you and all my facebook friends are about to be sick of me. :) Thank God I have a laptop and an iPhone. :P

2-17-11, 7:45pm
Hugs and sending good thoughts your way Stella.

2-17-11, 9:12pm
Fingers crossed for two more weeks.....good thoughts coming your way

2-17-11, 9:22pm
Here's hoping the wee one stays put for 2-3 weeks more.

2-17-11, 10:51pm
Good luck to you, Stella.

early morning
2-17-11, 10:57pm
Thinking of you and baby- good vibes and hugs headed your way.

iris lily
2-17-11, 11:30pm
oh stella! stay rested. Now did they tell you to cross your legs really tight and hold it that way for two weeks? I'm really not well versed in medical stuff but that should work.:laff:

2-17-11, 11:47pm
LOL. Yeah that's the gist of it IL. :) Thanks for the good wishes everyone!

2-18-11, 12:00am
hang in there, Stella.......and get whatever amount of rest you can, because once he's out, you'll be able to measure your downtime in microseconds, I'm sure.

we'll certainly be keeping our fingers crossed here......good luck!

2-18-11, 1:22am
I know it's not easy for you to keep so confined, but you can do it. It won't be for long....though it probably seems long and tedious now!

2-18-11, 3:02am
Thank God I have a laptop and an iPhone.

Well, in that case, here's some time-wasting but hilarious websites for you. I discovered 2 of them when I was 8 mths pregnant with my #5. My husband was away at his mom's funeral, I was too close to my due date to go. I was so hormonal and grieving terribly and just lost myself in these sites, going backwards and reading all the archives :)

Gallery of Regrettable Food (recipe books from the 60's & 70's) http://www.lileks.com/institute/gallery/

Awkward Family Photos

Pioneer Woman Confessions (she also has a cooking and a photography side of the blog)

Grace for Gayle (sadly no longer updated)

Mothers of Brothers (mom of 2 boys)

2-18-11, 3:32am
Hugs, Stella. I'm thinking of you and sending you and the baby good vibes.

2-18-11, 6:22am
All the best to you and family.
Why not start a happiness project now? I love this blog: www.happiness-project.com

2-18-11, 6:28am
You and baby are in my prayers!

I wish I lived close to you - I'd bring you a casserole

And do check out h-work's recommendation of Awkward Family Photos if you haven't already been by their - it's a riot!

2-18-11, 8:27am
Thanks you guys! And thanks for the links! I definitely have time to kill now. On the bright side I really can't remember the last time I could say that! :)

2-18-11, 11:42am
It will pass quickly and you will have your little guy to enjoy. Best wishes.

I just finished a really cheerful upbeat little book, the Secret Garden, that you might enjoy since spring is almost ready to arrive. I think your girls are still a little too yound for it to be read to them but you will know better. Reading time with the kids is a great way to pass the time and visit with them.

2-18-11, 12:28pm
Are difficult as it is, I hope you enjoy your down time. Afterall, its a small price to pay for the treasure you're about to recieve.

Sending positve thoughts your way...

2-18-11, 3:51pm
Aw, man, I hope that the bedrest goes easily and well. I'm right there with you at the end of this pregnancy (I'll be 37 weeks on Sunday), and I'm still hoping for another couple weeks so I can finish getting ready at home and at work. Every day that the baby stays in is good for you, so I'll be thinking of you!!

2-18-11, 3:53pm
All the best for you and baby, Stella

2-18-11, 4:08pm
Don't forget www.damnyouautocorrect.com, especially since you have an iphone, Stella. Lol

2-18-11, 10:56pm
I had my oldest child at 24 weeks, back in 1995. She weighed 1 lb, 8 oz. She's in great shape now. You would never know she was premature at all, let alone a micropreemie. I tell you that because when she was born I really wanted to know there were happy endings for stories like hers, and I couldn't find many. So, I share her story whenever I can to tell people that prematurity can be scary, but even 15 years ago they were doing AMAZING things with teeny tiny little ones!

They can do SO much more for premature babies these days! Really, just some miraculous, unbelievable medical techniques. Hopefully you won't need to see the NICU at all (go 36 weeks!) but if you do, your baby will be in such good hands.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself, and rest, and do what the doctors say. We're rooting for you! :)

2-18-11, 11:52pm
I was a month premature and look how well I turned out! Oh, wait...:~)

Hope the little guy emerges right on schedule--his schedule--and ready to take on the world!

2-19-11, 12:51am
My sister was several weeks premature, born in 1964, and turned out totally fine. Amazing, really, considering how little of the stuff that is available today was around then. Hang in there Stella and little guy!


2-19-11, 2:34pm
Hang in there, Stella and tell the little guy to stay put! Blessings to you and your family.

2-19-11, 4:59pm
Thanks everyone! I love the links!

I was bad this morning and went to Target to pick something up mostly because I needed a little quiet time. Not a good idea. I came home in an ambulance after I fainted from low blood pressure. No more of that. Zach got me a babysitter for the days he's gone next week, so I have help.

2-19-11, 6:09pm
Noooooooooooo! Please take care of yourself!

2-19-11, 10:27pm
You are in a really great place. I went on bedrest with my first at 24 weeks and kept him in until 36 weeks.They gave me two shots to build up the babes lungs incase he came out too early, he was perfect and 7.5 lbs. I have an "irritable uterus" whatever that was. The only reason I got to leave the hospital at 26 weeks was because my test came back negative at that point. The test had just come out at that point and I was so happy to be allowed to go home to lay around there.
My second they were a little too liberal with me. I took the test at 29 weeks because of contractions that I was having, it came back saying I wasn't going to have him in the next 3-4 weeks. Well he came into the world at 31 weeks. There was no holding him back and I didn't get the shots in time. He came out at 3.15 lbs and a fighter, he was in the hosp. for 5 weeks, but he is totally fine. When he was in the hosp. some twins were born at 34 weeks and they came up to the NICU to be watched for 24 hrs ( I think because of birth weight being twins and all) they were totally fine.
Hang in the bed rest is a pain, but for such a good reason. everyday you are giving a gift to your child by helping him/her stay in, but if your babe came today he/she is really in a safe place.
Take care.:)

2-20-11, 9:06am
"irritable uterus?" I think I may have that.....no, wait, I think I'm just irritable....:~)

Stella!! Lay down!!!! I see you sneaking that foot onto the floor! Bad girl!rrrrr

2-21-11, 12:12pm
Hope all is well today...no more trips to target! :)

2-21-11, 1:54pm
Stella... Take care! As others have said... enjoy the quiet time while you can!

2-21-11, 5:00pm
Thanks everyone! So far so good. I'm tackling some sitting down projects like making recipe cards for the last 7 years worth of recipes (currently shoved willy nilly in a folder) and reorganizing my recipe box. We had a big snowstorm here. Apparently nature decided to help out in the mission to keep me at home. :)