View Full Version : Crib climbers...

1-30-13, 8:48am
Thanks to another thread, I'm having a good laugh this morning over our youngest, who loved climbing out of his crib in the middle of the night! At the time it wasn't funny, but thinking back on it now, he was an adventurer, with no fear of the dark, and no concern over those sleeping.

Anyone else have a crib climber in their home?

1-30-13, 8:54am
Definitely! My oldest, who could sneak out of any situation I put him in. He was a REAL handful--he NEVER slept. So not only did he crib-climb, often my DH would get on the floor with him in the middle of the day to read him a book and get him to take a nap. But what would happen is, DH would be the one to fall asleep, with his arms wrapped around DS's and legs intertwined keep him in place, but like Houdini, DS would figure out how to escape without waking his dad.

1-30-13, 9:05am
LOL, Catherine!

There's a certain age (I find) where they become slippery! LMAO! Prior to removing DS's mattress from his crib and making him a bed on the floor, I'd wake in the morning only to find him snuggled in with one of my daughters. They spoiled him silly, we all did, but what a little stinker he was. Sometimes it used to scare the dickens out us, hearing strange sounds coming from strange places in the middle of the night. Thankfully, he never got into anything.

1-30-13, 9:40am
Lol, Mrs-M:

My little one is exactly at that stage. He, too loves to snuggle with his big sister, but unfortunately for him, she does not take kindly to being woke up in the middle of the night.

1-30-13, 9:50am
LMAO, Merince! I find there's a subtle tipping point related to age, and the acceptance of baby siblings. Our youngest two were really fortunate, because my daughters were older, so they adopted the babies as if they were their own (like moms).

1-30-13, 10:01am
I had both a crib climber and baby gate climber. She was climbing before she could even walk. She's now 10 and just as much of a handful!!

1-30-13, 10:11am
The little stinker! The part that never fails to amaze me, Decemberlov, is if a little one takes a tumble and lands on the floor, they never cry a peep. That tells me they know better than to be doing what they're doing.

1-30-13, 2:15pm
Travis is getting to this stage. He keeps getting stuck halfway and getting scared, but not being able to go either way, just straddling the fence, as it were. :) I've been taking my time helping him down, hoping he'll learn, but I don't have to tell you how slowly lessons are pounded into the head of two year old boys. :) I suspect I'll have to put him in his toddler bed soon.

1-30-13, 4:31pm
nah. i didn't have a crib nor did we have baby gates (we also didn't have anything in our plugs. we essentially didn't 'baby proof').

but, he would get around, that little guy. he's always been an adventurer.

1-30-13, 7:38pm
Does this answer your question, Mrs. M? :)


1-30-13, 9:00pm
:) Hahahaha! Cathy that is bringing back memories...of earlier today.

2-1-13, 9:09am
Stella. If you have an old crib mattress or a couple of thick quilts on hand, it wouldn't hurt to pad the floor under the railing to help soften any tumbles, until Travis, transitions.

Zoebird. Just goes to show there are both pluses and minuses when it comes to baby cribs!

CathyA. OMG! What a heart-melter! And look at that crib! Wow!

2-1-13, 9:36am
When DD was still in her crib, I was in the utility room doing laundry and I heard a big THUD. I ran into the room, and there was DD on the floor.............no injuries.
Mrs. M.........with your suggestion to Stella about padding the floor, it made me think of something I saw in our back room that I should get ride of that might be of help...........its one of those round indoor exercise jumpers (like a small trampoline). hahahahaha Just kidding.
Maybe something like an air mattress right in front of the crib might help?

2-1-13, 9:39am
Mrs. M.......thanks for the compliment about the crib (at least I think that's what the 'Wow' meant). We love that crib and meant it to become a family heirloom. But now its illegal goods I suppose.
We'll probably use it eventually for grandkids, but we'll modify it to make it safer. But I guess if the siderails didn't give with DS hanging on them, its pretty strong!

2-1-13, 9:55am
CathyA. The air-mattress idea is super-fabulous! Never would have thought of it. Re: kids tumbling from the sides of their cribs, I've only come across a couple of little ones that cried (briefly) after miscalculating their hold and landing on the floor. It's as if they know better.

Before the boys became permanent fixtures in our home, LOL... the youngest one used to get really bad spankings (their mom, not me) for crib climbing, so even though he knew better than to climb and exit, he still continued. There's just no stopping a natural! LOL!

Your crib is so much more solid and thick than the ones I have, even though the ones I have are of good old-fashioned quality. The railings don't give, and the frames really solid, but your crib takes quality to a whole new level. Love the scrolled ends!

2-1-13, 6:21pm

My boys had that same exact sleigh crib! I still have the changing table/bureau. :)

2-1-13, 6:30pm
Barb......I still have those other 2 too! Actually, my 23 year old son has the bureau and we still have the changing table in his old room, without the flip top part on it. We sure got alot of use out of those!

2-1-13, 7:02pm
Cathy A , what an adorable picture, even if he is being mischevious!

2-1-13, 8:33pm
Thanks Tussiemussies! At 23 he's still mischevious (and adorable). :)