View Full Version : Buying carbon offsets

2-12-13, 8:49am
I've normally taken a handful of of driving vacations during the year within my home state or to nearby states. Last year I cut back on driving significantly. I began to feel guilty about driving vacations and did not travel much. My vehicle gets pretty decent gas mileage and I do quite a few local errands by bicycle. This winter I've started to get the travel bug. I am giving some thought to off-setting travel by buying carbon offsets. Actually the more I've thought about it, maybe buying offsets to make my vehicle carbon neutral for the year. Has anyone thought about this or done it?

I suppose on one hand it is sort of like sinning and asking forgiveness. But getting past the guilt issues, all that matters is the net impact to things?

2-12-13, 9:04am
Interesting.. I don't know--I don't think you should feel guilty about taking a driving vacation. You're not flying! You are doing a lot in your life to lower your footprint already. Travel is enriching and enjoyable, and I'm not sure you should guilt yourself out of that experience.

The carbon offset idea is interesting, so based on your post I looked around and found this carbon calculator (http://www.nature.org/greenliving/carboncalculator/index.htm)sponsored by the Nature Conservancy.

I plugged into the "driving & flying" tab, for the fun of it, a small car (you said you get decent mileage) and 1000 miles (that's probably a pretty average mileage estimate for a driving vacation, right?

Your offset came out to a whopping $9! So, if you really want to atone for your driving sins, you can purchase a $9 carbon offset, say one Our Father and three Hail Mary's and hit the road!

2-13-13, 3:34pm
Another idea albeit more expensive option is to rent a more carbon friendly vehicle than the one you already own.

2-13-13, 5:11pm
Another idea albeit more expensive option is to rent a more carbon friendly vehicle than the one you already own.

Or take the $9, and plant a tree yourself somewhere where you and your community can enjoy it.

2-14-13, 9:31am
Some interesting thoughts, thanks. I suppose at $9 per trip it's hardly worth the effort, but I do sort of like the concept of tracking a year's mileage and some how making the auto net zero carbon emissions.

I need to look into the carbon offset programs more, but they tend to offer options like preserving rain forests and promoting green energy, which at least on paper seem a little more meaningful than planting a few trees locally. But then again I've noticed a couple of local programs looking for volunteers to participate in tree planting programs. In terms of penance, that seems like not only saying a few Hail Maries, but also a little self flagellation. It does seem like writing a small check or internet transaction makes it seem too easy.