View Full Version : February Fitness

2-13-13, 8:50pm
I could not find a thread for this month, so I will begin one. Spotted this article tonight and it is good news for me, because just being in motion and standing is what I try to do as many hours of the day as possible.

Long, Low Intensity Exercise May Have More Health Benefits Relative to Short, Intense Workouts
"According to the study, being active simply by standing or walking for long periods of time significantly improved insulin levels compared to both a strictly sedentary lifestyle, and one in which participants were largely sedentary except for an hour of exercise each day. The study concludes that when energy expenditure is equivalent, longer durations of low-intensity exercise may offer more benefits than shorter periods of intense activity."

2-13-13, 10:20pm
I have gotten out skiing twice this month. This is a good reminder that I need to contact my friend to ask if she wants to go to the workout room at the rec center with me. It's kind of drab; would be nice to have a friend along and I don't see her very often. She is also a member there - it's only $30 a year!

2-14-13, 1:11pm
Zumba 3 days this week, 1 long walk, 2 days with 1 hour of shoveling snow.

2-14-13, 3:47pm
I'm in. Trying to up the walking. Going from almost never :|( to 4 days per week. The other goal is to do a few minutes of stretching at least 5 days per week.

Monday I walked 20 minutes in the house. Got dizzy from going round and round lol but I hate walking in place & doing videos.
Wed. - 2 miles around the lake and back with the dog.
Today - not sure if it's gonna happen

Still dealing somewhat with the plantar fascitis but it is much improved and I'm doing all the right things so we'll see how it goes. I think losing weight will help tremendously. But I need to walk to lose weight. :~)

2-14-13, 4:03pm
Ugh. Lunar New year holiday. Too many dumplings and other assorted food. 71 kgs. Pants starting to not fit.

I did go for a long walk twice with DH/DS. Back to the gym after work today and I need to get back to proper low carb eating.


2-14-13, 7:17pm
In regards to the article "long Low Intensity Exercise...." How true! It still amazes me that I have lost 17 lbs. running around the deli at work since last June! Eight hours a day, constantly moving, reaching, stretching, stooping, using the meat slicer (the tricep of my right arm is getting ripped by now; I mean in a good way)! My upper body strength has vastly improved since last summer; even sweeping the floor I can feel my abs working too. And I sample food all day long! I haven't been getting out and doing my usual walking, hiking and biking like I did when the weather was better but I know I will soon. I tried going to the gym last November but got bored with it pretty fast so I didn't renew the membership.

I am extremely grateful to have an active job - I truly believe all this moving around is keeping me fit compared to working in a bead store for nine years and then sitting around a guitar shop for 2.5 more. I recently came across a picture of me from two summers ago and boy did I look pudgy, especially my upper arms and chest. I truly believe in the old adage "use it or loose it." I am sure glad to be paid for losing it!

2-14-13, 7:46pm
IOW quit your job and you'll be much thinner, while that may well be true, it also has downsides as in sooner or later I'd also be much broker. And a treadmill desk sounds absolutely dreadful (not to mention distracting to others).

2-17-13, 7:36pm
Ran this afternoon for about 20 min. outside. Lovely, lovely, lovely.

I have had a revelation. If I keep both cold weather and warm weather workout clothes in the car at this time of year, I can take advantage if we have a particularly nice day (but still not warm enough to use what I would wear in the gym) OR can go to the gym and will be ready. Half the time I bring stuff and then am not in the mood, or would like to work out but do not have my things along.

2-17-13, 10:42pm
Trying Atkins -- no flour/rice potatoes for at least the next 11 days (I'm on day 3). Switched to decaf coffee this morning, so I've been a little spacy/out of it. Doing ok with the food so far, though.

Had two excellent, kick-my-own butt-back-into-shape workouts over the weekend.

Down to 70kgs again. Ok, so I know most of that was retained water that I'm flushing out with copious amounts of water drinking, but nice to have a little reward for my efforts! I'm hoping I can get down to at least 68 before I go off induction and start adding in a few more carbs. I think I am going to try staying off wheat, though -- I have not had ANY gas since Saturday, which is unusual for me. I think I may have a wheat intolerance, as that is the most obvious change in my diet. Still eating plenty of cheese, so dairy doesn't seem to be an issue.


2-19-13, 6:42pm
lhamo - interesting reading kg instead of pounds. kg sounds better!

We have taken to the British custom of measuring weight in stone (14 pounds.) Weight fluctuates so much that the less precise measurement actually seems to be more accurate. I have a 13yo who I don't want to become weight-obsessed and I think not focussing on pounds and ounces helps.

I have been doing quite a lot of hiking, but not enough stretching I guess - anyhow, feeling sore! Really feeling it in my hips and knees. I can't wait till I can do yoga again (stupid broken finger.)

2-19-13, 10:22pm
I seem to have my eating under control.Now trying to get excercise to lose some of this fat.
Since Feb. began I've been walking 30 minutes a day 6 days a week.Also added weight training below.
Monday- 6 sets of chest exercise
Tuesday- 6 sets shoulder
Wed.-6 sets tricep
Thurs.-6 sets bicep
Fri.- 6 sets back
Sat.- 6 sets bicep
Starting today, I also added the eliptical machine. I had never been on one before.Lucky to do 6 minutes today. I'll be looking to improve on this as time goes on.

2-19-13, 11:24pm
Our scales are all in kgs with no lbs listed, so that is my default now. I do know that 70kgs is roughly 154 lbs -- or about 20 lbs more than I should weigh!

I pushed myself with my running over the weekend and now I've got sore toes again. I'm bummed. I tried to run on Monday but could only handle short bursts. I like running, but don't like having bashed up, nailless, painful toes. I guess maybe I should try the elliptical machine and see how I like those now that my running stamina is better.


2-24-13, 8:56am
I've only walked outside once this past week (and froze my face off lol) , but have walked inside pretty regularly. And been consistent with the stretching. So far so good!

2-24-13, 2:08pm
Nice work, everyone!

lhamo, I've heard of the toenails issue before, but thought it was a marathoners' affliction. I never have issues with it on my 5K-level running. Can it be something with your shoes? I really don't know that much about it so take with a grain of salt! Keep it up, though!! I used to be so terrible in that any little ache, pain, bruise, etc. would keep me from further exercise. I was always worried about further injury, but really did myself more of a disservice by skipping the workout.

We are doing well here. We XC skiied 3 miles yesterday. I am trying to do my 10 minutes of something-or-another every day and succeeding most days. Progress, not perfection . . .

2-24-13, 3:19pm
Ah, yes, progress not perfection. Looking at the calendar, my pedometer reading each day is on it and I am seeing progress. I started the month with getting stars for 2500 steps, I think now I can start them at 3000. It sure helps that my walking buddy's knee is doing better so we met two times last week for a wee walk. Went out with my husband yesterday for another walk. I'm feeling good. However, virtueitis- that disease of feeling good from having done SOMETHING does rear its ugly head in the form of sitting down way too much with kitty on lap! Thanks all for posting. I need it.

2-24-13, 3:37pm
However, virtueitis- that disease of feeling good from having done SOMETHING does rear its ugly head in the form of sitting down way too much with kitty on lap!

:laff: I am a sufferer of virtueitis as well!! Except the doggy is my vice!! :laff:

2-24-13, 3:41pm
Yah, virtueitis...love it. Mine means I get an extra square of chocolate even though it is an obstacle to my other goals.....dangerous to think too well of yourself, I guess. Grandma was right.

2-24-13, 4:29pm
I hit 69 kgs on the scale this weekend -- whoo hooo! That's down 2kgs (4.4 lbs) in about 10 days. I'm surviving induction ok, too. Not noticing the energy issues I had the last time I tried low carbing. workouts have been mostly fine. I've started going swimming again and am going to make an effort to do that 3-4 times a week -- notice how it really works most of my body muscles, a bit painful but in a way I know is helping overall. ALso need to get back in the groove with my weight training.

Kelli, the toe thing is an issue for me because I have "Morton's Toe" -- my second and third toes stick out past my big toe, which means they get bashed up pretty seriously if I am not careful about how I lace my shoes and manage my footfalls. I am already wearing running shoes .5-1 size bigger than my typical shoe size, and can't size up any more because I have extremely narrow feet. It is worse when I try to increase the tempo/length of my runs too quickly, so I need to be mindful of that. I took a couple of days off running and the pain is gone for now. Didn't push myself as hard on my two weekend runs and seems fine. I probably should be doing more HIIT type exercise anyway, so this is a good reminder of that.

Almost to the end of the month, guys -- let's avoid virtueitis and push ourselves a bit!


2-24-13, 4:39pm
Down 6 pounds so far this month, strength and flexibility are continuing to improved.

Passed the firefighter agility/endurance test last week just fine, and the wildland firefighter work capacity test.

2-28-13, 2:51pm
Way to go Bae!

Walked the 2 miles around the lake on Monday. It was a beautiful day. Haven't walked since though. :|( But once I get off the computer I will walk around here for 20 minutes.

2-28-13, 7:58pm
Have stayed true to my Feb. fitness plan. Haven't noticed any additional weight loss but my clothes are fitting better.Been eating mostly vegetarian since Christmas. Looking forward to continuing my plan into March.Think I should lose some weight in March if I continue with the eliptical machine,which I just discovered 9 days ago.Knock on wood,my 46 year old shoulders and joints have held up well to the weight training.I hope that continues.

Congrats to bae on the 6 pound weight loss.

3-15-13, 12:02am
Weather was lovely this week. I rode my bike to work (about 3 miles one way) Tuesday and Wednesday. Today is Thursday and I am tired. Fatigued. But I rode; I felt tired, slow and burned; I Had to walk part of the way back. Don't know if this just because I'm not an everyday rider and had gone a while without exercising (a couple of weeks without) or just some other kind of tired. Couldn't decide if it was exercise fatigue or just general tiredness.) Tomorrow I will drive and take a day off.

3-15-13, 10:03am
I find that I need to pace myself as I get older. If I do a long walk for me I take the next day or two off. I don't want any stress injuries or aches from too much. It seems to be working for me.