View Full Version : Do One Thing Thursday
Although much of their content relates to urban twenty-somethings, which I definitely am not, I enjoy reading the personal finance site as they have some interesting posts and links. One of their recurring features is Do One Thing Thursday The idea is that each Thursday you take care of some minor chore that has been nagging at you for awhile, but never makes it to the top of the to-do list.
While this might not be for everyone, I definitely tend to procrastinate on some of those annoying little jobs (especially if they involve making phone calls, which I hate) and this is a good way to force myself to take care of them. Although I don't do it every Thursday, I have crossed a number of things off my list over the last few months. Today, I made a hair appointment, and also called Comcast to complain about a mistaken charge on my bill that resulted in a $30 refund.
Thought I would share, in case it's helpful to others...
It could be a nice idea for an ongoing thread! I was keeping a list of these kinds of things over in my journal thread, but then I kind of stopped doing it. It was fruitful - I got a lot of things done that I had been putting off, just by having a list I could go to if I didn't really know what to do with myself at a given moment. I'll have to think of something small to do tonight. :) It is Thursday, after all.
Blackdog Lin
3-7-13, 9:17pm
Well, I accidently participated in "Do one thing Thursday", which gets me started. I like the idea - think I'll work on incorporating it into my life.
One thing I procrastinate on terribly is cleaning the family vehicle. Today I took a rag out to the garage and got the top layer of dust off everything on the interior, then went to the carwash and took the top layer of dust off the outside, and then was gonna do a grand finale with vacuuming the top layer of dirt off the floors - but I found the innards of the only car vacuum in our town laying on top of the vacuum unit. sigh. At least it's our week to do the out-of-town shopping tomorrow, so will pop into the carwash there and get the vacuuming done.
And like you Amelia, I hate making phone calls. I have two on my list right now that I have put off for.....(weeks).....(months).....sigh again. Do one thing Thursdays - yeah, I could make this something to help with my procrastination.
3-7-13, 10:59pm
I got so carried away I ended up doing four things, including canceling a subscription and making a bank transfer. Part of my problem is that I can ALWAYS think of something to do with myself (usually, pick up a book) that is more fun than a productive task. So for me it is about being reminded to take time to do things that don't have deadlines attached. I am fine with deadlines--I always get my taxes done and my car inspected on time--it's the open-ended stuff that I have trouble with. (Unfortunately, my subconscious knows the difference between real deadlines and self-assigned deadlines).
Yesterday was a do-several-things Thursday for me:
- Got to the hardware store for more "two-cycle mix" (it's not frugal to buy oil/stabilizer for the snowblower that way but it's the only power equipment we have and figuring out 11/32 of a cup of oil for a gallon of gasoline always turns out to be an environmental incident) and (the Do One Thing item) replacement glides for one of our dining-room chairs. They never made the list; they never got purchased. Do One Thing Friday will involve removing what's left of the old glides and applying the new ones. :|(
- Finally quit looking at craigslist postings and actually bought a longer lens for one of my cameras. One more lens and I'll have the set I want. But I'd been looking at postings for months and probably missed some even better deals. I feel some accomplishment for getting this done.
- Ran a few other errands -- stopped at the co-op to pick up groceries for the week; I want to stop at the Asian grocery today to finish that up. Thought about filling up the car but still have a half tank, so I didn't. Stopped by one of my favorite thrift stores and walked out with just a couple of toys I'll be sending to a DBiL as he recuperates from surgery in a couple of weeks. At least around here, the inventory at thrift stores has devolved to mostly junk and the desireable stuff is more expensive than it is at discount stores. :0! I think I'll be saving time as well as money for now by giving the TSes a hiatus.
Since I missed it Thursday, I'll do it Friday:
I just recently noticed a new charge on our combination cable/phone/internet bill, some kind of insurance for the cable (?!) that costs $6.00/month. I've just called to cancel that, finally, and though it's only $72.00/year, it's the principle of the thing. Plus, I've asked for them to show me where/when I signed up for that "service" and if they can't, to refund me everything I've paid. We'll see what THAT gets me :) Anyway, feels good to get it done.
I really like this idea, since my days often have some flex time in the middle, and Thursdays I have many programs after school, I try to take a break during the day. Yesterday i actually got 2 things done, I got my registration on my car renewed. I ended up spending 45 minutes at the DMV total and I think I could have still mailed it in however my stress went down to handle it in person. I also picked up my vacuum cleaner after an expensive overhaul repair that it has needed for some time. So although i am sure my budget will show some stress I certainly got some things taken care of.
3-12-13, 11:00pm
Well, my "do one thing" is two days early but it is a big one--made an appointment with a new doctor for an overdue physical. In my own defense, I was working my way down a list of recommendations--crossing off the one which would be a ridiculous drive, the one who isn't taking new patients, the one who doesn't take my insurance, and the one who just resigned from her practice--none of this helped by the fact that I have anxiety about dr. visits so every time I hit a roadblock I had to work up the nerve to try again. But it is on the calendar!
This week's do one thing is going to be a day early but it's HUGE. I have been procrastinating finishing a new web site for my small business for almost two years. It's literally been half-done for a year, and I am going to finish and launch it today, which hopefully will be good for my financial life. Send me some good git-er-done vibes today!!! :D
I must visit her more often. Today I got the front porch swept off. It can be a cute porch. It can also be a clutter gatherer.
3-21-13, 10:52am
It's Thursday! Today I dropped off clothes at the dry cleaner. I am embarrassed to admit how long they have been riding around in the trunk of my car, and that I pass the cleaner's EVERY DAY on my way to work... It was literally five minutes to take care of that chore.
puglogic, I really like the self-respect you used in cancelling the insurance and asking for the refund. It's inspiring.
Waiting for a CT scan, drinking a 1% barium gelatinous sweetish liquid. Oy vey! I am the never go to doctors sort... This is getting to be, well, remarkable, to say the least!
3-21-13, 1:02pm
Waiting for a CT scan, drinking a 1% barium gelatinous sweetish liquid. Oy vey! I am the never go to doctors sort... This is getting to be, well, remarkable, to say the least!
Try to observe and be interested in the process, for science's sake, rather than worrying about the outcome. And beware of feeling like you are peeing your pants once they put the IV in. You are *not*!! But it will feel like it.
Try to observe and be interested in the process, for science's sake, rather than worrying about the outcome. And beware of feeling like you are peeing your pants once they put the IV in. You are *not*!! But it will feel like it.
Thank you! I am actually quite interested in the science. I've requested a video of the surgery, but alas, no go. I hope everyone else's Thursday one thing is more pleasant than mine. Happy spring!
3-21-13, 1:43pm
Thank you! I am actually quite interested in the science. I've requested a video of the surgery, but alas, no go.
That's good; I honestly think it helps. Sorry you couldn't get a video of your surgery. But I bet you can find one online of a similar surgery. I have photos from my nephrectomy. I asked my surgeon ahead of time and he agreed, so I handed him a disposable camera as I was wheeled into the OR. I now have hilarious pictures of my surgeon and 2 other doctors posed (smiling!) with my unconscious body. And a couple of pics of my doc washing my kidney (it's much smaller than I would have thought). Not everyone thinks this is as cool as I do, but I am a bit odd. And of course, it's not my kidney any more, but all the more reason to get its picture before it flew away.
Not making light of your situation at all, redfox. This is just my coping mechanism - humor.
took a nap, had a very long night last night and a stressful week overall so I took my son to school and went back to sleep. It felt sooo good. That nagging thing I caught up on was sleep.
I put the alphabetical dividers in my music folder. Still have more bits to file but that one was taking up a lot more mental space than necessary.
Also will meet with a person who can maybe help me with the issues for a party I am supposed to be planning. This has been awhile coming too....supposed to happen this evening. So that's two for this Thursday even though the second one hasn't happened yet.
Finally tackled a pile of clothes in the closet -- most of it was there because it had some stain or another and it had been treated once but needed more. But out of sight, out of mind. So I never got to it. I've looked at all of it and pretreated what I could and if it comes out of the wash stained, it becomes a rag. It is not going back into the closet.
One of my friends introduced me to the concept of The One Thing, in terms of the one thing that needs to be done today, and anything else I do is a bonus. It's a big help in setting priorities and also a big help in feeling successful every day. As long as I did the One Thing, I've succeeded today, and things that should be high priority don't keep getting postponed.
My "one thing" is often going to be a work project that has been dragging on and on and on, adding to my mental clutter. Yesterday I nagged a foot-dragging client whose project has been languishing since last FALL (!!) "suggesting" he just find someone else to complete it, and he got in motion. So, I finished a project that's been cluttering up the back of my mind since September. Felt good, and I might actually get paid for it. A profitable One Thing Thursday! :)
Reader, I would like to get back to just The One Thing, as I find that really helps me to engage and do my best work on something. I'm going to practice that today.
3-23-13, 9:58pm
Bonus One-Things!
Car inspection, recycled some electronics, changed a lightbulb. It's nice to be on a roll...
3-28-13, 10:16pm
It's Thursday again! I've been sick all week, so my "one-thing" was pretty tiny...I looked up some information that I needed to get quotes on auto insurance. I actually have some other errands planned for tomorrow.
3-28-13, 10:48pm
For Do One Thing Thursday, I did manage to actually sell one thing I had listed on craigslist (decluttering some items I'm finally admitting to myself we cannot use).
It's been interesting to sell stuff this time around. People are all in a hot rush to ask for a time to come by and buy my widgets -- until I suggest a time/location and then ... *crickets*. Oh, well. When the cl ads expire, anything left over will go to Goodwill.
3-28-13, 11:10pm
I ordered some pills online for the dog and bought some at the store for me.
The One Thing I Did Today was to run the car down to the Volkswagen dealer to have a rusty fender repaired under warranty. There was never a question that I would do it, but it always was the kind of task you could postpone another week or two and I have postponed it a couple of years at this point. I still have two more years to claim on the warranty, but why wait? I finally decided to go back to the dealer from which I bought the car. They're not the closest, but I figure i have more leverage with them than I have with any other VW dealer in town. I should hear in a couple of days what the next steps are.
I finally planted some seeds I've been procrastinating planting for at least 3 weeks.....hope it's not too late.
I agreed to a settlement in my 2nd mortgage case. I am thinking about getting out of here at 4:30 and buying some rum and watching movies in French tonight.
I have a good one! I was asked to host a dinner for guests of my employer and still needed to turn in the form for reimbursement for picking up the check. I got derailed originally because the forms were kept in a different place than I thought, and it took awhile to remember to ask when the person I needed to talk to was available. Done!
I started on my pegboard organizer for the craft room. First day it was warm enough to paint but my paint can plugged up :( I have to return it. Anyway, I got all the pieces cut and the pegboard itself primed though.
Blackdog Lin
4-4-13, 8:39pm
I (1) got the tax info over to the accountant. I apologized for being so late, and was grateful that she didn't seem to mind; and (2) had noticed the bottom of a bottom kitchen cabinet looked gross the last time I dug around for a platter (last Sunday, Easter dinner). Told myself "self, it wouldn't take you 10 minutes to pull everything out and give it a good washdown". So this morning I just did it. Not only pulled everything out and washed down the filthy cabinet insides, but went through the platters and decluttered 6 of them to the garage-sale pile.
Win win. And I hope to continue with "Do one thing Thursdays"!
I returned a dress that didn't fit today and bought a cool pair of pants instead, and the pants cost a lot less than the dress.
Actually, last weekend I tidied up a few loose ends: scheduled a vet appointment, made appointments for us. It felt good to get those nagging little odds and ends out of the way.
4-4-13, 9:26pm
I started finishing knitting the sleeves to a sweater that I made last month. I ran out of yarn, so I had to order one more skein. I'm almost done with the first sleeve, and should have the second one finished by tomorrow! I also spread homemade compost in one of my vegetable beds and watered it in...will do more of that this week.
Great idea! Thursday is a good day for me to do those little things, because I teach in the early morning and the late afternoon, so I have several hours of free time inbetween.
Yesterday (Thursday) I put labels on the tops of my spice bottles, so I can reach them more quickly. I keep my high-use spices (about 12 bottles) on the kitchen counter, so now all I have to do is look at them, instead of doing the guessing game and looking at each bottle's front individually to find what I'm looking for.
I also finally got it together to go to a store and get a bunch of passport photos taken so I can get my brand-new Israeli passport. Whoo hoo! Too bad the office that handles passport applications was closed, despite a prominent sign on the building saying it was supposed to be open.
Today was Do-One-Thing Sunday, which included:
1. Paying a library fine online that has been hanging around for weeks
2. Taking care of a magazine subscription online (it's a local publication I want to support)
3. Ripping a CD and putting away DVDs that have been sitting out for weeks to be attended to
4. De-linted a duvet cover that has been bothering me for ages
It's amazing how many little things that take two minutes to resolve, and feel great when they're done, there are when you actually take time to look around.
4-11-13, 10:44pm
It's Thursday!
I did my taxes. I have really simple taxes, the payment or refund is usually under $100, and I e-file, so there is no need to put them off until mid-April. But I did. Finished now, though.
early morning
4-11-13, 10:47pm
Although Thurs are really bad days for me, I did manage to dust 2 shelves of my step-back cupboard and also dust the vine and berry garland that wanders across the top of it. I think I'm going to go for "one little thing every day". Sort of fly-ladyish, but not necessarily a hot-spot.
Thursday was yesterday, but I was crazy busy so I got a LOT of things done today. I wrote three emails that I'd been procrastinating on, including apologies for my tardiness in responding--never fun to write, but at least I got them written. Returned some library books and tidied up my Nook to make it more easily used. Cleaned out my teaching bag and reviewed my master to-do list, updating accordingly. Cleaned out my cellphone's inbox (!) filled with old text messages and notes. It feels good to do this...last week I labelled the tops of my spices, and I'm kicking myself for never having thought of doing something so simple before--it works GREAT in my kitchen!
4-20-13, 8:32pm
There were houseguests this week so it wasn't a good time for getting things done but I do have two: ordered an electronic pass for the local toll roads, which I have been meaning to do for a couple years, and pried open a couple of non- working watches so I could order replacement batteries.
My Do One Thing this week was to take an external hard drive in an obsolete enclosure and finally order a new enclosure and install the drive in it. Well, the enclosure was new to me. I bought an open-box enclosure off eBay and it worked out fine at about a third of the price it would have cost to buy it new in the store. Now I have another half-terabyte available for ... whatever. I think I will use it for off-site backup. This project probably has been hanging around for five years.
4-25-13, 5:22pm
It's Thursday again. A big one today--I finally made it to the doctor for the physical I've been putting off for several years. Technically do-one-thing is for things that don't have dates attached to them, but this was a big procrastination item for me!
My Do One Thursday item was finally straightening out the shelves in the basement that contain my tools, pieces left over from recent repairs, and some stuff that just didn't belong there. Some trash (I was pleasantly surprised that there wasn't that much), a clothes basket full of stuff to take to Goodwill (actually, probably another charity since Goodwill is finicky about tools and the like), and -- bonus -- screen material, a spline, and a splining tool I can use to replace a couple of torn screens around the house (so I don't have to pay the hardware store people to do it). :cool:
4-25-13, 8:01pm
It's Thursday again. A big one today--I finally made it to the doctor for the physical I've been putting off for several years. Technically do-one-thing is for things that don't have dates attached to them, but this was a big procrastination item for me!
AmeliaJane - I hope yours went well. I had my physical yesterday and they cleaned out a lot of ear wax. It's different being able to hear :laff:
Needed a change from medical chores, so I cancelled an online membership this week. Of course, it was three days after I had been billed for the next month. That ALWAYS happens to me, for some reason.
Finally mailed off something I'd been promising my daughter for about a month---just kept forgetting! I'm jumpin' on this Do One Thing Thursday bandwagon....I'm the queen of procrastination, and the duchess of forgetfulness.
Mighty Frugal
5-2-13, 4:42pm
Like Amelia and LIS I booked my physical-but all my appts are Thursday so that works! First is to ultrasound the nodule on my thyroid to see if it has grown-get this yearly. I am also getting bloodwork that day
Following Thursday go for physical and also my test results
This is a bit hard for me not because I procrastinate but because I have white coat syndrome and always sorta worry they will 'find' something' sigh....The hypochondria is much better since visiting a hypnotherapist but not 100%..but probably 80%. The white coat is still pretty bad though...
I just crossed a big one off my list this Thursday: putting together the Web site for my photography business (yes, I'm still mostly retired, but I wouldn't mind doing a little work for a little money, and you gotta have a Web site these days). Nothing fancy -- no shopping carts or anything like that. But rounding up pictures and text and actually dogging through all the little problems (forgotten passwords, incorrect permissions, making sure pictures were in a size and format suitable for uploading, etc.) -- well, I just didn't get to all of it before. Now I have. I'm going to let it just be for a couple of days while I tweak text and maybe some of the images and then it will be time for the "soft open". A big happy check mark for this one....
[EDIT] Just thought of information I should have on the site that I don't. And that's why I'm not announcing it to the world yet.
5-12-13, 5:46pm
I did my "One Thing" this week but forgot to post it--bought a mailing tube so I can mail a poster bought as a gift for a friend. I got the poster in September, so it was past time to finish this particular chore...
5-16-13, 12:17pm
Today's DOTT: taking down a mulberry tree that is trying to violate the laws of physics by occupying the same point in space as one of our lilac bushes. This is attempt #3 by various people; that mulberry is a survivor. I don't doubt that it will be back. I do doubt that any pruning on it was done at all last year; there was a small tree's worth to remove. I'd love to get rid of it down to the roots, but I can't think of anything I could do to it that would not adversely affect the lilac. As it was, I had to cut carefully to avoid nicking the lilac. So "periodic pruning" will be the way to go.
5-16-13, 3:51pm
DOTT for the week: called my stockbroker to approve some changes in the account, and then called the doctor to schedule the follow-up appointments related to my recent physical. I hate phone calls, so yay for having that done...
Returned overdue library books!!!! Yay DOTT!
AND I'm taking home (borrowing) a 3-hole punch for all my print-offs of recipes and sewing ideas to place in a 3-ring binder.
5-16-13, 7:52pm
Got a haircut!
Mighty Frugal
5-16-13, 7:55pm
For this DOTT I did 3 things
1. blood work for upcoming physical
2. ultrasound of my 2 nodules on my thyroid. One grew slightly. 0.2 mm. Not sure what this means. I hope it means I need to eat more chocolate...
3. Went bathing suit shopping. AND was successful!! Not as bad as I had anticipated. Thanks to regular dates with a treadmill and NOT eating as much chocolate as I desire
5-16-13, 8:13pm
3. Went bathing suit shopping. AND was successful!! Not as bad as I had anticipated. Thanks to regular dates with a treadmill and NOT eating as much chocolate as I desire
Started cleaning the garage- half way finished!
Sweet,is that the cure for thyroid probs? I'm in!! Just had my sonogram this past week,synthroids up to 100 mcgs!!!
Scanned and stored some documents that had been moldering in my "to scan" pile for weeks.
Wrote an important email to my bosses about my pension fund, which I'd been procrastinating on for a week.
Wrote and sent other personal emails to friends and family members that were long overdue.
Printed, filed, and shopped for several new recipes that are part of my new eating program. Now I can actually make them and eat them, instead of dreaming about them!
Put winter clothes away and freshened up stored summer clothing.
Asked DH to clear a sluggish kitchen sink drain, which he did. Presto, it's clear!
Rearranged computer cords' configuration. Now, they're not such a mess and my computer runs better.
Selah, that's a good list of accomplishments---congrats!
5-23-13, 11:12am
It's Thursday!
I had intended to make Dr. appointments, but I left the two referrals at home. Instead, I contacted an Ebay seller with an issue about shipping fees. It may or may not get resolved, but it certainly won't without an inquiry...
EDITED TO ADD: The seller has already resolved the issue! Yay me for taking care of this instead of putting it off...
I'm going to take a can opener or crowbar to a couple of old computers, remove their hard drives, and get them ready for recycling.
I will be coloring my hair and doing my nails at home tonight (Thursday), and getting my hair cut tomorrow! LOOOOONG overdue! :)
5-23-13, 12:24pm
When I get home today, I will wake up my cold, neglected, sleepy sourdough starter and feed it, in preparation for making my leaven Saturday night and baking Sunday.
My DOTT was a "Re-DOTT" -- removing even more of that mulberry tree I pulled out a week or two ago and -- oops :|( -- one sucker from the lilac I want to keep. I have no good idea how the two plants managed to co-locate themselves so precisely. I know I haven't removed the mulberry at the roots, but I am hopeful it will take a while to re-establish itself. First non-wet day here in what feels like ages.
5-31-13, 11:59pm
It was actually Do One Thing Friday this week, but I booked a plane ticket for a family vacation this summer. It required a lot of coordination with other family members so I had been stalling for way too long, but it's done!
6-2-13, 2:17am
A little late, but I cleaned and sealed the tile surround in the bath and scraped out all the nasty old caulk and put in new - looks very nice.
I think I will get a new (non-wobbly) toilet seat to reward myself :D
6-6-13, 11:09pm
It was a busy Thursday so this week's were tiny...I figured out how to use the "Anonymous Call Block" on my phone to screen a particularly pesky phone scammer, and I checked to make sure that two doctors I got referrals to took my insurance.
8-24-13, 6:07pm
I sort of took the summer off from catching up on pesky chores, but I am back at it (even if reporting late). This week I rescheduled a doctor's appointment due to a meeting my boss scheduled on top of it.
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