View Full Version : Get to know your neighbors - paint your fence!

4-24-13, 1:54pm
I'm in the process of painting over 100' of picket fence and have had lots of time-outs chatting with my neighbors. Also, more advice than any mortal should have to listen to in a lifetime!

My favorite advice was from my 97 year old neighbor "The only way to paint a fence is just to paint it! By the time you're done you'll know what you're doing."

4-24-13, 3:46pm
That was cute! I meet all my neighbours by walking the dog twice daily. They all look out for me now and wonder if I have not been seen. They are wonderfully supportive as well since they know me.

4-24-13, 3:52pm
I am meeting new neighbors where we moved to...they all have been so nice and kind!

LOL Gardenarian that you are getting so much advice, wonder how much advice you'll get on your next outdoor project!!! :)

4-27-13, 10:36am
Perhaps you should have used Tom Sawyer's approach to fence painting... ;)

4-27-13, 11:37am
I'm impressed that you're painting your fence. I just paid someone to paint mine. I did it myself a few years back, and I didn't do a good job. I was inconsistent, didn't feel like finishing, and did just enough to get by. It looks much better with a professional job. I'll stick with gardening and landscaping. My personality and talents are more suited to those areas...

My dad used to say, "Advice is worth what you pay for it."

4-27-13, 12:37pm
My favorite advice was from my 97 year old neighbor "The only way to paint a fence is just to paint it! By the time you're done you'll know what you're doing."

That's pretty good advice for many things in life!

iris lily
4-27-13, 12:50pm
I'm in the process of painting over 100' of picket fence and have had lots of time-outs chatting with my neighbors. Also, more advice than any mortal should have to listen to in a lifetime!

My favorite advice was from my 97 year old neighbor "The only way to paint a fence is just to paint it! By the time you're done you'll know what you're doing."

That's funny Gardenarian. I've painted two picket fences in my lifetime, and two iron fences. Didn't have a lot of neighbor interaction any of those times.

But when DH was building our brick wall and columns out in front, he regularly had neighbors drive by and stop to talk about that project. It went on for 3 years. When he finished it, I took a photo of him with a celebratory drink in his hand and published it our neighborhood newspaper. Yes, our newspaper really is that small and in that much of a need for content.

4-27-13, 1:35pm
Perhaps you should have used Tom Sawyer's approach to fence painting... ;)Yes my thoughts exactly :-)! I'll sit on the sideline sipping mint juleaps and chatting with my neighbors while some eager and entranced young men white wash the fence for me free of charge just for the "sheer joy" of painting :devil: Only way to paint a fence IMHO!

4-27-13, 6:31pm
I met lots of neighbors last summer when I had 10 cubic yards of mulch delivered and spent a couple of weeks shoveling it into my cart to haul to the back yard.

4-27-13, 7:31pm
I met lots of neighbors last summer when I had 10 cubic yards of mulch delivered and spent a couple of weeks shoveling it into my cart to haul to the back yard.

10 yards! Oh my, that's a lot of shoveling!!

4-28-13, 12:50pm
Oh, I tried the old "It's not every day you get to paint a fence like this" ...but the only volunteer was same said 97 yo. I just couldn't have him out there in 80 degree sun! Though they would all have pinched in and helped if I had come out and asked - my neighbors have come through for me every time.

I'm so grateful random groups of loving people, like the folks where I live, and the ones on this board. :)