View Full Version : Healthy Eating in May

4-29-13, 9:47pm
I know I'm early, but ...

I need to go 30 days without sugar. I started today. My hope is to make it through 30 consecutive days, but if I slip, I'm just going to add on days to the end.

Anybody else have any healthy eating goals for May?

4-29-13, 10:50pm
I think that I would like to do something, too. I do not eat sugary stuff, and whilst that draws me to do this, I think that I should work on portion sizes. And, eating more vegetables than anything else.

Oh, I guess this means I have to give up ube (purple yam) cake from the Asian market. Rats.

Allrighty. More vegetables, but no ube in any form. Such a slippery slope, those yams.

4-29-13, 11:41pm
I know I'm early, but ...

I need to go 30 days without sugar. I started today. My hope is to make it through 30 consecutive days, but if I slip, I'm just going to add on days to the end.

Anybody else have any healthy eating goals for May?

Hi EJ, I gave up all white sugar completely when my mother became diabetic. After you stop eating it for awhile the craving stops and you feel so much healthier...Now I have to work on not eating things made with white flour!

Good luck with your challenge....

4-30-13, 9:51am
Hi EJ, I gave up all white sugar completely when my mother became diabetic. After you stop eating it for awhile the craving stops and you feel so much healthier...Now I have to work on not eating things made with white flour!

Good luck with your challenge....

Thanks, Tussiemussies!. I've given it up a few times before but now for a while, and yes, I remember the cravings subside after a while which is a blessing. And yes, I always feel better when I'm off it. It really helps to post what I'm doing here, though, so I have a little pressure to stick to it. One day down. 29 to go.

4-30-13, 9:52am
I think that I would like to do something, too. I do not eat sugary stuff, and whilst that draws me to do this, I think that I should work on portion sizes. And, eating more vegetables than anything else.

Oh, I guess this means I have to give up ube (purple yam) cake from the Asian market. Rats.

Allrighty. More vegetables, but no ube in any form. Such a slippery slope, those yams.

Yay Jilly! Glad to have company.

4-30-13, 9:57am
Keep posting what you eat instead. I have a kitchen now for the first time in almost 3 years and have forgotten how to cook, and what to cook. It will be a frozen dinner at lunch today, picked up from WalMart on the way in to work. So you can see I'm starting low... I mostly got out of the habit of eating too many sweets while I was in Honduras, but now that I'm back in the States the temptation is strong.

Float On
4-30-13, 10:21am
I want to give up diet coke....again.
Anytime I've lost weight it's been when I've been off diet coke and I just had a friend post on facebook that she gave up diet coke and she just passed the 30 day mark and had lost 6 lbs (no other changes to her diet other than replacing diet coke with tea/water). I think I'm inspired to try again.

4-30-13, 11:01am
Hi EJ, I gave up all white sugar completely when my mother became diabetic. After you stop eating it for awhile the craving stops and you feel so much healthier...Now I have to work on not eating things made with white flour!

Good luck with your challenge....

I stopped 99% of my sugar intake 14 months ago. Within a week, I really didn't miss it. You can do it!!

4-30-13, 11:10am
I am starting one day early.

This morning I had water, diet creme soda and macadamia nuts. It is difficult for me to choke down breakfast, even when I wake hungry. I know that it is important, and I used to eat it every day, but eating in the morning has left me feeling nauseous. I am thinking that having a bowl of hard cooked eggs might work, along with a slice of bread.

Soft drinks, as a regular beverage, are also new for me. Have to let those go.

4-30-13, 1:21pm
I want to give up diet coke....again.
Anytime I've lost weight it's been when I've been off diet coke and I just had a friend post on facebook that she gave up diet coke and she just passed the 30 day mark and had lost 6 lbs (no other changes to her diet other than replacing diet coke with tea/water). I think I'm inspired to try again.

I gave up Diet Coke about 7 years ago and found that giving it up actually helped lift some mild depression I was having. Somebody on this board told me that some research suggests the artificial sweetener in it had been found to be a serotonin inhibitor. Here's a link to some more info:


Hope that's motivating!

Float On
4-30-13, 1:37pm
Thanks for the link ej - lots of good info there.
I've gone as long as 2 years in the past and then break down and miss the bubbles..... very impressed with your 7 years.

5-8-13, 9:37pm
I've made it 8 days without sugar and am really enjoying it. A friend is taking me out for a late birthday lunch tomorrow, so I may allow myself a little birthday desert, but then I'll be back on the wagon.

6-2-13, 12:36pm
I made it 30 days without sugar. As always when I do this, I felt so much happier and energetic without it. I think I'm like an alcoholic who can't accept that they just can't drink alcohol. I'm in denial about the fact my body just doesn't respond well to sugar. It's probably not realistic for me to give it up entirely, but just having it twice a month (which is what I did this month, then added two days on to my 30 to make up for that) seems like a good balance. I'm simply so much happier when I'm not having it.