View Full Version : May Gratitude

5-1-13, 1:56pm
Rarely do I say this, but I'm thankful today for pharmaceuticals.

I have been suffering from a pinched nerve in my lower spine for some days now, and the pain is fairly incapacitating. I've been trying to manage with a minimal of chemical assistance (trying the organic routes of massage, hot tubs, yoga, magnesium, relaxation exercises) but finally gave in and took some over-the-counter drugs when it started to interfere too much in my work.

When those had NO effect, I asked for some Big Guns from my physician, and they are helping mightily (in combination with all of the organic tricks above) I hope it will be a long time before I feel I need such things again. But for today, I'm grateful.

Little puglet came through surgery well, nasty scar notwithstanding, and we're dozing together on the couch, both in our narcotic fog. Hey, life could be worse!

5-1-13, 1:59pm
Hugs to you and the puglet. Your stress about him certainly wasn't helping your pain, so I am glad you got some relief.

Today, I am thankful for the beginnings of a new friendship that blossomed over the weekend.


5-1-13, 3:26pm
Thankful for excellent veterinarians and techs who took good care of my 17 year old cat, Weasel, today. And grateful for Weasel and his brother, Jake, who are excellent early morning cuddle-buddies. Love my fur kids!!!

5-1-13, 3:45pm
Glad that your piglet is okay now. :).

I know that pinched nerves in the back are very painful. I go to a very good chiropractor , you really have go by word of mouth in you town, who is good. Can't tell you how many times my chiropractor has helped me with different back issues.
Maybe it is something you could consider....chris

5-1-13, 4:06pm
Happy May Day! Today is my 58th birthday, and I am grateful for the ability to be out in the sunshine, as well as having access to good health care. Have a lovely day!

5-1-13, 4:15pm
Happy birthday, dear redfox! What a cool date to be born!


5-1-13, 4:17pm
I'm grateful that I have the money to get DD her braces put on next Monday! I never got mine done when I was little and am very self conscious about my crooked teeth till this day. Maybe I'll get mine done next :)

Mighty Frugal
5-1-13, 4:29pm
As always, I am grateful for the health and safety of my little family. They are my joy:)

I'm also grateful for the bbq chicken breast dh bbq-ed and I have been making outstanding chicken salad sandwiches with them (hello heaven!! Yes, they are that good:~) )

I'm grateful to have Friday off of work and meeting a couple of mom friends for coffee and danishes along our main street

I am grateful winter has finally left and the sun is shining

May is such a joyful month!

Simpler at Fifty
5-1-13, 6:05pm
Happy Birthday redfox.

5-1-13, 7:32pm
Pug & Puglet, hope you are both hale and healthy very soon!
Happy birthday to redfox!

I am thankful for my dear husband who cheerfully brings home a pizza when dinner goes awry.

5-1-13, 7:39pm
I am grateful for the warmth and sunshine today. It seems that my pink magnolia will actually bloom this year without the usual frost to stunt. I love love love daffodils and they are in full bloom in all the flowerbeds around my house - gorgeous.

5-1-13, 10:16pm
Happy birthday, redfox! May you enjoy many, many more, and may they all be joyful! :D
pug & pug

Sad Eyed Lady
5-1-13, 10:37pm
Happy Birthday to you Redfox!

I am thankful that I spent today with three old friends. We can usually only get all of us together about once a year which is an event we plan for, but today came about a bit more unexpectedly and what a good day it was.

5-2-13, 1:50pm
Heh. This one could have gone in the Daily Peeve thread depending on how it turned out: we were supposed to get 3-6 inches of snow last night (!) but the storm had a very narrow band; where we live we didn't get a single flake; less than ten miles away, they got about 4 inches of very wet heavy snow; about 20 miles away they got almost a foot.

Can't wait for this winter to be over....

Mighty Frugal
5-2-13, 4:39pm
Today I am super grateful for the beautiful red and yellow tulips blooming in our front garden. What a wonderful welcome when I walk out the door to walk the boys to school and see them in the sunlight!! It must be perpetually spring in heaven!!

5-2-13, 7:57pm
Happy Birthday Redfox!

I am ever so extremely grateful for the past two days, of which I had off from work - yesterday I dug around in my gardens and cleaned them up, then went for a hike in the Pinckney Recreation Area in gloriously sunny 80 degree weather. Today was almost a repeat, just a tad bit cooler and a little less humidity. More gardening, this time the vegetable garden. I also scored some more really nice summer clothing at Salvation Army - three pairs of cargo shorts, one pretty, gauzy sleeveless shirt and half a bathing suit (the top half)! All for around $17!

And I am getting super-excited for my road trip in the middle of June!

5-3-13, 1:40pm
I'm grateful for being self-employed, and therefore able to take a nap in the middle of the day. It effectively divides the day into two 4-hour workdays, and I don't feel burned out at the end of it all. Plus, the ability to curl up under the down comforter with two little dogs is just blissful.

5-3-13, 1:57pm
Rarely do I say this, but I'm thankful today for pharmaceuticals.

I'm grateful for pharmaceuticals every day ;).

But seriously, folks, I think modern medical care is the main area (sometimes I think it's the only area) in which modern life is unambiguously improved by technology. People tend to forget that in the past, if you were unfortunate enough to develop certain conditions, you just suffered. Or died. Or both.

In other gratitude news, we've had some really exquisite Spring days here in the Northeast this week.

5-3-13, 10:54pm
Went to a work-related seminar with a long-time friend and we ran into a former co-worker we hadn't seen in years. She was thrilled to be invited to a happy hour with some of our other former co-workers coincidentally set up for next week. We are not all close friends, but we enjoy each other's company and a shared work history can mean a lot.

also had same long-time friend just call after the seminar to say how much she really enjoys our friendship. Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver .... old but true.

5-3-13, 11:31pm
Best wishes for your health Pug, and Puglet's too! I had to chuckle at your post, Steve. I was just reading about the fires in CA and feeling very grateful for all our spring snow, including nearly a foot from the same storm on Wed.

5-6-13, 6:53pm
So grateful for a beautiful day potting garden plants for the upcoming horticultural plant sale sitting on my new Mothers Day lounger under the gorgeous magnolia in full bloom with birds singing and the classical music playing with the sun shining and wonderful temp and frequent tea breaks.
This is what heaven is like, I am sure.:D

5-6-13, 7:15pm
Today spring finally sprung in the Twin Cities. Yeah, we had a few nice days a couple of weeks ago. But then it snowed again. I don't think that's going to happen for a few more months yet... :)

Simpler at Fifty
5-7-13, 9:18am
I am grateful for a break in my work. There was a lack of communication (again) regarding a project that has delayed all other projects by 2 weeks. I looked at it as a blessing from the get go. I now have time to work on some personal development classes and not feel guilty about it.

5-7-13, 2:48pm
It is finally nice here and I am going to fetch vegetable plants, supports and a couple of tubs for the porch, to grow lettuces and herbs.

Oh, that is my gratitude thing.

5-7-13, 9:26pm
It's raining here. Now, to some people, that wouldn't be something to be grateful for. But it's raining, not snowing, and it's just wonderful. Couldn't shovel it if I wanted to! LOL

Mighty Frugal
5-8-13, 11:09am
The sun has been shining for 10 days straight! We spend every evening in our local park with the local families.
I'm wearing the cutest polka dot spring dress-looks like a Wonderbread package-wheeeee

5-8-13, 1:46pm
I am thankful that my body allows me to donate platelets and that there is a mechanism in place to get them to people who need them. At the Red Cross building today was a list of some of the people our platelets go to treat: old, young, accidents, diseases,... And even though I do feel a bit wiped out after platelet donations, it's a beautiful day outside (even if there's a good chance of rain later), I had a nice drive in the car (to make up for the 8-minute trip to the donation center), and I can take a nap soon. Life is good.

Simpler at Fifty
5-8-13, 5:25pm
I am grateful that justice was served in a case in AZ.

5-8-13, 5:48pm
So glad as always for my wonderful husband, sweet dog and house we are now living in. We have been very blessed!!!

Blackdog Lin
5-8-13, 9:33pm
Mighty Frugal - thank you for a mental picture of you being happy wearing the perfect spring clothing, in the perfect setting. Something that I always aspire to, and seldom (well, never) achieve.

A polka-dot dress, that you feel free and good in, that you're wearing while enjoying friends and family.....priceless!

5-10-13, 4:53pm
Grateful for the wonderful, fun, lively, beautiful, great-smelling spring plant sale at the Denver Botanic Gardens. Loaded up on seedlings that I haven't had time or space to plant under lights. Hordes of shoppers with their red wagons, wheelbarrows, baskets, boxes, shopping carts (!) Controlled plant chaos, tons of beautiful specimens (many thinned or raised at the Garden) just a great sunny warm morning, and free entrance to the grounds when I was done shopping. I really should get out more often LOL

5-10-13, 6:38pm
Sounds heavenly...just love plants!!!!

5-10-13, 11:01pm
I'm glad Seattle's real estate market is heating up and almost 3/4 of houses on the market are involved in bidding wars (according to local media) and values in my neighborhood are solidly up--even though by the time I get ready to sell this little bubble may be only a memory. It's fun to watch. I shouldn't be swayed by this kind of thing but I can't help feeling a little better about Chez Albatross today.

iris lilies
5-10-13, 11:29pm
I am grateful for our loooooong, cool, spring. Today was a perfect overcast cool day, threatening rain all day, but only little spits happened. I got all of the iris cut for tomorrows show and none of it is buffeted around by winds and/or rain.

Float On
5-11-13, 11:04am
I'm just grateful reading through this whole thread in one setting - hearing people say positive things always puts me in a good mood.
I'll be planting my new blackberry bushes that I bought at the farmers market Thursday night - today is stunningly beautiful.
After we go to a graduation party for a friend's daughter I plan to go kayaking with one of my boys----that will restore my soul, there is no better therapy for me than floating around on the lake.

5-11-13, 6:42pm
I'm grateful for the ability to retire from my school-based job at the end of this school year. I'm grateful that I've been offered a job working in a small, woman-owned cafe. I'm grateful for my yard that will feed us this year - at least once it's truly warm enough to plant!

5-11-13, 7:07pm
Today I am grateful for family that nudges me to get out of the house and a grandson who was so glad to see me that he ran around yelling "grammy is here...grammy is here..." I am feeling a little shame about little time I actually spend with them. Life is just too darn short for me to be so reluctant to do anything.

So, I am grateful for still having enough smarts to change, grudgingly though it may be. I am saying "no" to fear. Yay me.

5-11-13, 7:07pm
Yay, Chrissie...Yay! Yay! Yay!

5-11-13, 8:02pm
Congratulations chrissieq, I bet you are really looking forward to your new life. Keep us updated! :)

5-11-13, 8:03pm
GreatbJilly that you won't feel reluctant, isn't it amazing what love can do! :)

5-11-13, 8:26pm
I guess. It is so much easier to stay home in my jammies than to pull up my big girl panties and get over myself. I keep repeating baby steps, baby steps, baby steps, baby steps, darnit. Tonight I will self reward with a big bag of buttered popcorn.

5-11-13, 9:30pm
I guess. It is so much easier to stay home in my jammies than to pull up my big girl panties and get over myself. I keep repeating baby steps, baby steps, baby steps, baby steps, darnit. Tonight I will self reward with a big bag of buttered popcorn.

I know Jillie, I am stuck in a housebound rut these days and don't want to get dressed either. I don't reward myself with food though. That could cause another problem that would need to be fixed and another excuse for not going out....
With having grandchildren do you ever babysit for them? Sometimes being forced out is a good thing as I am seeing myself!!!

Good luck Jillie, let us know if there is anything we can do to help...Chris...

5-12-13, 5:19pm
Enjoyed what has become our traditional Mother's Day pancakes restaurant breakfast with my offspring. Relaxing, cozy just the two of us. Compatible, funny adult kids are the reward for the crazy teen years!

5-13-13, 3:11pm
I'm grateful to have known my lovely and gracious mother-in-law, who died just before Mother's day.
Her courage, kindness, generosity of spirit were an inspiration - and how could I not love someone who was so wonderfully ditzy?
Thank you for my husband, thank you for my daughter, and thank you for being you.

5-14-13, 1:40pm
Going for a walk in the sunshine right now, and it encapsulates multiple gratitudes: I have good strong legs that carry me. It is still sunny, no clouds yet. I live in a place where I can just walk out the door and stroll somewhere nice (and not get violence perpetrated on me). I can take a break in the middle of the day to do what I want. I am alive -- thanks to someone or something, I am alive to enjoy this beautiful day.

5-17-13, 8:50am
It is Friday, and though that doesn't mean as much when you work for yourself, it still feels good to be at the end of everyone ELSE'S week. Volunteering at our community garden this morning, working this afternoon/evening, and that feels right.

iris lily
5-17-13, 11:40am
God I love the month of May!

On a related gardening note, for years I'd had an obsession with poppies but can't grow them successfully, whether perennials or annuals. I've had the oddball success but no sustained poppy garden.

So last week my new peonies burst into bloom and their single petal flowers are very poppy-like. I can pick them and in an arrangement pretend that they are poppies. yay!

5-17-13, 11:53am
It is dark and rainy today, a good reason to stay home and read and read and read, and it probably means that winter is finally over. Yay.

5-17-13, 12:10pm
I'm grateful for my memory, which allowed me to pull "varied thrush" and "towhee" out of the hat twenty-five years or so after they were last useful to me, in order to verify what that bird was outside my window. Way to go, brain!

5-17-13, 12:15pm
I'm grateful for my memory, which allowed me to pull "varied thrush" and "towhee" out of the hat twenty-five years or so after they were last useful to me, in order to verify what that bird was outside my window. Way to go, brain!

Along the same lines, I'm grateful for a brain that does well at short-term memorization (i.e., cramming) and multiple choice exams, since I believe I will pass my American Lit CLEP test tomorrow morning, earning myself 6 college credits for a week of effort. Of course, if I don't pass, this will become an entry in the peeve thread.


5-20-13, 1:09pm
Grateful to have people who do massage work for a living, and grateful for the wonderful one a five-minute walk from my home....

5-20-13, 5:58pm
Grateful for a well-timed day off, and the fortitude to keep from doing anything work-related. Ok, I peeked at my e-mail, but didn't read through them or respond to anything. But this day was glorious. I slept in, took the dog to the vet, spent about an hour pulling itty bitty baby trees and even some not-so-itty-bitty baby trees that came right out of the wet soil - an ongoing battle with a total of 7 mature maples between our lot and the neighbors' -, ate some lunch, split a few hostas, got rained on, went inside and did some of the exercises in the Right Brain Business Plan (http://www.rightbrainbusinessplan.com/), which gives me hope that I will find a business direction that will work for me, listened to some more rain, split some more hostas, pulled some more baby trees. :) Contemplating a trip to the rental to plop in those hostas. The ground is so nice and wet that it would be a really good time. Life is good today.

5-21-13, 10:05am
Today I'm grateful that after three weeks of forecasts predicting rain, we actually have some.

5-22-13, 10:59pm
And today I'm grateful to read that an upcoming neighborhood recycling event has started taking styrofoam. That will save me either driving many miles through rotten traffic to do The Right Thing or ditching it in the garbage and feeling guilty about it.

5-23-13, 5:06pm
Oh, how grateful I am that right now, as we speak, we are having a tall fence erected around our back yard to keep out the elk. They are beautiful and they belong here and blah blah BLAH but have cost me so much money in damage to plants, dogs eating poop and getting sick/vet bills, crashing into things when they're sparring.......... Now they can do all those things (eat, poop, fight) on the OTHER side of the fence and I can grow things to eat on the inside.

5-25-13, 5:28pm
Yesterday marked exactly one year since I left my badge at my old workplace and started living again. People tell me again and again how much better I look. I feel healthier. I can engage in personal activities or spend time with people or volunteer without watching the clock constantly. We have learned to live well without my salary. DW is delighted that she doesn't have to do anything around the house that she does not want to -- or juggle errands and repair people and phone calls within her days. And when I meet with work friends for lunch, I learn that, if anything, things there are even worse. This experiment has worked out beyond my wildest dreams and I am filled with gratitude that it has worked out.

5-28-13, 1:53pm
Congrats, Steve. Feels great, doesn't it?

Today I'm grateful for our great new community garden, and the opportunities it gives me to help people learn about growing/appreciating food again.

5-29-13, 5:32pm
I am grateful for medical grade super glue. We got a call from DD's group home that she had cut her forehead open during a drop seizure. She wouldn't stop rubbing it so it kept bleeding. It needed stitches but I know she would have just made a mess of the stitches. And her forehead! Happily they were able to glue it! It didn't hurt her at all and can be washed with soap and water when needed. yeah!

5-29-13, 5:37pm
I am grateful for medical grade super glue. We got a call from DD's group home that she had cut her forehead open during a drop seizure. She wouldn't stop rubbing it so it kept bleeding. It needed stitches but I know she would have just made a mess of the stitches. And her forehead! Happily they were able to glue it! It didn't hurt her at all and can be washed with soap and water when needed. yeah!

Hope your daughter will be OK. I love that glue! I had it after surgery instead of stitches or steri-strips or staples, and am a big fan. You can shower right away! It just wears off! Nothing to be removed later! :)

Today I am grateful that I only had Beeturia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beeturia) last night instead of an actual problem. I don't remember this ever happening to me before (and I have eaten a lot of beets), so it didn't occur to me until today that it was the beets I ate for dinner. My back was hurting last night, low down, on the left, kind of a sharp pain. And then I thought I had blood in my urine! I was worried about it ALL night. Of course, I don't even have a kidney on the left, but my worried brain didn't care about that.



5-29-13, 7:59pm
it didn't occur to me until today that it was the beets I ate for dinner. My back was hurting last night, low down, on the left, kind of a sharp pain. And then I thought I had blood in my urine! I was worried about it ALL night.
Reason #6 why I prefer to make only golden beets ... :~) Glad it turned out to be "nothing", Kara.