View Full Version : June Gratitude

6-4-13, 11:31am
I have been smoke-free for 3 months on Monday! I am so very grateful for everything and everybody who has helped me get this far - my Wellness Coach from the smoking cessation program through my health insurance, my friends/family/on-line buddies! Now I am going to go talk one of my favorite longer walks around the park and woods before I go to work later. Chores can wait until tomorrow on my day off!

6-4-13, 2:32pm
That's great, SQ!

6-4-13, 8:13pm
Well done SQ!
To add to the thread, I was supposed to be sharing the responsibility for a civic garden planting, weeding etc but life got in the way. I just phoned and my partner and her DH have taken complete and wonderful care for that garden. I have been freed from one more responsibility, thank heavens!
People are wonderful in coming through when needed.

6-4-13, 8:19pm
Add mine to the congratulations, SiouxzQ--that has to feel good.

I'm grateful for sunshine and yard work. Trying to convince myself...

6-4-13, 8:50pm
Good for you SQ!

Today I am grateful for all the artists who create beautiful paintings and sculptures and for writers who have written books that have given us all such pleasure. Thanks artists!

6-4-13, 9:13pm
So grateful to my boss and my boss' boss for their support. We just had our annual review cycle and I got a promotion, a raise, and a bonus!


6-4-13, 10:52pm
So grateful to my boss and my boss' boss for their support. We just had our annual review cycle and I got a promotion, a raise, and a bonus!


Yea! Well done!

6-4-13, 11:16pm
I'm grateful for so much good employment news on this forum lately.

6-5-13, 10:16am
Whoo-hoo to Kara and SQ. It lifts me up to hear good news. Today I am very, very thankful for the drenching rain that put out the wildfire threatening our town. And for the opportunity the evacuation notices gave me to assess what was truly important to me.

6-5-13, 1:17pm
I am grateful today for Advantage flea drops for my cats.....:(

Blackdog Lin
6-5-13, 8:48pm
I am grateful that those of you posting above had sweet appreciations to post.

I myself sat outside this evening, after 2 hours (with breaks!) of good physical labor, accomplishing.....stuff!.....and then sat with a cool northerly breeze, the patio looking pretty good since I've been "accomplishing stuff".....and I was able to just sit and enjoy the moments given to me, and adore the adorable dog we have, and appreciate the DH I'm stuck with but still love.....and I felt grateful to be able to appreciate the little moments that are given me.

6-8-13, 12:36pm
Yay for community recycling events! Yay for finally getting rid of the styrofoam that's been cluttering my garage for years!

6-8-13, 1:45pm
SQ, hot damn, that IS an achievement! Congrats.

My June gratitude: I get a break in treatment. Surgery & recovery over! Radiation in July. June is play time! Plus DSD is here for the weekend.

6-8-13, 3:41pm
I am grateful for being in the company of people who do so much to manifest good things in their lives and in the world. Cool.

I have a couple of gratitudes myself this week. Frankly, it is about time.

The first is that I was accepted into our state's program for helping old folk like me renew or switch their Medicare advantage or supplemental insurance stuff. My plan was to do this last year, but my life did not cooperate. The second is that I have been accepted into a certification program and training for something related to my work. I hesitate to share exactly what it is, because it only happens a couple of times a year, nationally. I am still a little skittish where my personal safety is concerned, so please forgive me for being so weird about this. However, it is an amazing opportunity, hard to gain acceptance into the program, and I am feeling such joy about this that I can hardly contain myself.

The third is kind of related to the other two, as they would not be possible if the financial part of my divorce from last year was not in the final stages of being settled. Frankly, I expected that I would be fortunate to get out of that marriage with my life, and fully accepted that everything would be stolen by my ex. What I will receive is a small percentage of my share, but it is huge, huge and even more hugely supportive of my life. It means that I will be more able to afford my prescription medication and add one that has been too expensive to even consider. Just freaking surprising that this happened. Who woulda thunk it.

6-8-13, 7:33pm
Jilly, protecting oneself is ALWAYS first, and please don't even think about apologizing for it! Congrats all around, my dear. Well deserved.

6-10-13, 11:05pm
Today was a difficult day full of doubts and upset, and I am grateful that it is now over, and I can sit outside on the dark porch and let it all go.

6-13-13, 10:25pm
Wildfires all around in my state, and I'm grateful that my family and friends are not in harm's way.

6-14-13, 3:45pm
Extremely grateful that everything worked out beautifully this past year and I get to go on my road trip - I'm leaving NOW!

6-14-13, 5:44pm
Enjoy SQ!
I am so grateful for a lovely trip to the Art Gallery of Ontario to see the Early Rennaissance exhibit. The paintings within the hymnals and seeing them so well fingered from the 1300's is wonderful as well as the details of the various wood-based art work.
Janet Cardiff had some plain chant hymn music playing but I cannot find a source for the actual recording.
I must email the AGO and see if there is a source for the 14 minute rendition of an old hymn using bass, baritone, tenor, soprano etc chorus. Quite lovely!

6-17-13, 10:22am
Money is tight this month, but grateful that the bills are paid, the savings deposit made, and we still have SOMETHING left over to do nice things for ourselves, even if it isn't much at all. Many do not have this luxury.

6-17-13, 1:32pm
And for this joke, sent to me by a friend this morning:

Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway,
The good fortune to run into the ones I do,
and the eyesight to tell the difference...

6-17-13, 9:16pm
That is cool. Grateful that you shared it!

6-18-13, 8:24pm
Love it Puglogic! hee hee

Very grateful to my husband's sister & her hubby who gave us their old riding lawn mower. My DH is sooo happy lol

ETA: Also very grateful for a beautiful day. Beautiful weather. Great time spent with my boys & hubby. Altogether wonderful.

6-19-13, 9:05pm
Grateful to puglogic for senility!

Grateful that my daughter is going to camp here at my college - it's fun commuting together and having her to hang out with.
Also grateful for a not-too-horrible check up at the dentist.

6-19-13, 10:11pm
Grateful for all of you, and for the solstice!! Sunshine sure makes a difference in my heart!

6-20-13, 9:35am
I'm grateful for rain. Finally. And that no one will be riding their lawnmower around in endless circles. For today, at least. :thankyou:

6-20-13, 11:22am
Grateful to feel strong after surgery, that we are heading to the mountains for a family event this weekend (stepkids too! BIL 50th birthday soirée), and that despite a cutback in my work hours to 10 a week, we can still afford our living expenses (barely, but nonetheless...). And, that we can offer our home to traveling friends & returning college grads as a respite and comfy way-station. We are so lucky to have this home; it feels palatial after the kids loved out. How blessed we are to have the comforts we both prefer, and more than enough to share.

6-24-13, 2:12pm
Grateful for a little time to take a nap, after a fitful night's sleep. Then I can go back to work refreshed.

6-24-13, 5:31pm
Grateful for the amazing moon this weekend - dd and I walked down to the bay with our dogs and watched it rise. Stunning, magical, solstice moon.

6-24-13, 6:30pm
Sounds magical Gardenarian. My youngest was out running when the moon rose. He posted on his facebook that it looked like a peach and he wanted to take a big bite out of it :)