View Full Version : June Decluttering

6-9-13, 3:16pm
Hope I didn't miss it somewhere else . . .

I'm on a bit of a bender today/this week. Well, it's actually still all in my house, but that isn't the hard part for me . . . it's deciding it's going to go. Once that's decided, it's a done deal.

So . . . a bunch of stuff listed on CL for free or sale (mostly free) today - big stuff - a printer, a TV, a chair, and cement blocks. I am also parting with some ineffective organizational items in my craft room - those are large as well. Yippee!

6-9-13, 7:41pm
Kelli, Glad you started this because I am suddenly have an urge to purge.

My Mom is getting much clearer mentally, and she is encouraging me to empty her place and mine. She agreed to donate most of her yarn stash to charitable causes because she feels the reality is that she probably will not recover the use of her right hand enough to knit again. (I did bring a few of her favorite yarns because I want her to hold onto some hope.:() She gifted our local club with a huge bag of yarn and told me to donate the baby yarns as well. She also gave my sister 6 skeins of yarn.

Out of her house: garbage sized bag of yarn and huge bin of yarn

I am proud to announce that I overcame the temptation to add to my own enormous stash of yarn from Mom's. I managed not to clutter up my place by taking ALL of the yarn to the club.

DH and I have decided to attack our attic. Gone: electric frying pan
shopping bag full of Christmas decorations
espresso maker
3 baskets
3 cloth bins

Now if only I could get the courage to face my own yarn stash.:|(

6-9-13, 8:55pm
Well done, LilyB! Now that I have gotten into crochet, I completely understand the yarn stash thing! I never got it before. You did a good job. :)

I can't remember if you are in the Twin Cities, I don't think so, but if you are, you could feel free to join us for Team Yarn (http://teamyarn.blogspot.com/) . . . the products go to a great cause. It's a nice way to use up some of that yarn. :)

6-9-13, 8:56pm
Oh and my printer and TV were claimed and gone within an hour of posting. It took a bit longer for someone to come for the cement blocks, but they, too, are gone. I think I priced my chair too high. I've had zero bites so far.

6-9-13, 10:38pm
We inadvertantly participated in this decluttering: our houseguest came by to drop off some items of ours she had used to move out, and she chose to take a futon frame we've had hanging around in the garage for years (the actual futon has been inside) and a media shelf that DW had picked up for me but which I decided not to use. We always meant to sell that futon frame, but it obviously was not a big deal to do it. We're happy it's going to a good cause. And that two good-sized items are out of the garage!

6-10-13, 6:05pm
Had someone finally buy the antique dresser, although it was more like a "steal"... LOL. But it is GONE! I have a spot in the family room, under a sofa table that will fit two xerox boxes end-by-end and stacked two high. The spaced has been filled and boxes donated twice in the last two weeks and I am working on filling two more boxes. Hope to get them donated by tomorrow or Wed. Still want to go through my clothes again. Way too much that I simply don't wear.

Thanks for the motivation!

6-10-13, 6:27pm

6-10-13, 8:05pm
Wow, Spoony!! Awesome, awesome, awesome!!

I was reading some decluttering threads on MMM as well and have decided I am also going to try to eat down my freezer. I might even try to buy no food while DH is gone on his fishing trip. I was feeling like we had no food but in looking, we truly have so much and it's time to eat some of it up. I might resurrect the Use It Up thread or might just post here. I am making pasta and frozen green beans, then an improvised rice/chicken/green bean/tomato crock pot dish for tomorrow.

6-12-13, 9:56pm
Kelli, Team Yarn looks like a great organization. Wish I were closer. (I'm in NJ).

I should look through my stash and then I could donate some yarn via mail.:)

6-12-13, 10:04pm
LilyB, if it worked out and you would be willing to send it, we would definitely put it to good use. But that could add up. Team Yarn is a branch of Head Huggers. Perhaps there is a chapter closer to you and you could save on postage. http://www.headhuggers.org/groups/groups.asp

If you still want to donate, PM me for an address. Whatever you decide, I'm sure you will put the yarn to good use.

6-13-13, 6:38pm
Kelli, Thanks for the information. I'll check around and let you know what I decide to do. :)

6-13-13, 6:45pm
As for decluttering, I am in the process of getting some books together to donate. Books are the hardest to part with for me but I have no excuse since I have two e-readers: a Nook and a Kindle Fire. Some of my paper books are on these devices in electronic form, so the paper duplicates must go. I'll post the count when I'm done.

6-13-13, 7:00pm
I started Weight Watchers and cleaned out our pantry. Found a can that had opened?? and many seriously expired products. Got a few more cabinets to go thru and then will start on making a food list of the freezer. A good project.

6-14-13, 12:33pm
A recent basement flood gave me the boot in the pants to do some overdue cleaning out :( I'm determined to get to the SA with some donations today.

6-15-13, 2:55pm
I've set aside a number of books to go to the library for their book sale. A few books are going to someone who wants to read them. Some clothes are being given away. I've put a few books for sale on Amazon. Lots of papers in the shred pile. BR walk-in closet organized.

Last weekend I went through the K cabinets and decluttered some food storage stuff I don't use. My toaster stopped working, so out that went.

6-15-13, 4:05pm
Ooh Tradd, you reminded me, I walked a novel up to the Little Free Library on the next block this morning. It's been sitting, unread, by my bed for months. I gave it another try last night but it just wasn't doin' it for me. Bye bye novel! The good thing was that I had initially picked it up in a Little Free Library so I wasn't out any money for having tried it.

6-15-13, 8:04pm
Did not get to SA, but the stuff is in the car, and that's just as good actually - maybe better, because I can ask DH to drop off next week when I'm back at work, and he won't be tempted to go inside and get more stuff!

6-15-13, 9:10pm

6-15-13, 10:55pm
Not the fastest way to de-clutter, but it's my system. I don't know how they do it in those organization shows on TV.
I suspect the biggest decision they make is which company is going to supply the Dumpster.

6-17-13, 5:58pm
Sold a chair! $60. Yippee!

Float On
6-17-13, 6:06pm
Good job Kelli!

6-17-13, 6:55pm
Our big event is finally over and the house looked better than it has in a long time thanks to the decluttering! I'm continuing, though! Have a bag of sports cleats in the back of my car and another box to take to the thrift store. Hope to do that tomorrow. Seriously thinking of putting some stuff on ebay, but not sure I want the hassle. Have to think on that one a bit more. Thanks for sharing the successes - great motivation!

6-17-13, 9:11pm
Nice, Kelli!

I've posted about 10 more books on Amazon. I sold one for $16 today.

6-18-13, 7:39pm
Happystuff, if it helps you to know this, we haven't had as much luck with eBay as we used to. Sure, DH still manages to sell a few things, but not for the prices he had been getting. It seems to help to sell in lots - I am not sure what you have, but for example, comic books as an entire box. It's less work to list that way and seems more likely to attract buyers.

Tradd, well done!

I have a person coming to pick up a crate and some other dog stuff in a bit. I had tried to sell it on CL, but wasn't too confident it would go, anyway. I had really wanted a friend of mine to take it for the rescue group she was working with because she was kind enough to gift us the kennel she had lent us when we figured out it was the one that made Gus the least crazy. But it's been over six months and we still haven't connected (despite working next door to each other! embarassing!), and the friend fell out with the group AND is moving, so it's never going to happen, either. So I listed it, and the girl who is coming tonight asked if I'd be willing to donate it to her rescue group. They looked legit so I agreed. The karma is coming full circle and I'm secretly glad to have the chance to give it to a rescue group rather than just a generic "free" add on CL.