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View Full Version : Favorite Magazines

6-13-13, 8:00pm
What are your favorite frugality / simple living / personal finance / voluntary simplicity magazines? We can use the list to cull through stories that we'll highlight on the New Road Map / Financial Integrity Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Financial-IntegrityNew-Road-Map-Foundation/197551060291937).

6-13-13, 9:00pm
I saw the header and was going to reply "Vogue Italia or any Italian fashion magazine," but that doesn't really fit, except they're cheaper than a trip to Italy...

I like a bunch of magazines: Ceramics Monthly, Discover, Ornament, National Geographic, Quilt Arts...but I rarely buy any now, as they are anything but simple, turning into piles of not-easily-referenced information. At this point, I'm thinking cheap subscriptions via Zinio or some other source, stored electronically, would be the best alternative to dead tree issues. And that goes for whatever simplicity-related titles, even more.

iris lily
6-13-13, 9:29pm
National Review. It's basically about simplicity. Simple government (as in lack of laws and Federal overreach) and simple living free from government interference is a regular theme in it.

But that is rather a smart alack response yet the more I think about it, the more I like my answer.:D

6-14-13, 5:36am
Mother Earth News.

Gee,that's all I can think of, but a magazine that would have a slightly broader focus (not just gardening, but all the topics listed by the OP) would probably fit an unmet need. Anyone want to start a magazine?

6-19-13, 10:34pm
Organic Gardening, Consumer Reports, Yoga Journal, Family Handyman, Utne Reader, This Old House, Birds and Blooms, Skeptical Inquirer.
I get them from the library.

6-19-13, 11:48pm
I don't buy magazines anymore. They are so expensive now and when I'm done with them they lay around until I get them to a library..... Need to take a trip to the library to read up on a few....

A lot of magazines I do like like Mother a Earth News and Mother Earth Living and many others you can go on their web page, they usually have some articles there and you can sign up via email to get newsletters. I enjoy those free items!

dado potato
6-20-13, 7:34pm
For my grand-daughters I buy Jack and Jill, Turtle, and Humpty-Dumpty. Maybe not frugal, but I think they like getting them.

6-21-13, 8:39am
Magazines have pretty much lost favor for me and are not the quality they once were, but National Geographic still has good content. I browse the Flipboard app, which has some magazine highlights and I really like Tiny House Blog and Bicycle Magazine. Mother Earth News is still pretty good, but I rarely buy it anymore.

6-21-13, 10:03am
Vanity Fair (not as good as it used to be) and Mother Earth News.

6-21-13, 9:29pm
Runner's World. I don't save magazines - I find if I haven't read it all last month, I won't this month either.

Years ago I use to like Sunset - then I realized my yard, home and budget could never match and I gave it up.

6-21-13, 10:38pm
BirdWatching is really excellent for us bird people. We also get Texas Parks & Wildlife. I used to get a quilting magazine but stopped it because it got to be too many ads. Once I subscribed to Gourmet which was a real hoot for someone like me who doesn't like to cook in the first place. Ive never read Real Simple magazine because it looks too slick..

6-21-13, 10:59pm
We like Mindful, Sun, National Geographic, Smithsonian, UU World ... and DH likes some "hammering and nailing" magazines that I pay absolutely no attention to. I also take Readers Digest and Better Homes and Gardens because I subscribed when grandson was selling subscriptions to raise money for some school thing, and now I need to unsubscribe. We do read them, but they're a nuisance and I don't want them anymore. I share Nat'l Geog and Smithsonian with a friend at church and get Archaeology and Biblical Archeology in return. These go back to the church for others to read if they want. I'm not ready to part with Mindful and Sun yet. Don't take any simple living type magazines now, tho I used to. Not that I wouldn't find them useful, but I have this site, and others, and just don't need the magazines anymore. === We were given a gift subscription to Sunset in '73 and we continued it all these many many years, but just cancelled our membership this year. It's just not "us" anymore.

6-21-13, 11:02pm
I do watch some bird nests online (kestrels, peregrine falcons, osprey, bald eagles, red-tailed hawks) and I've thought about subscribing to a birders magazine or two, but watching the babies on the computer takes up a lot of my time as it is!

Float On
6-22-13, 8:39am
I get Mother Earths News, Better Homes and Garden, Country living, Missouri Conservation (free), Missouri Life, and the Natural Resources from our DNR dept, and Organic Living or Food or something like that (free). DH gets Smithsonian and National Geo. One son gets GQ while the other gets TeenInk. Way more magazines coming in that I thought there were now that it's down in black and white.