View Full Version : I took the 'real age' test

Zoe Girl
2-28-11, 10:03am
It was pretty interesting. I cannot figure out why my cholesterol was not flagged but it said my blood pressure was high, those are opposite of what I have always been told. Hey I will take the lower cholesterol but I know my blood pressure is really great and always has been. I have 3 chronic conditions that are all mild but I consider part of that how carefully I have taken care of myself at least.

Okay I am at a 'real age' a little older than my real age, maybe 2 years. That is not bad considering I work 7 days a week and get no exercise other than working normal (not total desk job) exercise. I have 15 more weekends at my weekend job before I may be able to quit. Of course it dinged me on not eating any fruit, I cannot handle fructose so I just eat a variety of vegies instead. What was really funny is that the test has suggestions and it suggested I reduce my financial stress as well as get more exercise, it is one or the other right now folks.

Has anyone else done this? What did you think

2-28-11, 10:15am
Can you post the link?

2-28-11, 10:29am
Yes please, do post the link if you can.

Zoe Girl
2-28-11, 11:02am
Okay I am on my little acer computer and it is hard to copy and paste. Here is what I think it is, www.realage.com (http://www.realage.com)

2-28-11, 12:39pm
I am also a little older than my real age. Hmmmm. Do you think everyone has a real age that is a bit older?

2-28-11, 12:47pm
Yea I always test as a bit older than my real age too (will take it again later), which annoys the heck out of me. I'm like: but I try to eat healthy, I really really do (I try to totally avoid all weird additives in even the simplest food, buy organic when I can etc.). I always at least walk for exercise (I probably should lift weights more). But the test always says stuff like I'm not eating enough vegetables (but I eat vegetables!), never enough fruit (I eat 1-2 a day), never enough grains (true I don't believe we need many, but I don't totally avoid them either), never enough dairy (can't tolerate) etc., etc..

I think, the one real true factor that drives my real age up IN REALITY (never mind the test) is STRESS and emotional issues!!!!! Oh I also like sweets a bit much, but really I don't seem to have any insulin problems so I'm not sure even say some pieces of milk chocolate everyday is a huge issue. But STRESS ... oh my!!! :) It's kinda how I'm made though, super anxious, super reactive nervous system. I think I need to take up meditation or something, but I have failed that every time I tried.

2-28-11, 1:46pm
The big things for me were stress reduction -- radical stress reduction -- more sleep, and finding niches to fit in exercise during the day. I took this test a couple of years ago and used to be exactly my age; I now am 4 years younger. I guess those are huge in their algorithm.

2-28-11, 2:22pm
I'd have to agree with the underlying premises before I took the test: stuff like the relevance of total cholesterol, and whether bodies come in a wide range of healthy weights or not. This kind of thing is just more of the same of the "be afraid; be very afraid" stuff that fattens Pharma's coffers and lays a big load of stress on the rest of us. "Eat lots of whole grains, strap yourself to an inclined treadmill, and live forever!" :treadmill: Snort.

In wandering through family records the other day, I came across yet another nonagenarian on my father's side of the family. He was born in the eighteenth century and so was blissfully unaware of his CBC numbers and the miracle drugs that are statins ;), not to mention his "real age." Probably why he lived so long.

2-28-11, 2:37pm
I took the test expecting the results to be higher than my real age, but was pleasantly surprised to get a result 3.5 years lower than my actual age.
It seems that the last time I took one of these tests some years ago, my result was 4 or 5 years older than my actual age at the time.

2-28-11, 4:16pm
What a ripoff, I have to tell them all the topics that I might be interested in before taking the test. Not going to happen!!!!

2-28-11, 4:19pm
I didn't check any of the topic boxes.

Zoe Girl
3-2-11, 9:41am
I also ignored the topic boxes, there was a skip option.

3-2-11, 2:16pm
WEll, I tried again and noted that quite a few of the responses indicated the same difficulty that I am encountering - bouncing back to the Health History page which is nothing but a pain. Last time that I bother with this Grrrrr.

3-2-11, 5:18pm
How do people have 9+ servings of meat per day?! I think it was supposed to say week there.

3-2-11, 9:23pm
I took it a couple of years ago and it said I was at death's door, basically, due to several hospitalizations and chronic health issues. It was so depressing I will not b other. I believe in the Bugs Bunny school of medicine--as long as you are still pedaling when you go off the cliff, you are okay, but when you look down, it is all over.

And I'm still here, bwahahaha.

3-2-11, 10:10pm
I took it a couple of years ago and it said I was at death's door, basically, due to several hospitalizations and chronic health issues. It was so depressing I will not b other. I believe in the Bugs Bunny school of medicine--as long as you are still pedaling when you go off the cliff, you are okay, but when you look down, it is all over.

And I'm still here, bwahahaha.

Hahahaha! Love it!!!

I tried to take the test but didn't really know the numbers. I figured guessing wouldn't give an accurate picture, anyway, but I have to admit I wouldn't have a whole lot of confidence in the results of a magazine company's online test. So I didn't finish it.

3-4-11, 9:45am
How do people have 9+ servings of meat per day?! I think it was supposed to say week there.
Yeah, I wasn't sure how to respond to those questions either!

I got 7 years younger than I am. But I'm not very old to begin with!