View Full Version : Tuesday June 25 is...

6-24-13, 10:42pm
National Catfish Day
National Log Cabin Day
National Strawberry Parfait Day
Color TV Day (CBS): 25
Global Beatles Day
National Columnists Day
Fast of Shiva Asar B'Tammuz - Israel
Tennis Shoe Day
Log Cabin Day
LEON Day (Six Months til Christmas - NOEL Backwards)
America's Kids Day
Fatherland Liberation War Day (Start of Korean War) - North Korea
Independence Day - Mozambique
National Day - Slovenia
Statehood Day - Croatia
Shab e-Barat - Bangladesh
Doonesbury Day (Washington DC only)
Elf Thumping Day - Fae
Festival of Ranting & Vaporing
Lightning Day
Parvati Praise Day
St. Eurosia's Day (patron of crops; against storms)
St. Molaug's Day (patron against headaches, insanity)

I think I'll celebrate the Festival of Ranting and Vaporing :devil:

6-24-13, 10:50pm
Ha ha. It's Lightning Preparedness Week (or some such) so I was amused to see Lightning Day. That said, I hope we don't have any, with zero precip.

6-24-13, 11:59pm
Last week I celebrated (actually sort of noticed it >8) ) National Splurge Day.

I had, and shared, chocolate.

I do have to say that strawberry parfait day sounds good, too.

I am off to look up ranting and vaporing day. Sounds perfect.

iris lilies
6-25-13, 12:08am
None of them beat Festivus. For the rest of us.

The Airing of the Grievances is a special time of year. haha!

6-25-13, 12:22am
None of them beat Festivus. For the rest of us.

The Airing of the Grievances is a special time of year. haha!

Once again, I must say that I wish you & I were neighbors! I love your droll sense of humor.

6-26-13, 10:02pm
I always am somewhat baffled at the proliferation of random days like this and wonder why the people who create them think anyone cares. (not the real ones like Mozambique's Independence day, but the ones like tennis shoe day and national strawberry parfait day.) But then I remember that I have a friend who regularly emails me about them, especially when the day has something to do with food like national donut day or whatever. (I'm surprised strawberry parfait day slipped her notice. i'm sure she would've had one if she'd known!)

It reminds me of my reaction when I was a teenager and my state (colorado) named an official state dinosaur. (The Colorado map I still have has it shown among all the other things like the state flower). I have to admit, in checking to see what my homestate's dinosaur actually is (stegasaurus) I was disappointed to learn that Colorado is not the only one to have named a state dinosaur... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._state_dinosaurs I am, however, pleased to see that the other 5 states all named their dinosaurs after Colorado! And I also noted that Colorado's is the only one with cool spikes all up and down it's back!

6-27-13, 6:43pm
From the wiki article on dinosaurs:
"In 1998, the legislature of Arizona was unable to decide on a state dinosaur, or indeed a state fossil."
You wouldn't think it would be that hard! Oh, the woes of politicians.

6-27-13, 7:02pm
Oh I missed my opportunity to thump an elf. Drats always late :-) Of course if it was Legolas....well .....:devil::devil: