View Full Version : This blog and book looks interesting for simple livers

2-28-11, 11:32am
Anyone read this book?

2-28-11, 4:18pm
Interesting looking site but no, I have not read the book.

2-28-11, 8:17pm
oh, GREAT, pinkytoe.....thank you for causing me to lose several hours today reading this guy's blog, and getting ready to order his book to give to a friend (after I read it myself, hahahaha).

I love the philosophy, much like YMOYL, but probably even more radical. It's also something that I've long thought about, and have advised several young college graduates with their first well paying jobs, to keep living as though they were poor graduate students for just a handful of years, sock that money away early, most of their takehome pay if possible, and they'd find themselves in a very enviable position at a very young age, with freedom and options........

Most will not take the really radical jump he's talking about, but even a partial adherence to these principles would be really great for folks. Very, very interesting man.

Thanks so much for putting this link on the forums.

3-1-11, 12:39pm
I am watching my 27 yo daughter travel down the consumerist path. She will have none of my simple ways so she will have to learn on her own. She makes a good salary but has saddled herself with student debt, car loan, and is now looking for a house to buy. Looking back, we did the exact same thing and are now playing catch up in our 50s which is not fun.