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Zoe Girl
6-29-13, 10:46am
Ahh here is the crazy intuition again. So yesterday morning I was trying to make my sandwich to take on our field trip. It was to the zoo so I wanted a really good sandwich (peanut butter and lettuce). I could NOT find the peanut butter at all, it should be in the fridge because it is natural but I really could not find it. Meanwhile I had an urge to pour a glass of diet coke as part of breakfast. Who drinks diet coke at 6:15 am? Well I decided I needed to be healthier than that and did not pour the coke. I eventually picked up some tuna fish on my way to work and my lunch was fine but it still bugged me.

Last night I poured a glass of diet coke, the peanut butter was behind it. Funny how I didn't listen and yet,,...

7-3-13, 9:28pm
I've had similar things happen. I keep thinking I'm old enough to know I should start following my intuition. Why don't I? (Retorical question :-)

7-4-13, 8:41am
I love that!! Whenever I couldn't find something, my mother used to tell me to pray to St. Anthony because he's patron saint of lost things (she wasn't entirely accurate, he's actually patron saint of lost causes)

So when I lose something I do pray to St. Anthony, but not because I'm waiting for him to answer me.. it helps me open up the channels of my intuition, take it away from my rational mind and let the intuition "speak louder."

Neat story.

Zoe Girl
7-4-13, 2:09pm
Hmm, sometimes our intuition is just weird and leads us into things that make no logical sense, so it takes some real trust in ourselves to follow it.

One of my best intuitive purchases was my old van. I had been thinking I needed a vehicle for some time, I babysat alot so I wanted 8 seatbelts and not the crammed in feeling of some mini-vans. I drove one day down a street I rarely went on, saw my astro van, bought it within 2 days, got a very good deal on the price. I drove that thing into the ground! However my ex-husband wanted to shop his way with lots of research and thoughtfulness. I let him take the lead on the purchases where that seemed best, and I didn't have an intuitive feel.