View Full Version : Johnny Depp

7-14-13, 9:34pm
Now, I count myself one of Johnny's number 1 fans. I was a huge fan of his before he was a superstar. When he made quirky choices. I always thought he was brilliant. Then he said he was thinking of getting out the biz. But then he had kids and said he wanted to make movies his kids could watch. He made pirates of the Caribbean and gave an inspired performance that was hilarious. But now, it seems, like no matter what he does, it's just another version of the same act. His range doesn't seem to change. Every 'quirky' role seems to be the same character as the one before. I feel blasphemous saying it, but cute as I find him, my admiration for him seems to wane. Anyone else feel like that?

iris lily
7-14-13, 11:12pm
Now, I count myself one of Johnny's number 1 fans. I was a huge fan of his before he was a superstar. When he made quirky choices. I always thought he was brilliant. Then he said he was thinking of getting out the biz. But then he had kids and said he wanted to make movies his kids could watch. He made pirates of the Caribbean and gave an inspired performance that was hilarious. But now, it seems, like no matter what he does, it's just another version of the same act. His range doesn't seem to change. Every 'quirky' role seems to be the same character as the one before. I feel blasphemous saying it, but cute as I find him, my admiration for him seems to wane. Anyone else feel like that?

I think that's a legitimate read of his career. I've never been a big fan although I thought he could be interesting. Other than Edward Scissorhands, which is on my Top 20 film list, I can take or leave Johnny Depp's films. But I appreciate his work on the big screen.

7-14-13, 11:53pm
I really like Johnny Depp and his movie he makes! He is a great actor and does a great work.

7-15-13, 12:21am
I've liked his work, but Lone Ranger is a very unfortunate mistake. I won't be seeing it.

7-15-13, 12:52am
I've liked his work, but Lone Ranger is a very unfortunate mistake. I won't be seeing it.

if you don't gonna see it how you know that it is a mistake?

7-15-13, 1:38am
I've liked his work, but Lone Ranger is a very unfortunate mistake. I won't be seeing it.

Can you tell me why you say that?

I really like Johnny Depp and his movie he makes! He is a great actor and does a great work.

Yes, I do also. I just wish he would show some range.

7-15-13, 1:53am
I loved the film "Dead Man".

7-15-13, 2:11am
I love the music in Dead Man also.

7-15-13, 3:41am
Can you tell me why you say that?

Yes. His very unfortunate, insulting portrayal of a so-called Comanche is really bad. I don't knowingly support racist stereotypes, especially in movies.

iris lily
7-15-13, 8:43am
if you don't gonna see it how you know that it is a mistake?

Reviews. Reviews are my friend in helping me avoid mistakes at the box office. The Lone Ranger didn't get good reviews.

7-15-13, 9:33am
Reviews. Reviews are my friend in helping me avoid mistakes at the box office. The Lone Ranger didn't get good reviews.

I read reviews and my husband does not as he likes to form his own opinion of a film and consequently we have seen many movies which have received negative viewer and critic reviews that we have liked very much. Regarding positive movie reviews, I have seen movies with many viewer and critic positive reviews and my conclusion was that they were trash. Over the years I have come to agree with my husband that seeing a movie and forming my own opinion is the way to go.

7-15-13, 9:53am
I was always surprised that people call Pirates of the Caribbean his "breakout role" because he had a huge wonderful body of work prior to that. In fact, I've never seen Pirates and I'm not interested at all. But I LOVED What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Chocolat, Edward Scissorhands, Ed Wood, Donnie Broscoe, Blow--all of which were brilliantly played before his "breakout role."

As far as Lone Ranger, I'm not interested in that movie either, simply because I never like Westerns, but, redfox, I read that he was actually made an honorary member of the Comanche Nation--so either they were not offended by his portrayal, or it was a political stunt of some kind, I guess?

I do know that some felt he should not have played a Comanche because he isn't one (although he says there is some Native American blood in his ancestry). There are PLENTY of examples of that kind of casting in Hollywood. One of my pet peeves is when a GREAT part comes along for a woman who is not attractive, they always take a beautiful woman and "uglify" her rather than giving an aesthetically-challenged but talented woman a chance. There have to be millions who fall into that category. So if that's what you're talking about, I would have to agree.

iris lilies
7-15-13, 10:50am
I read reviews and my husband does not as he likes to form his own opinion of a film and consequently we have seen many movies which have received negative viewer and critic reviews that we have liked very much. Regarding positive movie reviews, I have seen movies with many viewer and critic positive reviews and my conclusion was that they were trash. Over the years I have come to agree with my husband that seeing a movie and forming my own opinion is the way to go.

But here's the thing: I can't see every movie. I have to choose which ones I'll use my time on because I watch a lot of film, a lot. I watched 3 in the past 3 days, for instance and none of them were steller, and all of them had okay to good reviews but none were rated great, and I agree.

I use reviews to winnow down to the titles that I want to see. I like our local reveiwer at the newspaper here, he is a good guide. There are many films that get 3 or 4 stars out of 4 and I still won't go to see them because I don't like that type of film. Just because it gets a good rating doesn't mean that I'll see it. And the converse is true, there are plenty of films that get 2 to 3 stars but if it is the type of film that I like, I'll see it. For instance I seldom miss English costume dramas regardless of the review. I would not miss Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke's 3rd installment in their relationship saga, Before Midnight, regardless of the review (but it got great reviews, yay!) But I will not go to see any of the Batman or action flicks regardless of the review, I don't like them and am bored by them.

A review tells what the film is about and gives a sense of the production. I find them very helpful. And there are times when I will stop a dvd I'm watching, and go to IMDB to see what others are thinking about the film, to find out a plot thing that I missed, or sometimes to get confirmation of what I am thinking about the film.

The Storyteller
7-15-13, 11:10am
Yes. His very unfortunate, insulting portrayal of a so-called Comanche is really bad. I don't knowingly support racist stereotypes, especially in movies.

The Comanche tribe certainly doesn't feel that way.

http://www.tulsaworld.com/article.aspx/Lawton_rolls_out_the_red_carpet_for_Johnny_Depp_fo r/20130622_12_0_LAWTON921993?subj=1

The Storyteller
7-15-13, 11:12am
I loved him in this one...


7-15-13, 11:54am
I loved Jonney Depp when I saw him in "Platoon" and later in just about everything else - all of the Tim Burton stuff but not so much the Pirates stuff.

7-15-13, 12:30pm
But here's the thing: I can't see every movie. I have to choose which ones I'll use my time on because I watch a lot of film, a lot. I watched 3 in the past 3 days, for instance and none of them were steller, and all of them had okay to good reviews but none were rated great, and I agree..
I can see where it depends on the depth of involvement. We seen 4 or 5 movies a year at a theater and will get dvd's from the library occasionally so movies are not that important to us. For us, movies are fun entertainment and an escape from the everyday but we are not serious film people, we just watch it then it's over.

7-15-13, 1:40pm
The Comanche tribe certainly doesn't feel that way.

http://www.tulsaworld.com/article.aspx/Lawton_rolls_out_the_red_carpet_for_Johnny_Depp_fo r/20130622_12_0_LAWTON921993?subj=1

SOME of the Comanche feel that way. The Indian communities I am friends with are universally horrified & disgusted. There are a lot of interesting commentaries & analyses of Depp's choices in Indian world. Check them out.

And, like IL, I choose carefully how I spend my $$ on movies, and they better be durn good.

The Storyteller
7-15-13, 3:42pm
SOME of the Comanche feel that way. The Indian communities I am friends with are universally horrified & disgusted. There are a lot of interesting commentaries & analyses of Depp's choices in Indian world. Check them out.

Well, I live in Indian country, so I don't have to. I just listen to my neighbors. Most of the folks around here seem delighted, among several different nations. In fact, I have yet to hear a single complaint or observe a single protest.

I realize there are likely individuals (possibly many) who feel differently, but that should be expected of any group. To say otherwise is to stereotype. The Comanche nation itself, however, loved it, particularly the leadership.

As to spending my hard earned money... I'll wait for Netflix or the cheap seats, more because it was fairly universally panned by the critics. The only apparent bright spot of the film was Depp's performance, and that just isn't enough for me to spend my money.

7-15-13, 3:45pm
Yes. His very unfortunate, insulting portrayal of a so-called Comanche is really bad. I don't knowingly support racist stereotypes, especially in movies.

How is it bad?

7-15-13, 3:50pm
I was always surprised that people call Pirates of the Caribbean his "breakout role" because he had a huge wonderful body of work prior to that. In fact, I've never seen Pirates and I'm not interested at all.

It was. It doesn't matter that he had a huge repetoire of work before that. And I was a fan of his BEFORE pirates. The truth of the matter is, Depp was always considered a bit 'out there' by mainstream viewers. He was never a so called A list actor. Now, look up A list actors and he's number 1 or 2. I'm not saying that makes him good or better, only that it brought him to the mainstream.

Not having seen this latest, I am wondering what people feel is the negative stereo typing Depp is doing to this character?

7-16-13, 12:23am
Reviews. Reviews are my friend in helping me avoid mistakes at the box office. The Lone Ranger didn't get good reviews.

If I just would go to movies with good reviews I would go to no movie at all I think:) And I don't want to depend what others are saying. I want to make my own opinion. Because going to a movie is always a joy, there is always something new. So I think it is never a mistake...

The Storyteller
9-29-13, 8:38am
Well, we saw The Lone Ranger last night at the cheap seats. We both thought it was fun fluff and Depp was great in it.

9-29-13, 1:28pm
How is it bad?

Good writing about this here:


"Tonto speak summary: Indians during this time wild and dangerous. Indians all the same, kemosabe. Indians especially magical. Squint eyes and you will see, Utah can be Texas."

"...I was distracted by the fact that Gil Birmingham, who actually *is* Comanche was sitting there with face and body paint on and doesn’t. have. any. lines. My dad compared it to Civil War movies where they have the Black regiment march by in a scene as a “oh, see, we thought about the POC!” moment. I feel like his cameo was an attempt to show they had Native actor involvement despite the lack of any depth of character."

iris lilies
9-29-13, 1:35pm
..." I feel like his cameo was an attempt to show they had Native actor involvement despite the lack of any depth of character."

The entire film was panned. It's unlikely that there was much of any character development in ANYONE who appears on screen including the main characters. This is Equal opportunity bad writing, doncha know.

9-29-13, 2:17pm
The entire film was panned. It's unlikely that there was much of any character development in ANYONE who appears on screen including the main characters. This is Equal opportunity bad writing, doncha know.

Sadly... and, referencing your earlier post of being discerning about the rather expensive evening that is a movie out... I am happy to have skipped this one!

The Storyteller
9-30-13, 11:27am
Cost us 6 bucks.

With the coke. :D

9-30-13, 1:39pm
Well...I had a huge (and I mean huge) obsessed crush on him a few years back. I just HAD to see every movie he made. What put the end to it?

"Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory." I just hated him in that role. I don't know why, exactly, it put an end to my crush...but it did. I hated the whole movie, as a matter of fact.

I think his earlier roles are the best. I especially liked "Gilbert Grape."

10-4-13, 12:55am
Well...I had a huge (and I mean huge) obsessed crush on him a few years back. I just HAD to see every movie he made. What put the end to it?

"Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory." I just hated him in that role. I don't know why, exactly, it put an end to my crush...but it did. I hated the whole movie, as a matter of fact.

I think his earlier roles are the best. I especially liked "Gilbert Grape."

I'm a fan of Gilbert Grape too. I don't know if it's for Johnny as much as loving the story.