View Full Version : Detroit Bikes
I am in love with these bikes:
A tiny ray of light (and pride) from my hometown, a really beautiful machine, and not expensive. If I hadn't just bought a bike last winter I'd be ordering one of these now. Makes me smile.
That is a nice lookin' bike.
Those are pretty. I hope they succeed. I'd love to see Detroit turn itself around based on sustainable urban low impact development models. This is a great piece.
$550 for a basic one gear bike does seem a bit pricey to me, though. Flying Pigeons and other classic Chinese bikes that are similar go for $100-200.
Great to have things made locally!!
8-17-13, 10:18am
I like the fact that it is made totally in the US, but I'm not sure I'm $500 glad. Maybe after some reviews of the production model I'll change my mind.
My first adult bike was an early 70's Schwinn Continental and I've owned a dozen or more bikes over the years. I get excited with the next wave of bike trends and technology and these look nice, plus it is great to see some new growth in Detroit.
At least from my experience, the cost of a quality new bike that is built to last starts in the $400-$500 range so I think these are priced well if they are made well. I have not quite understood the single speed bike trend (I think these are called "fixies"), especially any where with hills. These at least have 3 speeds. Bikes tend to depreciate like cars and I tend to buy nice used bikes off Craig's list. It is surprizing how many bikes come up that were bought new, ridden a few times and then stored in the basement or garage for several years.
Ferndale on 9 mile, I am forsure stopping by there to check one out. Not a bad price and I am sure Kid Rock is proud, Made in Detroit! I am from all over that side of Michigan. Poor old Detroit, is all one can say that is from this area. I just stare out the window as we drive 94 though there on the way to Mom's. the old burned out homes, factories and churches. I think every time, those were lived in and used by people that must have been so proud. There are some good ideas happening for Detroit, but with BK/crime and everything else I wonder how/when and if it is possible to bring Detroit back.
8-19-13, 12:16am
Single speed and cruiser style, about all I see those being good for, is to toss those cheap Chinese motor's on (haven't seen a USA made one yet, that isn't an antique), to make something between a Whizzer, and antique motorcycle.
That's a beautiful bike. And while out of my price range, I've seen bike prices and it's not bad. I'd love to have one. I wonder how it does on hills.
Love the idea of a new bike but when I got together with the four nearest neighbors, I found out that three of them had their bikes stolen.
The police told to chain it to the wall inside the locked garage and better yet "take it inside and upstairs." Does that give you any idea of the problem we have with theft of bikes? We decided we all will only get $20 or so used simple bikes from now on.
8-19-13, 7:56am
Sure is a pretty bike, I like the name and the fact that is it made in Detroit. For flatlands it would be ideal but with the hills around where I live I will stick with my 21 speed mountain bike.
Looks like a 3 speed, isn't it?
I've been looking for a used bike (if which I know very little) since I haven't had one in thirty years. I borrowed dd's a few weeks back and riding around and coasting down hills felt like flying - what had I been missing all those years! The Detroit model looks like a nice sturdy bike and would be a fair price for those who can afford it. I thought this article about Copenhagen was interesting; they mostly use cruisers:
Looks like a 3 speed, isn't it?
Apparently it is supposed to be a 3-speed. And I agree with goldensmom that it sure isn't for a place that has hills. From my house, it's an evil hill climb to get to pretty much anywhere, so this would just be for city cruising. Ah well, some day there will be used ones out there...
Love the idea of a new bike but when I got together with the four nearest neighbors, I found out that three of them had their bikes stolen.
The police told to chain it to the wall inside the locked garage and better yet "take it inside and upstairs." Does that give you any idea of the problem we have with theft of bikes? We decided we all will only get $20 or so used simple bikes from now on.
There is no such thing where I am. Even used bikes are expensive.
My local bike shop had one in the window. I went right in Monday. Very cool looking bike. Not in a mixie style till next year my bike mechanic told me. But then I will get one to add to my collection of bikes. I do hope the company can make a go of it. Very fair priced also in the $500ish range. We spoke of the price and my mechanic said that is a average starting price of most their bikes.
Ok I could not wait. I bought it today. I am in love with this bike. Light weight. Smooth as butter riding and shifting. Three speed internal hub, thought I would have issues, but took every hill home and no problems. I took it for a twenty mile ride it was so nice. My Treks may collect dust now. I will hit my 4,000 miles this year since it is fun to ride. I am taking it to TN with me next week. I am sure to have some conversations with others about it. Sure it will be the only one there.
Cons for me, no quick release rims, so flat will require more work. Do not know how to change the back tire on this bike, but will learn.
Not a con, but something fun. Being internal hub it has coaster breaks. I have not used that since I was 9. I put the breaks on by accident a few times today.
ctg, I am green with envy! I hope they can make a go of it too, along with all the other small businesses that are trying to get started in Detroit.
My bike mechanic toured the plant when he picked up the bikes. The plant has the capabilities of 100 bikes a day. Currently the entire bike is made in Detroit except the forks and the Shimano gears. Next year the forks will be produced in Detroit too.
Headed out after the fog lifts, I feel like a kid with her first bike:cool:
Cool. Good to know it is multi-speed rear hub; anything over a 3 three percent grade will make you sweat without low gears. How about a rack, bag and spare tube, with CO2 inflator? A commuter bike needs to be able to carry "stuff" you might bring along.
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